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Chapter 1
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Could this be the one?

I’m not sure. The Master has faith in him, though.

We shall watch and see.



Chapter 1

                My name is Steve. I have been living here for quite some time now. I’ve managed to make a decent life for myself despite the massive amount of monsters that constantly appear.

                On this particular morning, I awoke to the sound of chickens, and climbed out of bed. As I looked around my house I saw that everything was in order. The chest still contained my things; the torches were still hung on the walls; everything was as it should be. I made a quick check outside for creepers. Their explosions can really ruin a person’s day if you’re not careful.

                Creepers are about the size of a person, colored in a patchwork of green, and have a habit of sneaking up and exploding when you least expect it. I would very much like to study one up close and learn how they work, why they explode, and why they are hostile. But I don’t have time for that, I have other things to keep my attention.

                Seeing none, I stepped outside into my yard. I heard the sound of a skeleton burning off in the distance. It must have gotten caught in the sun.

                I’ve always wondered how the skeletons manage to hold themselves together, much less walk around and use a bow, but there are many things I do not understand about this world. Maybe I’ll study them sometime, once I’ve found a way to capture one and examine it more closely.

                I took a quick glance to see if I could spot it and saw something out of the corner of my eye. A tall black figure in the distance. An enderman.

                The endermen are tall, with extremely long arms and legs. They are completely black except for the two purple eyes set at the top of their head. The sound they make is like a bird trying to chirp and gurgle at the same time. They mostly just stand around and stare at nothing. Occasionally they like to pick up materials and place them in seemingly random places. I sometimes find the odd dirt block sitting out in the desert, or a piece of one of my structures placed in my nearby cow pasture. Even after all of the time I have spent in this world, I still do not understand them.

                The chicken pen had three eggs in it. I entered the pen and collected them, careful not to let the chickens out.

                The sheep had grown their wool back and were ready to be sheared. I grabbed my shears and set to work. After shearing all 4 sheep, I was ready to eat. I quickly scarfed down an apple and went back into my house.

                I decided to work in the mines for the remainder of the day. I’d probably be down there for a couple of days, since there isn’t much of a sense of time down there. The animals would be fine during that time.

                After collecting my tools, I proceeded down the ladder behind my house and into the mine.

                The mine would be a very dark place, if it weren’t for all of the torches placed along the walls. I discovered very quickly that monsters like to hide in the dark until someone comes near, and then catch an unsuspecting miner by surprise.

                I’ve been mining mostly outward, looking for simple ores such as coal and iron, but I decided to delve deeper into the recesses of the earth. I know from exploring caves that there are more precious materials if I go deeper.

                I reached the end of my current mine and equipped my pickaxe to chip away at the floor. I began to descend.

                After about an hour, I decided to mine outward again. Some time later I encountered a natural cave formation. I explored the cave, placing torches generously as I went, so as to find my way back.

                Inside this cave was a pool of lava with a small waterfall flowing into it. It was odd to see such contrasting features so close together. Directly beneath the water, I noticed a strange color I hadn’t seen before. It was black, but with some lighter specks scattered across it. It must have been made when the water poured out onto the lava and cooled it. I set up a stone barrier and diverted the water off of the strange stone (which I shall henceforth refer to as obsidian.) As my pick hit the stone, I could tell I wasn’t going to be able to harvest it without using my best tools. It was much harder than other stones I had mined. I thought maybe I could use it to reinforce some of my structures, or perhaps build some sort of trap to catch and hold skeletons or creepers for study.

                Luckily, I had the habit of saving a diamond pickaxe for situations just like this. It took awhile, but I finally succeeded in turning the stone into a form I could transport. Unfortunately, I also found that the water had only solidified the top layer of the lava. As I removed a section of the dark stone, I felt the heat rise as I revealed the lava underneath. I was barely able to catch the obsidian before it fell in.

                Seeing as how I had no intention of burning alive, I needed to find a way to remove or cover the new hole in the ground I was standing on. I wondered how quickly the boiling lava would harden if it came in contact with the water. Upon removing the barrier, the water flowed directly into the hole and the lava hissed violently as it hardened immediately into more obsidian. Since I now had a safe work area, I spent the next few hours mining the obsidian, closing the holes, and hauling it to the surface.

                When I returned to my house with the last load of obsidian it was night. I decided to get a good night’s rest and begin designing my trap in the morning. Just before I returned inside I saw another enderman retreating into the forest. I would like to learn more about them as well, but I’ve seen them do things as strange as teleport through terrain. I don’t think there is any way to contain them.