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OpenLab Final Project: Final Exam Study Guide Grading Rubric
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MAT 1272 Statistics, CityTech, Mr. Reitz, Spr2013

OpenLab Final Project: Final Exam Study Guide

Grading Rubric






Does not fully meet


Partially meets


Does not meet


Solve the problem

Solution consists of correct steps completed in proper order, all calculations are correct.

Correct steps, minor errors in calculations.

Correct overall strategy, may contain missing/incorrect step(s).  Calculations are largely correct.

Some correct steps and calculations but overall strategy flawed or missing.

Overall strategy is not appropriate to the problem.  Errors in calculations.


Explain your solution

Clear explanation of the problem, providing motivation for each step as well as “big picture” understanding.  May include tips to avoid common errors and distinguish between similar problems.

Clear step-by-step explanation.  Includes some, but not all, of: motivation, “big picture” understanding, tips to avoid errors and distinguish between similar problems.

Correct explanations are provided for most steps. Some additional explanatory material is provided.

Some correct explanation is provided.

Minimal or incorrect explanation.


Post your project on the OpenLab

Project is submitted in new blog post with proper use of text formatting tools, correctly tagged.  Includes name, problem, solution and explanation.

Project appears in new post, includes name, problem, solution and explanation.  May contain minor formatting / tagging errors.

Project appears in new post, includes most required information, may have some formatting errors and missing tags.

Project appears in new post, contains some required information.  May have formatting / tagging errors.

Project does not appear in new post, or includes only minimal information.