Fawnae Adopts ‘Honorable Mention’ system.

  Hello!  Welcome to the guide to our honorable mention system.

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If you’re here, I’m assuming it's because you really made the Fawnaes fawn for you!
Perhaps that’s too poor of a pun, given the circumstances… But I digress.

In our Honorable Mention system, HMs are referred to as FF Points, which stands for ‘Fawnae Flattery’.  FF Points are given out by artists of the given comp, for if/when they feel a participant is truly deserving of some recognition!  Artists are not obligated to reward participants FF Points; please do not badger our artists if they decide against it.

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“How do I use my FF Points?”

If you have enough points, you may make a purchase from our shop with said points.  When filling out a form, please list ‘
FF Points’ in the ‘payment method’ section of the form.  You will still be expected to add up your subtotal; please use the conversion rate below when paying with FF Points.

Once a user within our community has garnered enough FF Points, they can trade it in for one or more items in the shop.  Listed below are the (current) items you can trade in with your FF Points.

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FF Points Conversion rate:

1FF Point = $2 USD

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                4 FF Points: 1x Standard MYO

                10 FF Points: 1x Limited Common MYO

                20 FF Points: 1x Unlimited Common MYO

                30 FF Points: 1x Limited Uncommon MYO

                60 FF Points: 1x Unlimited Uncommon MYO

                70 FF Points: 1x Limited Rare MYO

                140 FF Points: 1x Unlimited Rare MYO

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