Crowdsourced measurement framework
I'm confident that the wisdom of the crowd can crack public relations measurement framework. Here's a bid to crowdsource a comprehensive and practical how to glossary. What have I missed? Please add your thoughts and comments.
Content volumes
Paid, earned and shared distribution and reach
Engagement: RT and comments
Content tone
Use of key messages in third party media
Customer Service[a]
Sharing volumes
Share of voice
In-bound links
Dwell time
Search volumes [d]
Influencer score
Industry/field recognition
Email open and click-through-rates
Sentiment: positive or negative
Brand perception
Channel behaviour
Referral traffic
Share of Non brand Organic Search
Landing page hit[f]
New audiences
Reviews or recommendation[g]
Comprehension (does the public understand the message?)
Downloads[h] - this is called Leads
Engagement and conversations -e.g. on a consultation, vote or ideas given
Establishing, retaining and building customer/client/membership trust
Directly attributable actions - such as signing a petition
Sales conversations
Satisfaction rating
Attributed sales
Leads and sign-ups - this needs to Marketing Qualified or Sales Qualified leads (MQLs and SQLs), normal leads (ie an email in your database) is in the above
MQLs closed into customers - sales volume, i.e. money
Unique coupons
Unique phone numbers[i]
Attitudinal or behaviour change: (pre and post campaign questionnaires)
Share price increase
Retention: customer, staff
Submissions or applications
Awareness levels[j]
Return on investment
Socio-economic improvements like reductions in anti-social behaviour (maybe could just be put under attitude or behaviour change) Thinking public sector here particularly
Stakeholder NPR[k]
Portfolio growth by mergers and/or pop acquisitions; attraction of further capital investments (hedge funds etc.)
Improved business efficiency / processes / safety / achieving strategic business objs - internal comms
Employees - better recruitment and retention, sickness absence reduced - internal comms
GCS Measurement Evaluation User Guide - Government Communication Service Guidance
Dictionary of public relations research and measurement, third edition, 2013 - Institute for Public Relations
Rafał Sałak
Caroline Black
Ged Carroll
Adam Cranfield
[a]Some particular CS activities may may serve PR aims, yet should be preceded with a proper stimulation (training?) by PR. See Spotify CS and their personalized playlists with hidden messages created for random users.
[b]For meaningful insight/evaluation most of these require context in terms of *who* your target audiences are e.g. Followers, sharing volumes, share of voice, influencers, search volumes, referrals, sentiment etc
A lot of analysis (particularly using monitoring/analytics platforms) takes a broadcast approach that makes no allowance for audience and deals in absolute measures. E.g. Share of Voice based on mentions of a brand versus its competitors, but with no consideration of the relevance of who those mentions were by.
[d]Again it depends on what you're trying to achieve, search volumes are not a bad proxy for what ad men would call interest and walkability. It could also be a distinct call to action in its own right
[e]Not necessarily a vanity metric. It depends on the objectives and how it fits into the overall marketing media plan. The work I am doing at the moment in the FMCG space means that I am focused on reach and brand repetition - whether its television advertising, online advertising or something else.
[f]belongs in the category above?
[g]just another form of coverage? (but from punters rather than journos) - so probably belongs in the same category as "articles"?
[h]belongs in category above? (Eg I might download something and yet it has no positive effect for the brand)
[i]just buy a phone book?!
[j]Arguably belongs in the intermediary outcomes list? It's obviously a key one, but awareness is only a precursor to sales or behaviour change.
[k]Stakeholder netpromoter rating is a proxy for looking at reputation change over time. However it is hard to boil this down to PR related tactics alone.