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Gallimaufry Tech Rider - Concerts only (4-person)
Updated automatically every 5 minutes


Contract Rider (concerts only)

Band info:         email:



Brian Lindsay: 516-732-5994,

Alex Sturbaum: 513-368-6729,        

Donal Sheets: 716-255-3407,

Arthur Davis: 802-380-0775,

Thank you for considering Gallimaufry for your event.  Below are details on our preferred setup, method of pay, and other details.  If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.


Gallimaufry is pronounced  /ˌgaləˈmôfrē/ (“gal-uh-MAH-free” if dictionary IPA isn’t your thing).

If your dance or venue records or photographs the events please send us copies when possible.  


When possible please split the pay equally among band members by individual check.  If only one check is being written, pay to the order of Donal Sheets.  


We prefer to handle our own sales of CD’s and any other merchandise. If you will be staffing a merchandise table at your event, please let us know ahead of time. We expect to be able to sell our merchandise at breaks and before/after the event, and anything your event organizers can do to promote that is greatly appreciated.

Running our own sound

We are capable of setting up and running our own sound system, however we need to know ahead of time and an additional sum will be added to our fee.

Housing and Dining
If you are providing us with housing or dining, thank you very much! The band has no allergies, but please keep in mind that we do have one vegetarian. We are comfortable sharing large beds, and are generally quite flexible with sleeping arrangements.

Gallimaufry prefers to use our own on-stage mixer to run our monitors and mute channels when necessary. Each channel will be sent through to the hall mixer. We find that running our own monitors makes our on-stage experience more consistent, and allows venue sound technicians to focus on perfecting the sound in the hall. We will provide all of our own mics and cables, and you will receive the following inputs. We will need 5 adjustable boom mic stands.


1. Fiddle

2. Brian Vocal / Whistle

3. Guitar

4. Alex Vocal

5. Piano

6. Accordion

7. Banjo

8. Arthur Vocal

9. Cello

10. Mandolin