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Temperature change
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Assignment based: Glencoe Physical & Earth Science Chapter Resources-The Nature of Science                Updated: 11/13/2014

Subject: Science

Unit:  Science Skills

Section: Measurement

Assignment title: Temperature change over time[1]

Points:  40

Prerequisite:  At least one activity in each area: lab equipment; measurement; PLUS Graphing Basics

Performance target:  generate a data set then organize, visually represent, analyze, and draw conclusions based on a data set

Tools  specified lab equipment [or at home equivalent], ruler, graph paper, print out or YOUR Google Drive


  1. Gather supplies
  1. 400 ml beaker              200 ml beaker                        graduated cylinder          triple beam balance        
  2. thermometer                stop watch/cell phone                table salt                 ice        
  3. scoop                        small square of paper towel        stirring rod
  1. Clean pan and calibrate triple beam balance
  1. Place paper towel square on scale...get mass
  2. Move scale sliders 11 grams further than where they are now
  3. Using scoop, add salt to paper towel until scale is balanced [this will be 11 g of salt]
  1. Fill 400 ml beaker with 200ml of water
  1. Add several ice chunks and 11 g salt
  2. Stir
  1. Fill 200 ml beaker with 150 ml of water
  1. Place smaller beaker into the larger beaker
  1. Ready stop watch/cell phone timer
  2. Place thermometer into 250 ml  beaker
  1. Enter starting temperature into table at time 0
  2. Write down temperature change every 30 seconds for 5 minutes
  1. Complete the remainder of the worksheet [below]

Evidence & expectations to be met:

Create total lab write up in Google Drive [table, graph, written work, & image] for 15 point bonus

  1. Photo/video[2] of lab in action [10]
  1. If doing a video add:
  1. Title and science explorers names [you, your partner]
  2. Edit in still images or active video  images of data table and graph
  1. narration explaining what we are seeing
  2. fingers or pencils pointing at information
  1. Add voice over narration to explain the experiment and to address the analysis questions
  1. Graph  [15]
  1. Created from the data collected [page 2]
  2. Use graph paper or Google Drive sheets
  1. if using sheets transfer data into sheets and use the chart tool to make graph
  1. copy/paste table and graph into doc if use Drive for your lab write up
  1. Title, variables are represented on the correct axes and are labeled
  2. scale fits all the data, interval makes sense and evenly spaced
  3. Data points are clear, line was created using a straight edge
  1. Analysis of results [15]
  1. answers are in full sentences and respond to what is being asked














Temp in C

What is the independent variable?

What is the dependent variable?

Describe what you saw happening to the beakers, the temperature, the ice, etc.,.  LOTS OF ADJECTIVES

Analysis questions

What direction is the line going [right to left; left to right..up or down...or hilly]

Describe the way the line changes over time [did it flatten out , rise sharply, drop suddenly, waver up and down?]

Based on your graph what can you infer about the amount of change in water temperature over time?

Were there any data points that were outliers?  [way off from the rest of your data?]    Yes    No

If yes, provide a hypothesis that could explain why that/those data point[s] were off:

If you were to do this experiment again, what would you want to find out?

[1] Double point value:  Set this lab up again to answer the following question:  Does the temperature change faster because of the salt in the water?

[2] 25 point bonus for video lab reports [must meet other expectations]; and cannot get on top of written bonus