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Math: 10/20/14 to 10/24/14
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Teacher’s Name Mrs. Fundora           Subject __Math_________          Grade Pre-K1      Week of 10/20/14 to 10/24/14____________                            

Unit 1 Week 7                                                             Unit Title Exploring Patterns                              Essential Question  What can you do to continue the pattern?                      








(Lesson Focus)

What will the students know or be able to do at the end of the lesson?


How will the students demonstrate that they have accomplished the desired outcome? Please state the question that will be asked during your formative assessment.


In what activities will the students be engaged to accomplish the desired outcome? Please list in the order that you will implement.


e.g. one should be on knowledge, one on application, and one on synthesis or evaluation.








 Copy and extend rhythm and movement patterns. 

Can you repeat the pattern? 

  1. Recite a child’s name several times, clapping as as I say each syllables.
  2. Have the children join in as children become familiar with the rhythm.
  3. Repeat with with other children’s names.
  4. Model  a simple sound pattern, such as clap/snap, clap/snap.
  5. Have the children join in when they’re familiar with the pattern.
  6. Then repeat with other simple movement to form these patterns: AB, AB, AB, AB, AB, and AB.
  7. Have the children make a variety of sounds using classroom objects, such as hitting two blocks together or tapping a on the table with a pencil.
  8. Have groups form their own rhythm bands.
  9. Have the children answer the following questions: Can you repeat the pattern? How would you make that pattern? Can you create your own pattern.
  1. Can you continue the pattern?
  2. How would you create a pattern?
  3. Can you create your own pattern?








Identify, copy, and extend a simple color pattern. 

Can you repeat the pattern?


  1. The teacher will separate sheets of construction paper by color. Set each color of paper in a separate stack on a table.
  2. Ask six volunteers to stand in a line at the front of the class.
  3. Distribute a sheet of construction paper to each child to create a simple repeating pattern, such as blue/yellow, blue/yellow.
  4. Say the pattern aloud and have the children repeat after me.
  5. Then ask: What color comes next? What color completes the pattern? What other ways can you make  a pattern using the same colors?
  6. Have volunteers select the appropriate color paper from the stacks and join in the line.
  7. In order have each child say its color to tell the pattern.
  8. Keep practicing simple color patterns. 
  1. What color comes next?
  2. What color completes the pattern?
  3. What other way can you make a pattern using the same colors? (Begin the pattern with the other color)








 Identify, copy, and extend a simple shape pattern.

 What color comes next?

  1. Have six children line up at the front of the class.
  2. Give large attribute blocks to each of the first five children to begin a shape pattern , such as circle/square, circle/square, circle.
  3. Put the last block in the pattern (square) in an envelop and give it to the six child.
  4. Have the rest of the class guess what shape comes next.
  5. Distribute six attribute shapes to each child have the child create a simple two shapes pattern.
  6. Ask: What shape will you start with? Can you predict what shape comes next? Can you form another shape pattern using the same shapes? (Demonstrate) 
  1. What shape will you start with?
  2. Can you predict what shape comes next?
  3. Can you form another shape pattern using the same shapes?








 Identify, copy and extend a size pattern.

What comes next? 

  1. Display two sizes of an item, such as large and small book.
  2. Hold one each hand.
  3. Have the children say large or small as I lift one book at a time.
  4. Repeat with other objects.
  5. Model a size pattern on the chalkboard by taping up sheets of paper as follow: large/small, large/small, large/small.
  6. Say the pattern aloud and have  children repeat after me.
  7. Ask: What comes next? How can you describe a size pattern? How would you explain the pattern?
  8. Have a child choose the correct size of paper and place it on the boar.
  9. Repeat the activity, introducing more difficult patterns such as small/small/large or small/medium/ large. 
  1. What comes next?
  2. How can you describe a size pattern?
  3. How would you explain the pattern?








Use the guess-and check strategy to find the missing part of a pattern.


What is the missing object?


  1. The teacher will arrange the objects in a repeating pattern in the pocket chart. Have additional piles of the same object available. Cover one item in the middle of the pattern with a paper plate.
  2. Ask: what is missing in the pattern.
  3. Ask volunteers to  show his or her guess by placing the corresponding object in the pocket above the paper plate.
  4. Ask: Is the guess correct?
  5. The teacher will explain how to check their answer by saying the pattern aloud or by picking up the plate to see the pattern.
  6. Have the children work in groups by making and guessing the missing object.
  7. Have the children answer: What is the missing object? How do you know? (Say pattern aloud to check.) Was that the right answer? 
  1. What is the missing object?
  2. How do you know? (Say pattern aloud to check.)
  3. Was that the right answer



Bloom’s Taxonomy

 (HOTS Questions)







School Grade Weighting Scale:

Tests (40%):

Quizzes (20%):

Classwork/ Participation (15%):

Homework (5%):

Projects/ Portfolios (20%):


Vocabulary words for week:

1.                                6.

2.                                7.

3.                                8.

4.                                9.

5.                               10.

Use of Technology:

   ____ Smartboard

   ____ Student Response System