Petitions and email campaigns that have been added since you last visited this page have been inserted at the top of the list.  Click here to add your climate-related petition to the list 

See also Vote Earth Now’s
Current climate and environmental law petitions and letters

Global | Petition: 
World Leaders: Endorse a Fossil-Free Future | Global Citizen

To Global Leaders: As the world faces an accelerating climate crisis, the need for decisive action has never been more urgent. The upcoming UN Summit of the Future is a critical moment for international cooperation to realign with the Sustainable Development Goals and ensure a more just and equitable world.

We call on you, the world's decision-makers, to ensure the final text of the "Pact for the Future" includes a clear and unmistakable commitment to phasing out fossil fuels. It’s time to take a stand for a sustainable, equitable, and fossil-free future.

33.527 signatures on 26 July 2024

Global | Petition: 
Demand that world leaders set an end date to fossil fuels |

To stave off the worst of the climate crisis, we need a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty based on the principles of no new exploration, a managed wind down of existing production, and a just transition must be a major topic of conversation.

833,921 signatures on 26 July 2024

Global | Petition: 
Tell world leaders: Pass a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty | We don't have time

Support our pledge to demand that world leaders set an end date to, and start phasing out, fossil fuels. For our youth, our planet, and generations to come. This call is in support of and aligned with The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Global | Petition:

Urge Wealthy G20 Countries to Stop Public Funding of Fossil Fuels | Climate Reality Project

It’s time to phase out fossil fuels to stave off the worst of the climate crisis. Tell wealthy G20 countries to stop the public financing of fossil fuels.

Australia | Sign open letter: 
APA Group: don’t light the fuse on the Beetaloo carbon bomb | Market Forces

Sign the open letter: Call on APA to rule out developing any pipelines that would enable fracking in the Beetaloo Basin.

Australia | Petition:

Sign the Climate Trigger Pledge: Ask Albo to Act Now | Lock the Gate

To: Prime Minister Anthony Albanese; Cc: Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek; Climate Change Minister Chris Bowen

“I’m stepping up to join the campaign to include a ‘climate trigger’ in our national environment laws.  Almost 20 years ago, you stood up in Parliament and vowed to do just that. We are out of time.  As you said so clearly then ‘It is time for procrastination to end’. Please get the reform of our environment laws back on track, ensuring the inclusion of a climate trigger.”

2,815 signatures on 17 May 2024.

Australia | Petition:

Stop coal and gas handouts | Australian Conservation Foundation

Students paying off their HECS debts generate more than twice the government revenue than gas companies paying Australia’s gas extraction tax (Petroleum Resources Rent Tax). $4.9 billion from students, $2.3 billion from gas companies like Woodside. Petition demands: "To the Prime Minister, Energy Minister, Environment Minister and Treasurer: End coal and gas in Australia to ramp up climate action. That means: This decade, replacing existing coal, gas and uranium exports with a renewable-powered exports industry and climate-positive careers for communities. No new coal and gas projects or infrastructure. Stop spending public money on the fossil fuel industry – fund climate solutions instead."

Australia | Send an email:

Ask the Federal Government and your local council for a fossil ad ban | Fossil Ad Ban

Our local and federal governments need to show leadership and ban promotions by the companies causing climate breakdown. Fossil fuels are the new tobacco. Edit and send a prewritten letter here:

Australia | Send an email:

MasterChef, drop your dodgy gas sponsorship! | Environment Victoria

We love MasterChef, but the destructive fossil fuel industry is ruining all our fun by using the show to cook and serve their dodgy lies about ‘renewable’ gas and hydrogen. Send MasterChef a message today that you want them to lead by example and drop their greenwashing partnership with their fossil fuel sponsor, the Australian Gas Network.

Australia | Send an email:

Help secure a climate win: Urge your MP to voce ‘YES’ today! | Climate Council

After years of campaigning, the New Vehicle Efficiency Standard will be voted on in Parliament in the coming weeks. We are so close to getting this important climate policy over the finish line. Use our tool to email your MP today to tell them you support New Vehicle Efficiency Standards and want them to say ‘yes’ in the upcoming vote.

Australia | Petition:

Stop the promotion of climate-damaging fossil fuels | Comms Declare

The marketing, advertising, PR and media industries must stop promoting activities that are increasing greenhouse gas pollution and putting us on a path to a dangerous climate. We ask you to urgently: publicly acknowledge the climate crisis, commit to an industry target of 45-65% emissions reductions by 2030 and net zero by 2050, create greater understanding about greenwashing, climate minimisation and misdirection, and encourage greater transparency and accountability around fossil fuel promotions.

6,691 signatures on 1 May 2024

Global | Petition:

Tell Microsoft to stop greenwashing its way out of climate action |

Back in 2020, the tech giant made a commitment to reduce its emissions to carbon negative by 2030. And yet, Microsoft’s emissions have actually increased by 43%. This is the type of corporate tomfoolery we have no time or patience for. We are calling on Microsoft to commit to reducing its emissions, especially in its supply chain. Will you join us?

USA | Petition:

President Biden: It’s about damn time. Declare a climate emergency | Climate Hawks Vote

“President Biden – It’s not too late, and none too early to declare a climate emergency. Do it for the climate. Do it for the politics. Just do it.”

2,887 signatures collected on 1 May 2024

USA | Petition:

Biden: Declare a climate emergency | Sunrise Movement, Fridays For Future US

Unleash the full power of the presidency to expand clean energy production and boost green, good-paying jobs that benefit the working class and people of color facing the worst of the climate crisis. Halt new fossil fuel development, prosecute fossil fuel companies and other polluters for their role in creating the climate crisis and misleading the public, and ban crude oil and gas exports. Add your name to call on President Biden to declare a climate emergency now.

50,861 supporters on 1 May 2024

Australia | Send an email:

Save Scott Reef | Greenpeace, Conservation Council of WA & Environs Kimberley

Scott Reef is under threat from Woodside's monstrous Burrup Hub. Make sure the Federal Environment Minister, Tanya Plibersek, and your local MPs know that you’re deeply opposed to Woodside’s disastrous plans. Our handy tool can send an email on your behalf in just a few clicks.

Australia | Send an email:

Support households to electrify everything | Rewiring Australia

Tell your MP you want the government to commit to an ambitious yet achievable scheme that will help all Australian households afford to create their solar electric home.

Australia | Send an email:

Don’t let coal & gas win from new Environment Laws | Lock the Gate

Send a message to Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek and the Department of Environment using our form. Together we can ensure that new environmental laws don’t benefit coal & gas companies. Personalise the message by adding a sentence or two of your own or changing the subject line.
217 emails sent on 26 March 2024.

Australia | Make a submission:

Contribute viewpoints to the Government’s reform of environmental laws | Bushfire Survivors for Climate Action

The Environmental Protection & Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act is the Australian Federal Government’s main environmental protection law, and it's currently undergoing a major reform. We have prepared a guide to help you prepare your thoughts, navigate the submission process and share your opinion with the Government - step by step, in minutes. You have until 30 March 2024.

Australia | Petition:

Secure our energy future: Australia must implement Fuel Efficiency Standards | Deborah Thornton

Petition to call on the Federal Government to #AdoptFuelStandards and in doing so, bring us up to the same standards enjoyed by the rest of the world.

12,862 signatures on 19 March 2024.

Australia | Petition:

Don’t frack the NT | AYCC

Call on Minister Plibersek to protect water by calling in and rejecting Tamboran's fracking project for assessment.

Global | Sign open letter: 
Shell: your lawsuit is an outrage! | Greenpeace UK

“We will not be silenced! Help us submit evidence that shows ordinary people will not back down to Shell’s intimidation.” Sign the open letter:

Victoria | Send an email:

Premier Jacinta Allan - Make sure Victoria is Climate Ready! | Friends of the Earth Melbourne

We're calling on the Allan Labor Government to make sure Victoria is "climate ready" - by tackling emissions and giving the community what they need to protect themselves in the face of climate disasters. In 2024 climate action is more important than ever, and Victoria needs to continue to lead the nation on mitigation and climate disaster readiness that protects communities and ecosystems.

Australia | Sign open letter: 
An Open Letter from Australian Scientists - No New Fossil Fuel Projects | The Australia Institute

We call on the Australian Government to follow the advice of the world’s scientists and prevent any further new coal and gas developments in Australia. Add your name to our open letter:
4,000 signatures on 20 March 2023. 7,915 signatures on 20 February 2024.

Australia | Sign open letter: 
Super Funds have power to hold polluters to account | Australian Conservation Foundation

As members of the largest super funds in Australia we call on our funds to urgently use their shareholder rights to drive deep and genuine emission reductions from Australia’s biggest polluters and take action to drive the shift to renewable energy and align the economy to limit warming to 1.5 degrees.
3,574 signatures on 12 February 2024.

Australia | Petition: 
Increase the Petroleum Resource Rent Tax | The Australia Institute

Australia Institute research shows that strengthening this tax will raise billions of dollars for essential public services and provide support as we deal with the increasing impacts of the climate crisis. We urge you to amend and increase the Petroleum Resource Rent Tax to ensure it delivers for all Australians.
8,642 signatures on 12 February 2024. 11,168 signatures on 26 February 2024.

Australia | Sign open letter: 
Open Letter: Protect all communities by supporting Australia’s move to safer, renewable energy | Bushfire Survivors for Climate Action

We call on you to join us to protect Australian communities and help prevent future catastrophes by supporting Australia’s move to renewable energy. Because no one else should have to go through what we’ve been through. Will you add your name in support?

Australia | Petition: 
Pause fossil fuel project approvals until national environment law is strong | Bushfire Survivors for Climate Action

Petitioning the Australian Government: We call on the Federal Government to pause all approvals for polluting new fossil fuel projects (including extensions) until our national environment law is strong, and effectively deals with climate impacts.

Victoria | Petition:
Ban oil and gas drilling in Victoria’s oceans | The Greens
Tell Victorian Labor to ban offshore oil and gas drilling in Victoria.
Seismic Blasting is destructive all by itself. The fossil fuel extraction it prepares for is disastrous.

Victoria | Support a submission:

Premier Jacinta Allan - Make sure Victoria is Climate Ready! | Friends of the Earth Melbourne

Funding decisions occur through the state budget, which will be released in May 2024. If you support Friends of the Earth Melbourne's proposals, you can sign this letter which will go to the Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan. It will help send a message to the Premier about the sort of projects the community wants to see funded through the state budget process.

Australia | Petition: 
Tell Labor: No more coal and gas | The Greens

Join us in calling on the government to commit to no more coal and gas to ensure a safe climate future for all of us. Tell Labor's Environment Minister to use her powers to stop coal, oil and gas in its tracks.

Australia | Petition: 
End coal and gas in Australia | Australian Conservation Foundation

Petitioning the Prime Minister, Energy Minister and Environment Minister: "End coal and gas in Australia to ramp up climate action. That means: This decade, replacing existing coal, gas and uranium exports with a renewable-powered exports industry and climate-positive careers for communities – No new coal and gas projects or infrastructure – Stop spending public money on the fossil fuel industry – fund climate solutions instead." 21,765 people had signed on 15 January 2024.

Australia | Send an email:

Email the Prime Minister: Stop new coal and gas | Australian Conservation Foundation

Send an email to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese asking him to stop all new coal and gas projects like fracking the Beetaloo Basin and the Middle Arm gas hub so we can all enjoy a safe climate future.

Global | Petition: 
Fossil criminals should stop drilling and start paying | Greenpeace

We demand that fossil fuel companies must: Stop their climate wrecking activities including their involvement in new fossil fuel projects. Admit and apologise for their crimes. Repair and pay for the damage they have caused.

404,933 people had signed by 14 january 2024

Australia | Petition: 
Make fossil fuel producers pay climate disaster levy | Australia Institute

Petitioning the Parliament of Australia: "We urge you to establish a National Climate Disaster Fund, funded by a levy on each tonne of all coal, gas and oil produced in Australia."
19,978 signatures on 19 December 2023

Victoria | Send an email:

Show your support for electrification | Environment Victoria

Will you send a message to your local MP, backing in the bold steps they’re taking to get Victoria off gas and urging them to do more to support households? The Victorian government’s updated Gas Substitution Roadmap has been released and it lays the groundwork for the end of methane gas use in every Victorian home.

Australia | Send an email:

Stop handouts for international coal, gas and oil projects | Australian Conservation Foundation, ACF

Send a pre-filled letter to Australia's Climate Change Minister: As the leader of Australia’s delegation at COP28 in Dubai, you must: 1. Sign the Glasgow Statement and rule out Australia providing finance for international coal, gas and oil projects. 2. Implement mandatory best-practice methane measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) for fossil fuel projects; and develop a National Methane Plan to slash methane emissions in Australia; and 3. Continue ruling out nuclear power for Australia. Nuclear is a high cost, high risk pipe dream and a distraction from real renewable energy climate solutions.

Australia | Send an email:

Email your MP and ask: when will the government deliver clean transport policy? | Greenpeace

Tell your MP you want strong pollution caps.

Global | Petition: 
Tell tech companies to stop burning fossil fuels |

Brands like Samsung, Microsoft and Google can help drive a global transition to clean energy and help fight climate chaos - or they can fuel it. Tell tech companies to commit to 100% renewable energy in their supply chains by 2030.

Global | Support an Open Letter: 
Sign the open letter for COP28: leaders of the world must protect human rights | ClientEarth

The International Court of Justice – the world’s highest court - will soon clarify what States are obliged under international law to do to protect the climate system and safeguard human rights from the impacts of climate breakdown. Stand with us and help secure the legal clarity that is imperative for effective global action. The open letter will be presented to nation representatives at COP28 at the end of November 2023 to galvanise action.

Australia | Send an email:

Climate action now - $100 billion for renewables | Australian Conservation Foundation, ACF

Join environment groups, industry and unions in calling Treasurer Jim Chalmers to invest $100 billion in renewable energy over ten years to accelerate Australia’s much-needed phase-out of climate-wrecking fossil fuels – send an email to the Treasurer, now.

Australia | Petition: 
Make rich polluters pay | OXFAM Australia

Join us in demanding climate justice by: Urging Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers to properly tax rich polluters now. Advocating for funds from the rich polluters tax to go to supporting communities in our region already experiencing the destructive impacts of climate change. Calling for an immediate end to all new fossil fuel projects and subsidies, and a plan to phase out all fossil fuels in Australia.

5,933 had signed on 22 November 2023.

Australia | Send an email:

Email your energy minister: polluters must pay | AYCC

On 24 November 2023, Chris Bowen is bringing together climate and energy ministers from every state and territory. This is our chance to make sure our demand is on the agenda: polluters must pay. The pollution from the Beetaloo basin alone would be equal to that of over 50 coal fired power stations! It’s time for the Albanese government to live up to their climate promises - and take action for a safe climate future.

Australia | Send an email:

Don't weaken ocean protection laws! | Greenpeace

Tell Resources Minister Madeleine King to protect our oceans from dirty gas. Can you take 2 minutes to tell the government you want our oceans to be protected?

Compose your email: Our pre-filled form makes it really easy to email Resources Minister Madeleine King – the person deciding what to do.

Australia | Public submisison: 
Call for a Duty of Care to young people in climate decision-making | Environment Victoria

How to make an impactful submission: The Senate Committee is taking submissions from the community through an online consultation portal until Thursday, 23rd November. You must make a submission through this portal for it to be counted. Read more…

Australia | Public submisison:
Sign on to our submission: Duty of Care Bill | Climate Council

Public officials, like government ministers, should consider current and future generations’ health and well-being when deciding to approve or publicly finance fossil fuel projects that contribute to more harmful climate change. Will you add your name to show strong public support?

Australia | Petition:
Duty of Care Petition | David Pocock
We support the Climate Change Amendment (Duty of Care and Intergenerational Equity) Bill 2023 which imposes a statutory duty on decision makers: a) To consider the likely impact of decisions that could harm the climate on the health and wellbeing of current and future children as the paramount consideration; and b) Not to make a decision that could harm the climate if the decision poses a material risk of harm to the health and wellbeing of current and future children in Australia.
We the undersigned call on the federal parliament to pass legislation that imposes this Duty of Care and act now if we want to protect the people and places we love.

Australia | Public submisison:
'How-to guide: Make a submission to the duty of care inquiry

The Federal Parliament, for the first time, is considering a Bill  to implement a duty of care to young people to take our health and wellbeing into account when making decisions that could impact the climate. This Bill is before the Senate Committee on Environment and Communications for inquiry. And you have a chance to make your voice heard in this important conversation, by making a submission to the inquiry.

Australia | Petition:
Kick out fossil fuel polluters from future climate talks | GetUp!

To: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Executive Secretary, COP President CC: Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, Minister for Foreign Affairs Senator Penny Wong, Minister for Climate Change and Energy Chris Bowen: "We urge the United Nations to ban fossil fuel corporations and their lobbyists from participating in climate summits – so negotiations can focus on a fast, fair shift from fossil fuels to protect people, not big polluter profits."

Australia | Send an email:
Make every Australian home climate safe | Parents for Climate

Email your state MP and Federal Energy Minister Chris Bowen about energy upgrades for vulnerable households: "I believe that the state government must lead the way and ensure that every home in the country is climate safe. Can you please raise my concerns with our Energy Minister, and ask them how our government is ensuring all Australians are safe from extreme heat in their own homes?"

Australia | Petition:
#ClimateHungerStrike | Gregory Andrews

The world is on the brink of climate collapse. Billions of people will die from heat stroke, starvation and fossil-fuelled disasters in our lifetimes if we don't take real and fast action. But Australia is still digging up coal and chopping down forests. I want my children to have the same future and opportunities as the decision-makers in Parliament House today. That's why I'm on a #ClimateHungerStrike until Prime Minister Anthony Albanese commits to real action. Join me in calling for a safe future.
4,500 signatures on 18 November 2023

Australia | Petition:
Pasifika activists take the world's biggest problem to the highest court | Greenpeace
Pasifika climate leaders made history by winning their campaign to take climate change to the highest court in the world this year. The campaign calls for legal consequences for big polluters and to protect the human rights of those most impacted by climate change.

"Dear Penny Wong, Please submit a strong case for climate action to the world’s highest court, so we can hold big polluters to account for the climate emergency and protect the human rights of our Pacific neighbours."

23,800 signatures on 12 November 2023.

Australia | Make a phone call:
Fix our climate laws | 350 Australia

Will you make a quick call to Minister Plibersek’s office now, asking her to protect water from frackers this year? Introduce yourself and say you’d like to leave a message for Minister Plibersek about the water trigger. Make your call count, tell us how it went. (This is a follow-up to a petition of over 50,000 signatures).

Australia | Petition:
Decarbonising transport is good for health | Climate and Health Alliance

Health professionals and community members are calling on Australia's Transport Minister Catherine King to create a healthy transport system. Thousands of Australians die from transport-related air pollution each year. “Federal Transport Minister, we are calling on you to ensure a healthy future for all Australians by creating a cleaner, greener transport system.”

Australia | Petition:
Hold fossil fuel companies accountable | The New Horizon

Fossil fuel companies have known of the climate threat since the 1970s, but they spent billions to spread misinformation and doubt. We must hold the fossil fuel industry accountable.

2,865 signatures on 19 November 2023.

Australia | Petition:
Stop the lies | Climate 200

It’s legal to lie to voters in political ads. We need to stop the lies. With a federal election coming up as soon as August next year, there is an urgent need to ensure our elections are protected against misinformation and disinformation. Voters should be armed with facts, not fallacies, when they go to the polls.

503 signatures on 6 November 2023.

New South Wales, Australia | Survey:
Draw a line in the sand for oil and gas in our ocean | Surfers for Climate

Fill out our survey and we’ll deliver a powerful message to NSW politicians to paddle deep and take the late drop for our ocean. Takes 1 minute 30 seconds.

Australia | Public submission:
Fix Our Climate Laws | 350 Australia

We've made it easy for you to write a quick submission to help stop fracking in the NT. Simply follow the prompts and hit send. Submissions will go to the Senate Standing Committees on Environment and Communications, who are conducting the inquiry into the Middle Arm Industrial Precinct. They will use these submissions to shape their recommendations for the site, including whether it should help facilitate fracking or not.

Australia  | Petition:
It's time for young people to have a say |

From climate change to housing and education young people are already experiencing these challenges first and worst, we deserve a say. Many other countries like Austria, Argentina, Brazil, Scotland and Wales have already lowered the voting age to 16, and New Zealand, Canada and Germany are following their lead. It’s now Australia’s turn.

Europe | Petition:
Make the polluters pay | YouMoveEurope

We call on the European Union to step up and ensure a safer present and future by making big polluters pay for the climate crisis. We demand new taxes on fossil fuel companies, the transport sector, finance and wealth to support communities in Europe and in the Global South in dealing with the climate crisis. It is time we act to transform our societies for a climate-safe future.

56,000 signatures on 11 October 2023

Australia | Public submission:
Have your say: Renewables and community engagement | Australian Conservation Foundation

Write a quick submission to the government’s Community Engagement Review. It takes just 5-10 minutes to speak up for renewables that benefit communities and protect nature from the worst climate damage.

Australia | Open Letter and petition:
Australia must accelerate climate action, not climate annihilation | The Australia Institute
Petitioning the Australian Government: "We call on you to follow the advice of the United Nations, the IEA and the IPCC and prevent any further new fossil fuel developments in Australia."
Over 220 of the world's leading climate scientists and eminent experts have signed the Australia Institute's open letter. 1,060 signatures on 29 September 2023.

Australia | Petition:
Clean up the act: Fix australia’s environment law | Climate Council
Climate Council, together with Bushfire Survivors for Climate Action, is calling on the Albanese Government to pause all polluting fossil fuel project approvals until our national environment law is strong, and effectively addresses climate change.

Australia | Open Letter and petition:
Support the Code for Corporate Citizenship | #SupportTheCode
Add your name to the Open Letter calling on the Australian Government to adopt The Code, Eleven words to relieve the climate emergency.

Australia | Send an email:
No more fossil fuel subsidies | Australian Conservation Foundation
Write an email to our federal Climate Change Minister Chris Bowen and ask him to: Sign the Glasgow statement, committing Australia to stop subsidising fossil fuels overseas; and stop subsidising fossil fuels here in Australia.

Australia | Petition:
Give NT Water the protection it deserves | Lock the Gate

Petition to Minister Plibersek to get urgent reforms so that the impacts of shale gas fracking on water sources is independently assessed under national environment laws.

Stop the Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain project | Greens MPs, Friends of the Earth and Save Westernport

Labor’s coal-to-hydrogen project in the Latrobe Valley is a climate disaster in the making. We request that the Legislative Council call on the Government to stop the Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain project in the Latrobe Valley and begin the urgent phase out of all existing coal projects with appropriate support for workers and communities. 3,130 signatures on 25 August 2023.

Tell energy companies to come clean about greenwashing | Australian Parents for Climate Action 

we’re taking energy giant EnergyAustralia to court. The company has been marketing electricity and gas from fossil fuels as ‘carbon neutral’, claiming they can ‘offset’ that pollution. But so-called ‘offsets’ are a type of marketing spin that enables companies to continue polluting, without making genuine cuts to their pollution. Sign the open letter:

Pause federal approvals of coal and gas projects until the new federal EPA is operating |

Bushfire Survivors for Climate Action

Will you join Bushfire Survivors for Climate Action as we call on the Federal Government, including Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, Minister Chris Bowen and Minister Tanya Plibersek, to stop approving fossil fuel projects until their promised environmental reforms - including the federal agency Environment Protection Australia (EPA) - are up and running?

Acting to protect the people and places we love | David Pocock

"We the undersigned call on the federal parliament to pass legislation that imposes this Duty of Care and act now if we want to protect the people and places we love."
Join the 4,443 people
(3 August 2023) who believe that politicians and policy makers have a duty of care to young people and future generations.

Stop the Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain project | Friends of the Earth Melbourne

Petition requesting that the Victorian Legislative Council call on the Victorian Government to stop the Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain project in the Latrobe Valley and begin the urgent phase out of all existing coal projects with appropriate support for workers and communities.
Signed by 2,700 people on 1 August 2023. Petition closes on 22 December 2023.

Enshrine a duty of care that protects our kids from climate harm | Australian Parents for Climate Action

Petitioning Federal Parliamentarians: "We ask that you support the Climate Change Amendment (Duty of Care and Intergenerational Equity) Bill 2023, and to enshrine a duty of care to protect the health and wellbeing of young and future Australians in government decision making on projects that could significantly increase greenhouse gas emissions."

Stop climate bombs in the NT | Australian Conservation Foundation

Sign the health professionals' letter to the Prime Minister. 45 incredible NT paediatricians have created a joint letter to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, demanding he stop two climate bombs in the NT – fracking the Beetaloo Basin and the Middle Arm gas hub. Add your name.

Get off gas: Email your state MP | Environment Victoria

Methane gas is expensive, bad for our climate and damages our health – and in Victoria we burn more than any other state, mostly for home heating. The good news is that efficient electric appliances can save energy, reduce our bills and cut pollution. And with targeted government support, all Victorian households could be supported to start the switch from gas. But the Victorian government needs to hear your concerns – send an email to your local MP now.

Email the Prime Minister: Stop new coal and gas | Australian Conservation Foundation

Send an email to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese asking him to stop all new coal and gas projects like fracking the Beetaloo Basin and the Middle Arm gas hub so we can all enjoy a safe climate future.

Victoria, Australia:
Stop the Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain project | Freja Leonard

Petitioning to stop the highly polluting brown-coal-to-hydrogen project in the Latrobe Valley and to begin the urgent phase out of all existing coal projects with appropriate support for workers and communities.

Signed by 2,145 on 17 July 2023. Closes on 22 Dec 2023

Tell the banks to stop financing Santos | Market Forces

Tell the big four banks to respect the wishes of Traditional Owners and ditch Santos.

Secure our energy future: Australia must implement Fuel Efficiency Standards | Deborah Thornton

Petitioning the Federal Government to implement Fuel Efficiency Standards as a matter of national urgency. New research shows that buying electric vehicles will save Australians money in the long term under new fuel efficiency standards. Support the shift to more environmentally friendly transport.

10,453 had signed the petition on 10 July 2023

Push back against gas industry lies! | GetUp!

Add your name to our sea dumping climate pollution submission:

"We are deeply concerned that the Albanese Government is supporting the gas industry’s dangerous expansion plans with this Sea Dumping legislation. Traditional Owners are saying no to fracking in the Beetaloo Basin and no to the Middle Arm gas hub, which would benefit from these laws."
Join the submission:

Tell your MP you want clean energy, not Woodside | Greenpeace

Email your MP to stand up for people, not big polluters.

No Middle Arm gas hub | GetUp!

Petitioning the Albanese Government: The Middle Arm gas hub is a disaster for communities and our climate. We demand you withdraw all support for its development, including: Securing a full Senate inquiry to shine a light on this murky project - Removing all public funding for the project - Giving all environmental approvals the independent scrutiny required - Urgently implementing federal cultural heritage legislation.

Stop fossil fuels. We want justice | Greenpeace

Petition calling on Shell to use their grotesque profits to pay up for the climate damage its driving

"We demand that fossil fuel companies must:

1. Stop their climate-wrecking activities including their involvement in new fossil fuel projects.

2. Admit and apologise for their crimes.

3. Repair and pay for the damage they have caused.”
138,763 had signed on 9 May 2023

End coal and gas in Australia | Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF)

"To the Prime Minister, Energy Minister and Environment Minister: End coal and gas in Australia to ramp up climate action. That means: This decade, replacing existing coal, gas and uranium exports with a renewable-powered exports industry and climate-positive careers for communities. No new coal and gas projects or infrastructure. Stop spending public money on the fossil fuel industry – fund climate solutions instead."

Ask Woolworths, ALDI and Coles to electrify their cars and trucks! | Greenpeace Australia

Trucks are responsible for 38% of Australia's transport emissions. By electrifying their fleets, supermarkets can go from being a pollution problem, to part of the solution. Not only is this better for the planet, it will also make our roads quieter, cleaner and healthier for all Australians. Send an email now to push Woolies, Coles and Aldi in the fast lane towards clean, electric trucks!

Keep the oil in the ground | Rowyn Alloway on

Petitioning climate minister Chris Bowen: Australia has approved 116 new fossil fuel projects. If they all proceed as planned, an extra 1.4 billion tonnes of greenhouse gas will be released into the atmosphere annually by 2030. This Earth Day will you sign Rowyn’s petition for global leaders to keep oil in the ground?

Tell Labor: voters want fracking subsidies scrapped | GetUp!

Send your Labor MP or key ministers hard-hitting data on fracking subsidies!

Stop new coal mine approvals | The Australia Institute

Approving 28 new coal mines, and the 17.9 billion tonnes of emissions they would cause, is incompatible with limiting dangerous climate change. Approving even one new coal mine is incompatible with limiting dangerous climate change. As federal Environment Minister, we urge you to reject new coal mines or expansions of existing coal mines.

Send a message to Minister Chris Bowen: Make the big polluters do their fair share | Lock the Gate

We urgently need to pressure the Albanese Government to make big polluters do their fair share. We've pre-written a message for you that asks Chris Bowen, Minister for Climate Change and Energy, to make the Safeguard Mechanism stronger. Just add your details and a subject heading then hit send.

It's time for businesses to get in the fast lane and electrify their cars and trucks! | Greenpeace

Add your name to our open letter to tell Australia's biggest businesses to clean up their transport by making the switch to renewable-powered electric cars and trucks.

Push the Government to crack down on the Dirty Dozen | Climate Council

Demand a strong Safeguard Mechanism that will set hard limits on industrial emissions and force the Dirty Dozen to make genuine cuts to their emissions, end dodgy practices that see fossil fuel corporations pay to keep on polluting by buying cheap offsets, close the door on new fossil fuel projects that would blow  the carbon budget for the Safeguard Mechanism - and make the Dirty Dozen pull their weight on reducing emissions so that regular Australians and local businesses don’t have to pick up their slack.

Tell your MP: The government must not safeguard coal | Move Beyond Coal

This is an important opportunity to push for action on methane, and impose limits on coal and gas companies expansion at the same time, but decision makers need to hear about it NOW. Write to your MP and Climate Change Minister Chris Bowen now to tell them they must fix the Safeguard Mechanism.

No new gas | Environment Centre NT

The Northern Territory should not be a sacrifice zone for the fossil fuel industry. Every new gas development contributes to the climate crisis and puts the liveability of the Northern Territory at risk. The best way to reduce emissions is to leave fossil fuels like gas in the ground. Sign the petition and let Chief Minister Natasha Fyles know that real Climate Action means No New Gas.

NAB Give Whitehaven Coal the Boot | Joey, 15, from Move Beyond Coal

School Strike for Climate together with Move Beyond Coal is calling on NAB to stop funding companies building new coal mines, like Whitehaven Coal. Whitehaven is planning to double its coal production by 2030. Add your voice to the call for NAB to stop funding Whitehaven Coal.

Australia - FrackFreeAustralia:
Write to Climate Minister Chris Bowen: Don’t give Beetaloo frackers a free pass to pollute | GetUp!

We can't let polluting gas corporations write our climate laws – and get a free pass. Your email will copy in Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek, Industry Minister Ed Husic, Resources Minister Madeleine King, and Infrastructure Minister Catherine King.

Stop fossil fuels | Greenpeace UK

"We demand that fossil fuel companies must:

1. Stop their climate-wrecking activities including their involvement in new fossil fuel projects.

2. Admit and apologise for their crimes.

3. Repair and pay for the damage they have caused.”

27,575 had signed on 7 February 2023. 106,118 had signed on 22 February 2023.

Australia - FrackFreeAustralia:
Protect water! | GetUp!

Fracking corporations are pushing to fast-track their disastrous production licences as soon as next month. If the Northern Territory Government were to kneel to the pressure, they would be breaking their promise and commitment to the 2018 Fracking Inquiry – devastating communities' drinking water.

"To the Northern Territory Government: All recommendations of the 2018 Fracking Inquiry must be implemented in full – including key protections for water. Do not grant production licences allowing fracking corporations to destroy water in the Beetaloo Basin!"

End fossil fuel subsidies and $1.9 billion to Middle Arm gas hub | GetUp!

Petitioning Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, Treasurer Jim Chalmers, Senator Katy Gallagher, Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen, and Minister for Infrastructure Catherine King, ahead of the May budget to: 1) Scrap the $1.9 billion fossil fuel subsidy for Middle Arm, 2) Ensure no new public funds for coal, oil or gas, and 3) Review all recurring fossil fuel subsidies

Stop Oil and Gas Exploration in Tas/Vic/SA - Save Our Southern Sea Country | Ally King 

We call on the elected representatives of Australia to cease any further expansion of fossil fuel exploration in  commonwealth waters adjacent to the Tasmanian, South Australian and Victorian coastline by supporting the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Amendment (Fight for Australia’s Coastline) Bill 2022.

Dirty Dozen Polluters: Pull your weight on climate | Friends of the Earth Melbourne

We ask the large fossil fuel industrial polluters to publicly commit to support at least a 43 percent reduction in total emissions (from 2005 levels) from facilities covered under the Climate Safeguard Mechanism by 2030, deliver real reductions in climate emissions and rule out the unfettered use of ‘offsets’, and seek no special deals for new coal, oil, and gas projects or for so-called ‘Emissions-Intensive & Trade-Exposed’ industries.


Get Chevron out of Australia Day | Fossil Ad Ban

Chevron is the 'diversity and inclusion' partner of the NADC as well as being the second biggest greenhouse gas polluter in history. Together, we got Shell out of Questacon. We got Santos out of the Australian Open and the Darwin Festival. Tell the NADC to drop Chevron.

Kick fossil fuels out of sports | GetUp!

By raising our voices with players and fans, together we can call on the Minister for Sport to ban fossil fuel sponsorship in sports – just like tobacco sponsorship was banned.

Victorian Liberals: Match Labor's 2035 Climate Targets! | Friends of the Earth Melbourne

The Andrews Labor government has announced that if returned to power in November at the Victorian State Election, it will set targets for Victoria of 95% renewable energy and 75-80% emissions reduction by 2035, plus move the state target of net-zero emissions forward from 2050 to 2045. The question now for the Victorian Liberal Party is whether it commits to matching these game-changing climate and energy commitments ahead of the election. Will you call on Matthew Guy and the Victorian Liberals to match (or beat!) these targets?

Let's take climate change to the world's highest court | Amnesty International

Climate justice campaigners worldwide want the world’s highest court – the International Court of Justice – to give a legal opinion on the obligations of governments to protect the human rights of present and future generations against the adverse effects of climate change. We are calling on the leaders of all United Nations member countries to vote in favour of Vanuatu’s resolution at the current UN General Assembly. Amnesty International will be delivering this petition in the lead up to the vote.


Sign the Multi-Faith Letter for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty | Greenfaith

As leaders across diverse religious and spiritual communities around the globe, we call on governments to develop and implement a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Email your MP to block Browse | Greenpeace

Woodside Energy has just asked the government to approve its plans for Browse, a monstrous gas field off the coast of Broome. Email your Labor or Independent MP or Senator now, to ask them to raise the issue with Plibersek and ask her to block Browse.

End coal and gas in Australia | Australian Conservation Foundation

petition calling on the Prime Minister, Energy Minister and Environment Minister to end coal and gas in Australia to solve the climate crisis and shift to clean energy. This decade, replacing existing coal, gas and uranium exports with a renewable-powered exports industry and climate-positive careers for communities. No new coal and gas projects or infrastructure. Stop spending public money on the fossil fuel industry – fund climate solutions instead.

We need a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty | Stand.Earth

Petitioning World leaders attending COP27 in solidarity with Pacific island nations calling for an end to fossil fuels. We need a binding Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty to stop the spread of coal, oil, and gas.

Heal Country Declaration | Seed Mob

Let's end public money handouts to fossil fuel corporations. Public money should be invested into our communities and our futures. First Nations people should be leading the solutions to the climate crisis.

Endorse our submission to ban burning native forest wood for energy in Australia | Friends of the Earth Melbourne

Burning wood emits more greenhouse gas than coal; while increasing forest degradation and hastening species extinctions. During the Victorian Climate Bill negotiations, the ALP made a commitment to look into removing a Coalition loophole from the Renewable Energy Act, which allows the destruction and burning of native forests to be classified as renewable energy. Public submissions are now open - will you sign onto our submission to the Minister?

Scrap Morrison's gas subsidies | GetUp!

Polluters must pay, not be paid. Add your name to the petition to scrap them in the October budget. Petitioning Anthony Albanese, Jim Chalmers, Katy Gallagher and Chris Bowen: "Given your government’s commitment to take stronger climate action, we urge you to scrap the $3.5 billion of the Morrison’s Government’s gas handouts, review all fossil fuel subsidies, and commit to no new fossil fuel subsidies in the October 2022 Budget."

Australia | #GasFreeAustralia:

Stop Seismic Testing in Australian Waters 
Seismic testing is the process of locating gas and oil deposits deep beneath the ocean floor. We ask the House to cease all seismic testing in Australian waters immediately, and withdraw all titles that have already been allocated.
1,643 signatures on 9 October 2022. Ends on 13 October 2022

Australia |

Stop seismic testing King Island Tasmania  Ally King 

ConocoPhillips Australia is planning to undertake a three-dimensional marine seismic survey to enable assessment of the natural gas reservoirs in the eastern offshore Otway Basin.
Over 10,000 signatures by September 2022

Ancient waters not yours to destroy! | DrillWatch

State and federal governments have earmarked vast expanses of Gunditjmara Sea Country for a massive expansion of gas mining. Sign the Citizens Protection Declaration to stand in solidarity with First Nations communities asserting their care for Sea Country.

Will you unite with fire and flood survivors? | GetUp!

Right now, people are being left to rescue themselves from climate disasters over and over again. We're here because of decades of government inaction on climate. Can you sign and share this pledge to stand with fire and flood hit communities, and share with your friends?

Hold coal and gas corporations accountable for climate pollution | GetUp!

Calling for the Albanese Government to hold coal and gas corporations accountable for reducing climate pollution.

Stop blocking the road: Call for strong fuel efficiency standards | Climate Council

Email the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries and the leading members Toyota, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Volkswagen, Honda, Hyundai, Nissan and Volvo today, to show them that Australians want strong fuel efficiency standards.

Ask the Environment Minister to safeguard our children's future | Australian Parents for Climate Action

"We ask that you heed the scientific advice on the climate impacts of all new fossil fuel projects while prioritising the well-being of young and future Australians. We ask that you act to implement the response plan to the state of the environment report urgently and with the resources required to restore our natural world."

It's time to Electrify | Greenpeace Australia Pacific

Petitioning Climate Change & Energy Minister Chris Bowen, calling for clean, affordable transport.

FES up, we need affordable EVs! | Solar Citizens

We’re calling on Federal and State Energy and Transport Ministers to support the following policies to help get more Australians in the driver's seat of an electric vehicle: Implementing strong, mandatory Fuel Efficiency Standards to bring Australia up to speed with the rest of the world. Setting a target for 100% of new car sales to be electric by 2030. Provide additional funding for upfront EV incentives and charging infrastructure.

Ban fossil fuel ads and sponsorships | Comms Declare

Tell your local politicians to ban fossil fuel ads and sponsorships. Use the tool below to find your local councils contact info, and copy the form letter we have prepared.

Australia - gas:

Stop Woodside’s 2070 climate disaster | Greenpeace Australia Pacific

Tell Environment Ministers: don't extend gas to 2070. Sign before 21 July 2022.

Victoria - gas:

Reject proposal for liquefied natural gas import terminal at Corio Bay | Geelong Renewables Not Gas

The petitioners request that the Legislative Council call on the Government to reject Viva Energy’s application to implement their proposed liquefied natural gas import terminal at Corio Bay in Geelong.

Closing date: 1 September 2022

Australia - gas:
No gas bailouts  | Australia

Stop our public money being used to bail out polluting oil and gas companies!

Australia - gas:
100% Renewables by 2030, No More Gas | Friends of the Earth Melbourne

Big energy companies are fuelling the climate crisis, driving up power prices for profit, and threatening communities with plans for new gas extraction.

FES up, we need affordable EVs | Solar Citizens

Petitioning Federal and State Energy and Transport Ministers: We’re calling on you to support the following policies to help get more Australians in the driver's seat of an electric vehicle: Implementing strong, mandatory Fuel Efficiency Standards to bring Australia up to speed with the rest of the world. Setting a target for 100% of new car sales to be electric by 2030. Provide additional funding for upfront EV incentives and charging infrastructure.

Europe, your last chance for climate action | WeMove Europe

Petitioning the European Union and EU heads of state: “We experience wildfires and deadly heat waves because our leaders are still not taking enough actions and decisions regarding climate change. You need to take urgent action and reduce planet-heating emissions to avoid the worst-case climate scenarios.”


Call on Minister Plibersek to face the science and reconsider 19 coal and gas proposals | Enviro Justice Australia

Email Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek. The minister has a vital responsibility to protect all nationally significant animals, places, plants and ecosystems. With the stroke of a pen, she can determine the future for thousands of our living wonders.


Open letter to Minister Tanya Plibersek - show support for this legal intervention | Enviro Justice Australia

With a new Environment Minister, we have a huge opportunity to finally get action on climate change to protect our living wonders. Add your name to this open letter, and let's ask Minister Plibersek to finally face the facts, and act.


Show your support to get more bums on bikes | We Ride Australia

We Ride Australia is committed to making riding better for everyone in Australia. Add your name in support of better bicycling.

Victoria - health workers:

Clean energy for health: Let's create a healthier future for all Victorians | Healthy Futures

Petitioning Premier Daniel Andrews, Matthew Guy, Lily D’Ambrosio, James Newbury, Mary-Anne Thomas, and Georgie Crozier: "We, the undersigned healthcare workers, health organisations and health science students, call for a bipartisan commitment in advance of this year’s state election for 100% of Victoria’s stationary energy to be produced from renewable sources by 2030. We urge you to protect Victorians from the twin health threats of air pollution and climate change by taking the above action."


Urge governments to implement the disaster Royal Commission | GetUp!

To the state premiers, state emergency ministers, and Federal Minister for Emergency Management, Murray Watt: "Our communities are leading the clean up of floods — some for the fourth time. But they shouldn't have to do it alone. We urge you to implement the recommendations of the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements – to support communities before the next disaster hits."


Vote for climate justice - #EndorseTheAO | Greenpeace

In July 2022, Australia's Prime Minister will attend the Pacific Island Forum in Fiji. Ask Prime Minister Albanese to Vote Yes for Climate Justice by supporting the Pacific's world-first push for an Advisory Opinion from the International Court of Justice on climate change and human rights.


CommBank is fuelling climate chaos | Australia

Australia’s biggest bank has invested $7 billion in fossil fuels. Sign to tell CommBank to end oil and gas lending now.


Darwin Festival: Cut ties with dirty Santos | Australia

Petitioning Ian Kew and the board of the Darwin Festival: "We call on you Mr Kew, and the board to cut ties with Santos and end the sponsorship contract. Santos has plans to frack for gas across many remote communities in the NT, putting land, water, sacred sites and our climate at risk. By allowing Santos to sponsor this festival, you’re giving them the public support they need to push ahead with their dangerous drilling projects, in the face of the climate crisis."


Whales not Woodside - say NO to deep-sea gas drilling in WA | Greenpeace

Tell Woodside to walk away from its toxic gas project - the most climate polluting project proposed in Australia. Fossil fuel giant Woodside wants to drill for climate-wrecking gas in Western Australia's beautiful oceans - home to whales, turtles, sharks and corals. Woodside are recklessly pushing ahead with the dangerous Burrup Hub project, ignoring the enormous risk to the climate and environment.

162,000 signatures on 6 May 2022


Protect our future. It’s time for an Independent Commission on Climate Action | Dr Kate Ahmad

For too long, real action on climate change has been held hostage by backroom deals, vested interests, and political point scoring. Sign and share this petition to join the thousands of Australians calling for an Independent Commission on Climate Action.


Join all the Australians standing for Climate Action Now | Australian Conservation Foundation

We agree Australia needs to commit to a safe, healthy future and new jobs, by cutting Australia's climate pollution by more than half this decade. Every voice is powerful. Over 25,000 people from around the country have shared their climate story by joining the movement. We will share our collective voice with our leaders and we need to hear from you! Over 25,000 had signed by 28 April 2022


Get serious about climate, Scott Morrison!  | Friends of the Earth Australia

It's time for PM Scott Morrison to be clear with global leaders and the Australian community... It's time for the Federal government to get serious about the climate crisis. 363 signatures on 5 May 2022.


Calling women of Australia: I'm voting for climate | 1 Million Women

Will you pledge to vote for the politicians who will put climate action at the top of their agenda and will you engage 5 other women in your electorate to do the same? This is a defining moment for climate action. Who we vote for in this federal election on 21st May is crucial. Will you take the pledge?

Global -> Australia:

Global Week of Advocacy for a Fossil Fuel Treaty | Fossil Fuel Treaty

The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty has gained significant momentum, now supported by 1,300+ civil society organisations, 3,000 academics, Nobel laureates, youth leaders, faith institutions and parliamentarians. Use this toolkit to engage with your Environment Minister and key UN officials — via meetings, calls, emails and social media — calling on them to support a Fossil Fuel Treaty. Email Australia’s Environment Minister.


Declare a Climate Emergency | Animal Justice Party

The climate crisis is here. Australia is already growing warmer, experiencing changes in rainfall, catastrophic bushfires and witnessing rising sea levels. The devastating bushfires of 2019-20 placed our wildlife on a fast-track to extinction, with nearly three billion animals perishing.


Commit to a science-based climate target | Friends of the Earth Australia

Send a strong message to the Federal government on climate. Friends the Earth are calling on you to email government MPs and Senators today to remind them that tackling the climate crisis is a top priority.


Support our community and the Golden Plains Wind Farm | Rokewood for Wind Farms

Golden Plains Shire community groups, families and businesses support the Golden Plains Wind Farm and want it to go ahead as planned without further delay.


Declare a Climate and Ecological Emergency Mr. President! | Tom Kahan

For the Sake of Our Children - An Idea and Mission Whose Time Has Come!
We strongly urge President Biden to declare a national climate and ecological emergency in early 2022.


Stand with local leaders | Climate Council

Mayors and Councillors from 31 communities around Australia are banding together to call for urgent national support in the wake of climate-fuelled disasters.

Add your name today to amplify their call.


Demand a national climate compensation fund! | GetUp!

We know coal, oil and gas mining corporations are the biggest contributors to climate change – because they cause the damage they should pay to clean up the mess.

Together, we can demand our government replace the burning of coal, oil and gas with the power of renewable energy, and implement a national climate compensation fund that makes the corporations responsible help our communities get back on our feet.


The Reef is in danger | Greenpeace

To the Australian Federal Government: "The Great Barrier Reef is a World Heritage treasure in our own backyard, and right now Australia is not looking after it. We call on Prime Minister Scott Morrison and the Australian Government to protect our Reef from climate change by replacing all coal-burning power stations with clean and safe renewable energy by 2030 and committing to net-zero by 2035."

13,000 signatures on 14 February 2022.


No public money for the Beetaloo gas mine | The Australian Greens

Instead of rapidly transitioning to renewable energy, the Liberals want frack for 34 billion tonnes of methane gas in the Beetaloo Basin. With a Disallowance Motion predicted for Wednesday the 24th of November 2021, this could be our last chance to stop the Liberals' giving public money to the Beetaloo gas project. Can you call a Labor member to ask them to help us stop them?


Make a submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry into a 100% renewable Victoria  | The Greens

Coal and gas are the leading causes of the climate crisis. Victoria still gets 70% of its electricity from coal, and the Labor Government is supporting new gas drilling. Push them to go further and faster to reach 100% clean renewable energy as quickly as possible. Submissions close Friday 26 November. Your submission will be most powerful if you make it unique and personal. Template available if you're short on time.
301 emails sent on 22 November 2021.


Make polluters pay | Friends of the Earth Melbourne

With the federal government continuing to push it’s ‘gas led recovery’ agenda, their support for the fossil fuel industry remains a major blockage to Australia taking meaningful action on climate change. Make polluters pay: set a permanent gas levy now!


Cut pollution this decade | Getup!

We are calling on the Federal Government to lead with a fair and just plan to rapidly slash climate pollution 75% by 2030.

38,540 signatures on 9 November 2021


Australia: Step up for climate justice at COP26 | Amnesty International

Climate change is the biggest human rights crisis of our time. Australia’s announcement to achieve net-zero by 2050 means little without a clear plan to cut carbon emissions this decade. Australia has a human rights obligation to prevent the foreseeable devastation of climate change. Tell Scott Morrison to urgently take action.


Three COP outcomes we can't live without | Campaign for the CEE Bill

Sign our open letter ahead of COP26

Working with leading scientists, we've identified three, key COP outcomes we can't live without. Will you sign our open letter asking the UK's COP26 team to push for those outcomes?

"Dear PM Boris Johnson, Alok Sharma MP (President of COP26) and George Eustice MP (Environment Secretary).

We ask you to follow the science, and push for the following Three COP Outcomes We Can’t Live Without at the climate summit (COP26) in Glasgow in November 2021 and the biodiversity summit (COP15) in Kunming, China in April/May 2022:

1. Create a Joint Emergency Strategy for Climate and Nature

2. Commit to the Carbon Budget for 1.5C

3. Go Nature Positive by 2030"


SCA: Pull the plug on Sky's misinformation! | GetUp!

Join the 51,000 others who have signed the petition demanding Southern Cross Austereo pull the plug on Sky News' misinformation and climate denial.


Morrison needs to attend COP26 on Climate Change | Pam Pitt

Scott Morrison - you need to be accountable to Australia and the rest of the world for our plan "to reduce our carbon emissions to Net Zero as soon as possible".  Please attend the COP26 conference in person, and don't send a representative.


Make polluters pay | Friends of the Earth Melbourne

Set a permanent gas levy now. With the federal government continuing to push it’s ‘gas led recovery’ agenda, their support for the fossil fuel industry remains a major blockage to Australia taking meaningful action on climate change. If the government can be convinced to extend the levy to help cover all the future decommissioning costs of the industry, and strengthen the laws that currently govern decommissioning, it will act as a break on future offshore development. Add your voice to the call to make the levy permanent.


Pressure Australia’s biggest energy users to commit to 100% renewable electricity! | Greenpeace

To Australia’s biggest brands and electricity users: When it comes to climate change, you can go from being part of the problem to being a big part of the solution. Please lead the way in moving our country to clean and affordable renewable energy and make a public commitment to power your entire operations by 100% renewable energy.

26,095 signatures on 16 September 2021

Queensland, Australia:

Stop Clive Palmer's company's coal-burning power station | GetUp!

Waratah Coal, Clive Palmer's company, wants to build a new coal-burning power station in the Galilee Basin in central Queensland. Petitioning the Queensland and Federal Governments: "It's time to urgently phase out burning coal this decade to protect our communities – not build new projects. We urge you to stop Clive Palmer’s Waratah Coal new coal-burning power station in the Galilee Basin."

Geelong, Victoria, Australia:

Renewables Not Gas for Geelong | Australian Conservation Foundation

Viva Energy plans to build a massive gas import terminal in Corio Bay, taking the Geelong community in the wrong direction. Geelong needs more renewables, not gas. The Victorian government has already rejected a similar gas import terminal in Westernport Bay over community and environment concerns. We don’t want one here in Geelong either!


Help get Ash on the AGL Board of Directors | Greenpeace 

It’s time for fresh vision and true climate leadership at AGL - that's why Greenpeace Australia Pacific is proud to endorse 18-year-old climate activist Ashjayeen Sharif's campaign to join the AGL board.
19,125 signatures on 20 September 2021


Stop Coalkeeper | Smart Energy Council

The Morrison Government has adopted a comprehensive pro-coal, anti-solar agenda, CoalKeeper, that could cost you up to $430 a year, including an annual $7 billion CoalKeeper subsidy that will allow unprofitable, ageing, polluting coal-fired stations to operate well beyond their lifespan; and a new SolarStopper tax on solar farms (also known as the Congestion Management Model.) These are the worst possible policies at the worst possible time. There is still time to stop them.


It's time for Victoria to get off gas | Environment Victoria

Call on the Andrews government to phase out polluting gas in Victoria. Fossil gas is already responsible for 17% of Victoria’s emissions, but outdated planning regulations mean tens of thousands of homes are being forced to connect to the fossil gas network every year – supporting the expansion of destructive gas mining and locking in future emissions.


Labor: Stop public money being handed to climate wrecking corporations | The Greens

Can you email your Labor MP today demanding they reverse their decision, and help us stop the Liberals' gas rorts in the Beetaloo Basin?

Australia | #ClimateEmergencyDeclaration:
Australia: Declare a climate emergency | Dr Kate Ahmad

Send a strong message to Scott Morrison: We request that you declare a climate emergency. This would demonstrate a concrete commitment, a willingness to stand together and fight to prevent the largest threat of our times. We implore you to listen to us, your Australian constituent and request a meeting at your earliest availability. We believe in finding common ground and in working towards sensible, ethical bipartisan solutions. 100,000 added their name during the first three weeks of this petition, and another 176,000 have added their name since then.


IPCC report: Stand with our united movement | GetUp!

We are calling on the Federal Government to lead with a fair and just plan to rapidly slash climate pollution 75% by 2030.


Cut emissions by 75% before 2030 | Climate Council

We need to adopt a science-backed target of at least 75% emissions reduction below 2005 levels, by 2030. Can you add your name to our people-powered push for urgent climate action this decade?

Victoria, Australia:

Save the 12 Apostles from new gas drilling | The Greens
The Victorian Labor Government is on the brink of allowing new gas drilling at the Port Campbell National Park, near the 12 Apostles. This comes just weeks after the Federal Liberal Government – with the Victorian Labor Government’s support – opened up vast areas for drilling just 6 kilometres from the 12 Apostles. Add your name to the open letter calling on the Victorian Labor Government to stop new gas drilling at the 12 Apostles.


Tell Premier McGowan: STOP fracking in the Kimberley before it’s too late! | Lock the Gate

Western Australia’s iconic Kimberley region is under threat from fracking. "Premier McGowan, if fracking is too risky for the people of the South West, Perth and Peel regions where it’s banned, it’s too risky for the Kimberley and the rest of WA too. We call on you to ban fracking in the Kimberley."

Victoria, Australia:

Victoria: Let’s get off gas! | School Strike 4 Climate Australia

Petitioning the Legislative Assembly of Victoria: "We, School Strikers for Climate, backed by thousands of students and adults around Australia, are calling on every MP in the Victorian Assembly: 1) To oppose any new gas or other fossil fuel projects. 2) To support a rapid transition to 100% renewable energy in Victoria."


Protect our kids from climate harm | Australian Parents for Climate Action

Demand the Environment Minister support the duty of care to protect our kids: "To the Hon Sussan Ley MP, We urge you to support the recent Federal Court declaration that the Environment Minister has a duty to avoid causing personal injury and death to Australian children from carbon emissions when approving coal extension projects. You have the power and the duty of care to protect our children against the catastrophic harms of climate change fuelled by fossil fuel projects. And we urge you to apply this duty of care in all of the decisions made by the Environment Minister and enshrine this duty of care into law.

Signed, Australian mums, dads, grandparents, carers, and family members."

USA / Global:

Hollywood Must Help on Climate Change & Stop Damaging the Environmental Movement

Tell the top executives of Hollywood's Big Five major film studios - Disney, Warner Bros, Universal, Paramount & Sony - that Hollywood must help on climate change and stop damaging the environmental movement. The Hollywood studios must commit to more, and better, climate stories in their films because the climate crisis is the biggest story of our time. If a significant number of signatures is achieved, studio insiders who recognize the urgency of the climate crisis will champion this petition within the industry.


Tell Social Media Companies to Drop Fossil Fuel Ads! | Greenpeace US

Fossil fuel companies are using their ad campaigns to influence the debate around and block climate action. If you agree that it's time for big tech companies to ban fossil fuel advertisements, add your name to our petition now.
(United States residents only)


Petition EN2778 - Stop public funding of Hunter Valley gas fired power station | Darren Meharg

We ask the Parliament House to stop the public funding of the Hunter Valley gas fired power Station and please consider using the funds for clean energy solutions that are more economical, enduring and better for our nation's future.

Closing date for signatures: 21 July 2021


Tell Barnaby Joyce that farmers want meaningful climate action | Farmers for Climate Action

I and the farmers named below call on you as the new leader of the Nationals, a party that claims to represent farmers and regional Australia, to back a rapid and orderly transition to a low carbon future. And we want you to know that farmers care deeply about climate change and the impact it will have on our farms and our future.


Stop the destruction of 50,000km of pristine marine environment | Tyler Rodwell, Seashepherd Australia

The Federal Government has announced that around 80,000 square kilometres of our marine environments would be made available for fossil fuel interests to bid on, including the ocean facing Victoria’s natural treasure, the 12 Apostles. Our friends at The Wilderness Society are fighting this, and we are proud to stand with them. Sign this petition to put a halt to the private interests and protect our future.


Advertising awards: don't reward fossil fuels | Comms Declare

Oil, gas and coal products, and the corporations that profit from them, are making our future less safe. So, why should we award the campaigns that promote them? Add your support by signing our petition to awards organisers and by submitting your creative to the open brief, 'Fossil fuels are the new tobacco'.


Protect Bass Strait: No New Oil & Gas | Friends of the Earth Australia

Call on PM Scott Morrison and Minister for Resources Keith Pitt to cancel the oil and gas licenses.


Hands off the Twelve Apostles | Libby Coker, Labor MP

"The Twelve Apostles is one of our most photographed tourist destinations. It is utterly disappointing that the Morrison Government would want to open such a beautiful area of our coastline up for oil and gas drilling. I overwhelmingly oppose this plan and I hope you will stand with me in opposing it too."

Add your name to Coker's petition:


#OurDemocracy | Human Rights Law Centre

When our democracy works, the best interests of people, the planet and future generations are at the heart of government decision-making. But right now Australia’s democracy isn’t working as it should. Big industries like fossil fuels and gambling are unfairly distorting democratic processes to win outcomes that put their profits ahead of our wellbeing.

Victoria, Australia:

Will you stand with regional communities opposed to turning Victoria’s food bowls to gasfields? |  DrillWatch

On 1 July 2021, the temporary ban (moratorium) on conventional onshore drilling will be lifted. This will leave areas in Gippsland and South West Victoria exposed to gas exploration. Take the pledge:

USA / Global:

Stop fossil fuel pollution: clean air, water, and soil are basic human rights | Stand.Earth

Defend communities from fossil fuels. Will you add your voice to the growing SAFE Cities movement of people who recognize that we must stop the expansion of fossil fuels and guarantee the basic human right to clean air, water, and soil?


Call for Governments: Commit to child and youth-centered climate policy and action | United Nations

Join us by signing YOUNGO’s letter demanding that governments adopt the declaration and commit to putting children and young people at the center of climate policy, decision-making and action. It will be delivered to Member States at COP 26.


Take a stand against the Kurri Kurri gas power station | Climate Council

The Federal Government’s decision to spend $600 million to build a massive new gas power station in Kurri Kurri, NSW just doesn’t stack up. The project is a solution to a problem that doesn't exist. So we’re taking a stand against it. Will you join us by signing your name?


Put an end to the ongoing threat of fracking in Northern Territory | GetUp!

Traditional Owners from across the Northern Territory have penned a letter to Parliament in protest of the $50 million the Morrison Government wants to give to fracking corporations to drill. Will you add your name to their open letter to Parliament? 4 June 2021: 31,400 signatures.


Keep dirty fossil fuels out of clean energy funding | SolarCitizens

Email moderate Liberal MPs to save ARENA and call on them to stop this outrageous attack on our vital clean energy fund.


Push Leaders to Protect Communities | Climate Council

Add your name today to join the resounding chorus of Australians who are pushing for stronger action to tackle climate change and protect communities today.


PM Scott Morrison, take real commitments to Biden's Climate Summit | Friends of the Earth Melbourne

"If the Federal government fails to take real commitments to Biden's climate summit and lift its ambition, then Australians risk missing out on good jobs and new industries. It will leave communities exposed to intensifying bushfires, extreme weather, and rising seas. Will 2021 be remembered as a turning point for national climate policy? That is up to you, Prime Minister."


Worst Electric Vehicle Policy In The World | The Australian Institute

Australia needs more electric vehicles on the road, not less.
(First watch the Juice Media's video 😃 on )


Scott: triple our target | Australian Greens
Petition calling on Scott Morrison to join the global community in fighting the climate crisis, by tripling australia’s emissions reduction target.


Make Polluters Pay | Greenpeace Australia Pacific

Sign to demand that fossil fuel producers contribute to a climate disaster fund to help pay for the mess caused by climate-fuelled extreme weather events. It’s time for the fossil fuel polluters who are responsible for the climate crisis to start footing some of the bill for cleaning it up. April 2021: 8,800 signatures

Victoria, Australia | #BuildBackBetter #GasFreeAustralia:

Renewables Not Gas for Geelong! | Geelong Renewables Not Gas

We’re calling for renewables not gas for Geelong. The state government should reject Viva Energy's gas terminal proposal. Viva Energy should focus on 100% clean energy instead. Sign the petition now to Richard Wynne, Victorian Planning Minister, and tell him to reject the gas import terminal component of Viva’s proposed energy hub.


Tell Morrison to #StepUp4ThePacific | Greenpeace Australia Pacific

Save the Pacific, Save the World: "We stand with leading Australian and Pacific non-profit and environmental organisations, and urge Australia to step up and do our fair share by committing to net zero by 2035 and a complete phase-out of fossil fuels. As a major coal and gas producer, and with unrivalled clean energy potential, Australia has one of the greatest responsibilities and a unique opportunity to support our Pacific family and secure a prosperous future for our region based on clean energy. It's time for Australia to Step Up for the Pacific."

Australia | #BuildBackBetter:

Demand Parliament work together to save clean energy! | GetUp!

“To the Members and Senators of Parliament, Australia has a clean energy future. That means: Not opening up the mandate of the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) and the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) to fossil fuels; Increased and ongoing public funding for clean energy, including increasing ARENA by $2.5bn."

Victoria, Australia | #BuildBackBetter:

Time to make Community Energy a Reality! | Friends of the Earth Melbourne

Petition calling on the Victorian state government to make a Community Energy Target for Victoria. A target for community renewables would unlock new opportunities for regional and urban people to benefit from the energy transition.


Repower Our Communities | Community Power Agency

Regional voices for local power. Sign up and help power Australia with community owned renewable energy.

Victoria, Australia:

Time to make Community Energy a Reality!  Friends of the Earth

Call on the Andrews government to set a Community Energy Target of 100MW by 2025 as part of Victoria’s Renewable Energy Target (VRET). Respond to and implement the recommendations of the Parliamentary Inquiry into Tackle Climate Change in Victorian Communities in the 2021-22 budget.

Australia | #BuildBackBetter #GasFreeAustralia:

Labor: Show us you're serious about climate action! – AYCC

We deserve politicians who will lead on climate: ✍️ Sign now to demand Labor rule out public money for dangerous gas expansion and instead prioritises our communities.

Australia | #BuildBackBetter #GasFreeAustralia:

No more public money for oil and gas companies – 350 Australia

Letterwriting campaign: Can you write to your local MP and ask them to not throw money at the gas industry at the expense of our climate and local communities? Make sure that our public money is spent on a just economic recovery instead of handed to oil and gas executives.

Australia | #BuildBackBetter #GasFreeAustralia:

A green recovery not a gas-led recovery – The People’s Assembly

Petition on the Parliament of Australia House of Representatives e-petitions site. Closing 10 February 2021

Europe / global:

Face the climate emergency – Fridays For Future and Greta Thunberg

You must stop pretending that we can solve the climate- and ecological crisis without treating it as a crisis.
Open letter to EU and global leaders:

Invitation to sign:



Establish a Royal Commission to ensure a strong, diverse Australian news media – Kevin Rudd        

This is basically to reduce the enormous influence of the Murdoch media in blocking climate action in Australia. Parliament of Australia Petition EN1938. Ends 4 November 2020


Send the EPA an overdue notice – Environment Victoria

It has been almost three years since the EPA, Victoria’s pollution watchdog, began their coal power station licence review. Now it has stalled without explanation. It’s not good enough. Send them an OVERDUE NOTICE demanding they come clean by 1 November 2020.

Australia | #BuildBackBetter #GasFreeVictoria
Gas is a climate disaster. Let’s recover, rebuild, renew right!
 – Australian Conservation Foundation

Burning gas is a climate disaster. Climate and nature solutions can power an economic recovery that makes our communities healthier and more resilient, but it will take all of us speaking out now to get our representatives to listen to the people, not the polluters.


Tell the Prime Minister we need an Australia-wide net zero by 2050 target  Farmers for Climate Action

Petitioning Prime Minister Scott Morrison: Commit to net zero emissions by 2050 and adopt the policies we need to achieve this important goal.


Now is the moment to unfudge our future  Ben & Jerry's

Join us to call on Australia's leaders to rebuild a clean, resilient and fair future.

Send an email to the Prime Minister, Treasurer, and Energy Minister with just one click!

Victoria | #BuildBackBetter #GasFreeVictoria
Let's rebuild a gas-free Victoria
 – Environment Victoria

Call on Dan Andrews to make a plan to phase out gas. Victoria could cut its gas consumption by more than half in the next ten years, cutting pollution and saving Victorian households and businesses on our energy bills.

Australia | #BuildBackBetter
Build a clean, renewable-powered economy for Australia
  Climate Council

Australians deserve a strong economy that puts its people at its heart, and the liveable future that a renewables-led recovery can create. But we must start building it today. Any economic recovery plan must include climate solutions.

Australia | #BuildBackBetter #GasFreeAustralia
Narrabri Gas Project: Gas has no future in Australia’s energy mix
  Climate Council

Add your name now to our submission. It’s time to build a better, cleaner Australia, by rejecting the Narrabri Gas Project and choosing clean energy opportunities, which put people and the environment first.

Australia | #BuildBackBetter #GasFreeAustralia
#TurnOffTheGas - Doctors warn gas is a health hazard – Doctors for the Environment Australia

Gas is not a ‘transition’ fuel away from fossil fuels; it further entrenches our dependence on dirty coal, oil and gas. Email PM Scott Morrison and tell him to: #TurnOffTheGas.

Australia | #BuildBackBetter #GasFreeAustralia
Gas is a climate disaster. Let’s recover, rebuild, renew right!
 – Australian Conservation Foundation

Petition calling on our state premiers, Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese to listen to the people, not polluters.

Australia | #Renewables
Stop the Sun Tax
– Solar Citizens

Petition calling on the AEMC to reject proposals that would allow blanket exporting fees to be slapped on solar owners.

Australia | #Health
Climate Change is a Health Emergency
 – Climate and Health Alliance

Call on all elected representatives to act on climate to protect our health by committing to policies to limit warming to 1.5°C, and supporting a National Strategy on Climate, Health and Well-being for Australia.

Victoria | #BuildBackBetter
Open letter: Put climate solutions at the heart of our economic recovery
 – Environment Victoria

Add your name to this open letter, calling on Victorian Premier Andrews and Treasurer Pallas to put climate solutions at the heart of our economic recovery.

Australia | #BuildBackBetter
Stop the pollution of clean energy!  GetUp

Petitioning the Members and Senators of the Coalition Government: Under the cover of coronavirus, Angus Taylor and Scott Morrison want to funnel clean energy funding into climate-wrecking fossil fuels. Australia has a clean energy future. That means: Not opening up the mandate of the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) and the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) to fossil fuels; Increased and ongoing public funding for clean energy, including increasing ARENA by $2.5bn.

Australia | #BuildBackBetter
Add your name to put people and planet first

It’s time to accelerate the transition to a resilient and equitable economy that delivers jobs and prosperity, while protecting our natural environment. Sign the open letter calling for a just recovery for all that puts people and planet first.

Australia | #BuildBackBetter
Build a clean, renewable-powered economy for Australia  Climate Council

Add your name: "Australians deserve a strong economy that puts its people at its heart, and the liveable future that a renewables-led recovery can create. But we must start building it today. I agree, any economic recovery plan must include climate solutions."

Western Australia | #BuildBackBetter
We Support a Clean Jobs Stimulus & Recovery Package for WA – Clean State

Add your name to an open letter to Premier Mark McGowan, Treasurer Ben Wyatt, and Minister for Environment Stephen Dawson: "If our response uses this once in a lifetime opportunity to tackle the health, economic and climate crisis together, we can kickstart WA’s economy with thousands of clean jobs that take care of families and our climate."

Seek ICC advice on criminality of expanding fossil fuel production, Petition EN1526 – Principal Petitioner: Dr Andrew Norton

To the Hon. Speaker of the House of Representatives and Members of the House of Representatives

The UN Production Gap report provides the scientific grounds on which to argue that policies or decisions that expand a country's fossil fuel production are immoral. The petitioners assert that Australia's current policy to expand fossil fuel production is anti-science and omnicidal. We therefore ask the House to seek advice from the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court on whether expanding fossil fuel production could be an act of genocide or a crime against humanity. Closes on 10 June 2020.

Australia | #BuildBackBetter
A Green Recovery For Australia – Fridays for Future

COVID-19 has presented a chance for Australia to create new green jobs through implementing a ‘Green Recovery’ for our economy. A Green Recovery would focus on creating renewable energy projects while avoiding new destructive fossil fuel projects, expansions, bailouts and subsidies which are expensive economically, provide fewer jobs, and hinder our Paris targets. Sign onto our open letter to the Australian government:

Australia | #BuildBackBetter
Stop the Gas Industry Bailouts  GetUp

Petitioning Prime Minister Scott Morrison: No public funds should go into propping up the failing gas industry. Traditional Owners have been standing up against fracking for years because it’s so risky.

We call on the Federal government to give no public funding to bail out the gas industry.

Australia | #BuildBackBetter
No 'gas-fired recovery' – The Australia Institute

The Australian Prime Minister's hand-picked National Covid-19 Coordination Commission is stacked with former fossil fuel executives and operates without proper scrutiny, oversight or transparency. And now another secret review conducted by a hand-picked gas executive has--surprise, surprise--recommended redirecting emissions reduction funding into failed carbon capture and storage and to big emitters. Add your name to the petition asking the Energy Minister to commit to a renewably-powered economic recovery, not a gas-fired one.

Time to get a move on with offshore wind – Friends of the Earth Melbourne

Call on both the Morrison and Andrews governments to trigger the next steps in the planning process for Star of the South and bring on a national legal framework as a matter of urgency to pave the way for offshore wind and create thousands of good climate jobs.

Australia | #BuildBackBetter
A Clean Jobs Guarantee for all – AYCC

A Clean Jobs Guarantee will provide our communities with the vital jobs we need to build a healthy society with a clean energy future free of fossil fuels. Will you add your name to thousands of others calling on our politicians to put people before profits and deliver a Clean Jobs Guarantee for our communities?

Keep energy funding honest  GetUp

Energy Minister Angus Taylor is committing new funding to dirty energy – but experts say he may not have the authority. Sign the petition to hold Taylor accountable by requesting an independent review of his secretive program.

Send this letter to new Westpac CEO, Peter King  Market Forces
Tell Peter King to rule out financial support to projects that expand the scale of the fossil fuel industry, be it a new greenfield project, or an extension to an existing project’s lifespan or scale, and refuse to finance companies that plan to expand fossil fuel reserves, production, transportation or combustion.

Premier, will you be a climate leader?  Environment Victoria

Tell Premier Andrews to show leadership now and commit to set stronger climate targets.

Petition for Climate Ambition: Victoria needs Science-Based Targets!  Act on Climate / Friends of the Earth Melbourne

When it comes to tackling the climate crisis, the global goal is to keep warming below 1.5°C. We need this to be Victoria's goal too. Community members are calling for Premier Dan Andrews to set science-based Emissions Reduction Targets for 2025 and 2030.

Use your voice to #SaveARENA 💪 – GetUp!

Energy Minister Angus Taylor's technology roadmap is a roadmap to nowhere. It's a distraction from the problem and a refusal to invest in the clean energy solutions that already exist.

Don't frack the NT's Beetaloo Basin!  AYCC

Will you add your name to the thousands of others calling on our politicians to stand up for our climate by stopping dangerous gas fracking in the NT’s Beetaloo Basin?

Petition calling on Rio Tinto to cut all ties with the coal lobby today  350 Australia

The Minerals Council, an institution of fossil fuel lobbyists, have been blocking policy and influencing Australian politics for decades, undermining any chance at the safe climate future we deserve. We need your help in weakening this group, to limit their ability to undermine action on climate change. Rio Tinto, one of the world’s biggest mining companies, says they are a leader in the industry on climate. Yet, by being a member of the Minerals Council, they are part of the problem. We aim to build up pressure against Rio Tinto, urging them to leave the Minerals Council.

Australia | #ClimateEmergencyDeclaration:
A call for Australia: The safe climate declaration  National Climate Emergency Summit

Call for a new approach to climate action in Australia, a response to match the scale of the threat as climate-warming impacts escalate across Australia and around the world

Support the introduction of the Climate Change Act – Independent MP Zali Steggall

On 23 March 2020, Zali Steggall MP will introduce a private member’s bill for a Climate Change Act to Parliament and call for a conscience vote.

Calling for a national climate law today – Oxfam

We need a meaningful and comprehensive national law that commits Australia to reaching zero pollution as soon as possible, restores an independent commission to guide on targets, policies and actions and make sure the government sticks to its commitments, and begins a sequence of five-year plans and pollution budgets that ensure we start immediately down the path beyond fossil fuels.

A climate action plebiscite for the Australian people – Dr Kate Ahmad

Petitioning the Australian parliament for a parliamentary conscience vote to allow a plebiscite for the Australian public. This plebiscite would ask ‘Should the law be changed to require the government to enact legislation and policy to protect all Australians from the catastrophic environmental and health effects of climate change currently upon us. This legislation will include a planned reduction in emissions in line with a target to limit global warming to less than 2 degrees.’

Fossil fuel company adverts must display climate change warnings – ClientEarth

Demand that all advertising by fossil fuel companies contains a warning about the impact on people and the planet.

Make fossil fuel producers pay climate disaster levy – The Australia Institute

Petitioning the Parliament of Australia: Every tonne of coal and gas mined in Australia ends up as more greenhouse gas being pumped into the atmosphere, fuelling climate change and making these disasters worse. We urge you to establish a National Climate Disaster Fund, funded by a levy on each tonne of all coal, gas and oil produced in Australia.

Demand action from our representatives – Climate Council
Add your voice to join Climate Council in building pressure on all of our federal leaders, by emailing your local MP today. Email your local MP.

Climate action is bushfire protection – GetUp!

Petitioning Prime Minister Scott Morrison: Australia needs real climate action. That means: 1. Ending fossil fuel subsidies, 2. Restoring funding to the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA), 3. Renew the Renewable Energy Target with the ambition this crisis deserves.

Renewable energy - give it 100%. Reenergise!  Greenpeace

Calling on over 55 big brand, big energy using companies to commit to using 100% renewable electricity by 2030. Tell some of Australia’s biggest electricity using companies to make the switch to 100% renewable energy.

Sign the People's Demands for Climate Justice – 14 convening organisations

Petitioning Government representatives to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change: The urgency of the climate crisis requires a just response centered on human rights, equity, and justice. We demand you keep fossil fuels in the ground and end corporate interference in and capture of the climate talks.

Stand with communities and local leaders: Support the call for action on climate change  Climate Council

The Mayors and Councillors of 14 fire-stricken regions have boldly called on the Federal Government to recognise the spiralling costs of climate change to our communities. Can you show your support for these local leaders by adding your name today?

We call on PM Scott Morrison to meet immediately with emergency leaders  Maree Lowes

Right now across Australia, widespread fires and extreme weather are endangering our people, homes and ecosystems. Nationwide, people’s feelings of fear and anxiety about the future of our country are reaching boiling point. 80,000 had signed this petition on 14 November 2019

Stand with bushfire survivors: act on climate change  GetUp!

Petition demanding that Prime Minister Scott Morrison acknowledge the role that climate change plays in making bushfires worse: "Mr Morrison, Climate change is making bushfires more frequent and more deadly. To protect our communities, you must act on climate change."

#ClimateEmergency - Come with us to the doorsteps of those responsible for this crisis  Greenpeace International

I stand with 1,317,122 people (11 Nov 2019), who are already calling for action in the face of the climate emergency, and say to you: We’re in a climate crisis. Act like it. It is time to create a new and just global society that redesigns the way we interact with the environment and each other. We say to all those with responsibility for this crisis – from the fossil fuel majors to the forest destroyers, and all those that bankroll them; to the politicians who have failed to take strong enough action – we hold you to account.

New South Wales, Australia:
Protect our laws from the coal lobby  The Australia Institute

At a state and national level, the coal industry is effectively writing Australia’s laws. We urge the NSW Parliament to stand up to the coal lobby and protect the laws that protect us: Don’t put coal over climate.

Demand a People's Climate Summit

Call on the UN to kick the polluters out of the COP25 climate talks and give them back to the people.

Victoria, Australia:
No New Gas in Victoria  Friends of the Earth Melbourne

Call to extend the moratorium on onshore conventional exploration and drilling. This has been in force since 2014, has been extended once, and will expire on June 30, 2020.


Stand against Palmer’s mine  GetUp

Don't approve the Waratah Coal mine lease. Put people over Palmer. Protect the Galilee Basin community. Say no to Clive Palmer's mine.


Support motion for health impacts and climate change  Zali Steggall

Support independent member of Parliament Zali Steggall’s motion calling on the government to recognise that man-made climate change is one of the biggest and most urgent health threats to children. Urge the government to take quick and decisive action.



Tell ANZ, NAB and Westpac to get out of fossil fuels in line with the Paris Agreement  Market Forces

Market Forces has lodged shareholder resolutions with NAB, ANZ and Westpac, calling on the three major banks to reduce their exposure to coal, oil and gas in line with the climate goals of the Paris Agreement. On this webpage you can send a prewritten message to the banks.


BREAKING: Our chance for better climate coverage  Climate and Health Alliance
etition asking Nine Publishing, the owner of the Age and Sydney Morning Herald, to commit to more and better climate coverage.

Australia | #ClimateEmergencyDeclaration:

Petition EN1041 - Declare a Climate Emergency  Noah Bell

The overwhelming majority of climate scientists around the world have concluded that the climate is changing at unprecedented rates due to anthropogenic causes. The result of these changes will be catastrophic for future generations, and so we must act now to minimise both human and environmental destruction. We therefore ask the House to immediately act and declare a climate emergency in Australia. And introduce legislation that will with immediacy and haste reduce the causes of anthropogenic climate change.

Number of signatures on 2 October 2019: 190,618

Closing date for signatures: 16 October 2019


Scott Morrison does not speak for us  GetUp!

Message to U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres: Australia wants climate action now.


No more climate-wrecking oil ads  Greenpeace

We're in a climate emergency. Show advertisers you don’t want to see ads from oil companies anymore.

Victoria, Australia:

Victoria: Take the lead on community energy  Friends of the Earth Melbourne

Calling on the Andrews Labor government to deliver a plan that will secure Victoria’s place as a community energy leader: Set a Community Energy Target of 100MW by 2025. Rollout a Smart Energy Communities program, building on the government’s New Energy Jobs Fund, Community Power Hubs and Z-NET Community Transition pilots. Create a Solar for All program that delivers solar for renters as well as homeowners.


Labor: Don’t ditch 2030 climate targets  Australian Youth Climate Coalition

The Labor Party is considering abandoning their Emissions Reduction Target of 45% by 2030. We've got to grow this petition as large as we can send a clear signal to Labor that voters want strong climate action - starting with ambitious Emissions Reduction Targets.

100% clean future -- Stand with the climate strikers  Avaaz
Petition to the UN Secretary General: "We stand with the kids joining the climate strike, and call on the UN to declare a climate emergency and urgently get the world to shift to 100% clean energy." - "THIS is an emergency!"

Australia | #ClimateEmergencyDeclaration:
Scott Morrison: Conscience Vote on Climate Emergency Declaration  Eve Elliott-Smith

Allow all MPs a conscience vote on Adam Bandt's Climate Emergency Declaration motion. There is already support for this from the cross-bench, but it will need either Coalition support or a conscience vote to get this motion passed.

David Littleproud: Fund and Implement a long-term plan for farming and climate change  Farmers for Climate Action

Petitioning Minister for Water and Drought David Littleproud: Climate change is not a future problem. This drought is not business as usual. For farmers, climate change is here now. And our politicians need a long-term plan to deal with it, for the sake of Aussie food and farming.

Solve the climate crisis and shift to clean energy  Australian Conservation Foundation

Ask Cricket Australia and other sports leaders to advocate for climate action

Angus Taylor, stop sabotaging clean energy Solar Citizens

Federal Energy Minister, instead of propping up ageing and inefficient coal-fired power stations, I call on you to plan for the inevitable transition to cheap and clean energy by: Extending the national Renewable Energy Target; Allocating more funding to the Australian Renewable Energy Agency;Ensuring the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme remains strong until 2030.

Make the Great Barrier Reef an Australian citizen and protect her right to live – Citizen Reef

Petitioning the Australian government, including David Coleman, Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs, and five others: "Let them know we are a unified voice who believe this living, breathing Aussie icon, should become a living, breathing Aussie citizen. Let's help get the Great Barrier Reef her citizenship to give her the same rights that every living being on this planet deserves – the right to life."

Our Future Fund should be future thinking  Our Future Fund Alliance

Why isn’t our national savings account making investments to make our climate safer? Join us if you agree it should. Let’s get Australia’s money out of fossil fuels.

Scott Morrison: Go to the 23 Sept UN Climate Summit with emergency climate action targets – Australian Parents for Climate Action

Sign this petition and tell PM Scott Morrison that we want him to: 1) Attend the Climate Summit in person himself. 2) Take an emergency-scale target: to cut Australia's emissions to net zero by 2030. 3) Commit to ending coal mining in Australia by 2020, phase out all fossil fuels and implement 100% renewable energy by 2030. 4) Contribute fairly to the Green Climate Fund to help poorer nations cope with climate impacts and transition to clean energy.

Australia | #StopAdani:
Tell GHD, Build our Future not Adani's Dirty Coal Mine! – GetUp!

Can you sign the petition telling GHD that Adani is risky business? The Adani coal mine will be catastrophic for our environment. GHS, please build our future - not Adani's dirty coal mine

Australia must stand with the Pacific  Oxfam

Australia can and must step up and take immediate action on climate change. Will you send a message to Alex Hawke MP, Minister for International Development and the Pacific, urging that Australia stand with the Pacific and listen to those on the frontlines of the climate crisis? Pre-written letter you can edit

Australia | #ClimateEmergency Declaration:
Call on Australia’s Parliament to declare a climate emergency – The Greens
The time to act is now. We’re urging all members and senators of the Australian Parliament to declare a climate emergency, so we can take the urgent action required to avoid catastrophic climate change.

Global | #ClimateEmergency #AllinforClimateAction:
Petition to World Leaders – Rebecca Freitag and others
We are demanding the world leaders to go #AllinforClimateAction at the UN Climate Summit in September 2019. That means to declare a climate emergency and only present action plans that help us to stay below 1.5°C global warming.

Australia |
To the Australian Govt: declare a climate emergency – Break Free / Greenpeace Australia Pacific

Sign the open letter and join the fast-growing movement of people doing what it takes to force political leaders, business and the media to recognise the climate crisis for what it is: an existential emergency that requires emergency action.

Victoria, Australia:
Have your say on Victoria's Emissions Reduction Targets  Act On Climate

The Andrews government is about to set an Emissions Reduction Target for 2025.Will you send a submission calling for climate ambition? Closes on 22 July 2019

South Australia, Australia:
Ban drilling in the Bight - Senator Sarah Hanson-Young

The time to protect the Bight is now. South Australians know it, and more and more Australians around the country agree. Add your voice to the campaign. Sign our petition, and call your local MP and let them know you want them to sign on to the Bight Bill and make sure it’s protected for good.

South Australia, Australia:
Save SA from fossil fuel expansion – Fossil Free Adelaide

Petitioning the Parliament of South Australia: stop new fossil fuel exploration and extraction before it starts. On 27 May 2019 the South Australia state government announced that bidding is now open for eight new Petroleum Exploration Licences.

Victoria, Australia:
Help Aileen get a meeting with Premier Dan Andrews! – Friends of the Earth Melbourne

Now more than ever Victoria must show leadership to cut emissions and protect the community from climate impacts. And frontline communities must be prioritised.

Suncorp: Stop wasting precious time. Act on climate by dumping coal, oil and gas! – Market Forces

Rather than act to protect its customers, Australian insurance company Suncorp (which owns the brands; AAMI, Vero, Bingle, GIO, APIA and Shannons) is fueling bushfires, floods, heatwaves and storms through its support for the coal, oil and gas industries. Contact Suncorp today

Australia | #ClimateEmergencyDeclaration:
MOVEMENT: Declare a climate emergency around Australia

27 petitions - 67,200 supporters on 25 May 2019
We're inviting people across Australia to start petitions asking their local councils to declare a climate emergency.

Australia | #ClimateEmergencyDeclaration:
Declare a climate emergency – Greenpeace Australia Pacific

Call on Scott Morrison and Bill Shorten to declare a climate emergency now. It’s time for Australian politicians to start telling it like it is and take the urgent action required. A climate emergency has just been declared by the UK Parliament and momentum is continuing to build across the world.

Australia | #ClimateEmergencyDeclaration:
Scott Morrison: Declare a climate emergency – Greenpeace Australia Pacific

“Dear Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Australia’s climate is in a state of crisis. I call on you to declare a climate emergency now. I stand with the #climateemergency activists and I am willing to do what it takes to ensure the next government acts on the climate crisis, including taking part in the growing movement of peaceful defiance.”

Global | #ClimateEmergencyDeclaration:

All governments, declare a climate emergency now!  David A. Hood

Petitioning Secretary General of the UN, António Guterres, every national government, president, prime minister, chancellor and local governments, mayors and CEOs of the world.

“Let's build a worldwide petition demanding that all governments at all levels declare a climate emergency. It is beginning here in Australia and elsewhere, but only a tiny few so far.”

Adelaide, South Australia | #ClimateEmergencyDeclaration:
Adelaide City Council: Declare a climate emergency – Zelly Been

Petitioning The Lord Mayor and Councillors of the City of Adelaide

Australia | #ClimateEmergencyDeclaration:
E-petition: Address Parliament directly on climate change – Shannon Loughnane

We're calling for radically deep cuts on emissions, a rapid switch to 100% renewable energy, the declaration of a climate emergency and more

Call on the PM to protect Torres Strait Islanders on the climate frontline – ClientEarth

Torres Strait Islanders are bringing the first climate change case against the Australian federal government over human rights. Tell Australia’s prime minister to act on climate change

Climate action must be a top priority for the next Parliament - The Australia Institute

Add your name to the open letter to the next Parliament of Australia -- whichever party wins government, urgent action on climate change must be a top priority for the 46th Parliament of Australia.

Incoming government, Act on Climate Change - Catherine Burke

“We, the Australian people, call on the incoming 2019 federal government, our elected representatives, to undertake drastic and urgent action on climate change at a local, national and global level, to ensure the survival of the planet for future generations.”

Save Our Planet: Demand Climate Action – GetUp! 

Sign the petition demanding real action to save our climate and life on our planet. To all politicians: We demand action on climate change to save life as we know it on this planet: 1) 100% renewable energy, 2) No new coal or gas, 3) Stop the Adani coal mine.


Australians for climate action – GetUp!
We demand that our government respects the science and aims higher on climate. We're asking for strong, meaningful climate action, which is in the national and global interest.
This GetUp petition has more than 100,000 signatures. 

Commit to Vote Climate this Federal Election – Climate and Health Alliance
Please commit to voting for a candidate that is committed to strong climate and health policies. You can view our Policy Scorecard to see where the major political parties stand on climate change and health this election.

Be a climate voter – Environment Victoria

This is the climate election. Sign the petition so we can tally up the numbers for each electorate and show the parties just how many climate voters there are: “This election, I’m calling on all political parties to end digging and burning coal, switch to 100% clean energy and stop Adani’s polluting mine

Pledge to Vote1.5° for climate action - 350

This is a climate emergency. Pledge to #Vote1.5 to keep global warming under 1.5 degrees. The world’s scientists have told us we must keep global warming to 1.5 degrees to protect our civilisation. Every single candidate across the country needs to show they will push for real climate action in Parliament by announcing a commitment to Stop Adani, stop all new fossil fuel projects, and transition Australia to 100% renewable energy by 2030.

Take action – Tell Labor to keep public money out of carbon bombs  – Market Forces

The ALP has just announced plans to allocate $1.5 billion – of our taxpayer dollars – to projects that would open up the Galilee and Bowen basins and the massive Beetaloo Basin in the Northern Territory.



United Kingdom | #ClimateEmergencyDeclaration:
Demand action on the climate emergency – WWF UK

Climate change is wreaking havoc on our wildlife and habitats, while putting more and more people's lives and homes at risk.        

United Kingdom | #ClimateEmergencyDeclaration:

UK Government - Declare a Climate Emergency Now - then Act Like it – Greenpeace UK

Over 410,000 people had signed this petition on 10 May 2019


Australia | #StopAdani:
Review Adani's dodgy and dangerous water approvals – 350 Australia

New handwritten notes released by scientists show the Morrison Government ignored the advice of scientific experts and lied about the scientists supporting Adani’s dodgy plan. It looks like the Morrison Government has caved to pressure from Adani and their own Queensland MPs and signed off on a crucial water plan. Call on Opposition Leader Bill Shorten to immediately commit to review Adani’s groundwater approval.

Global / Australia:
Australian support for a UN General Resolution on Climate Justice  I Am Climate Justice

Petition asking governments around the world, including Australia, to support a UN Resolution at the UN General Assembly in September 2019 triggering an International Court of Justice Advisory Opinion on the duty of States in light of climate change.

Demand an Independent Inquiry into the Impacts of Fossil Fuel Donation on Australia’s Climate Policy – AYCC

Sign the petition for an independent Federal inquiry to find out how increasing donations from the fossil fuel industry to major political parties contributes to climate inaction in Parliament.

Victoria, Australia:
No more new oil and gas projects in Victoria  Friends of the Earth

Last year the Andrews Government released five new oil and gas exploration blocks in the offshore Otway Basin in state waters, from Port Campbell to the South Australian border. The time for new fossil fuels is long over. We are calling on the government to cancel the tender process.

1) Sign petition:

2) Sign your group on to our letter to the premier and cabinet. Even better – if you agree with the petition, please sign your group on: email with your name and the name of your group.

There is extra info and other ideas on things you can do available here:

Commit to strong clean energy policy – Clean Energy Council

Add your voice to our campaign by emailing your local federal MP and letting them know that you want strong clean energy policy to be on the agenda at this Federal Election. You can use the letter we have pre-loaded or write your own below.

New South Wales, Australia:

Save our recycling – Local Government NSW, the peak industry association representing the interests of NSW general and special purpose councils.

Ahead of the State Election, we’re calling on the leaders of the major parties to commit to using the waste levy for what it is actually intended, and to invest in solutions that will see our recycling put to good use.

New South Wales, Australia:

Stop new coal-fired power stations – Beyond Coal, Victorian Greens
There’s a proposal from a Cayman Islands company to build huge coal-fired power stations in New South Wales’ Hunter Valley. We’re in a climate emergency. Can you join us now and help us grow a massive base of power that can lead the charge against this madness?


Ban Oil and Gas in the Great Australian Bight – Australian Marine Conservation Society

Asking ALL political parties to support a ban on oil and gas in the Great Australian Bight.Send email to Minister Canavan and Minister Price (CC Tony Burke MP, Jason Clare MP, Senator Whish-Wilson and Rebekha Sharkie MP)

We have 10 years to change before our Earth passes a point of no return - we need to act now – Cat Lilly

Petitioning the Hon. Melissa Price MP and Scott Morrison, Prime Minister of Australia

Stop Equinor from drilling in the Great Australian Bight

There’s a Facebook page to share knowledge and make writing your submission to Nopsema easy - designed to help the people of Australia submit their concerns to NOPSEMA (National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority, an Australian Commonwealth Statutory Agency) regarding Equinor's plan to drill in the Great Australian Bight.

There are lots of statements you can take inspiration from, but it's imperative that you reword these statements into your own language. Use these responses as a start and rework them so they are your own.


Demand the Government take immediate action on climate change – Bushfire Survivors for Climate Action supported by GetUp! and the Climate Media Centre
We are bushfire survivors, firefighters, local councillors – and we have joined together to demand the Government take immediate action on climate change. Will you sign the petition to demand Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten meet the Bushfire Survivors?


Parliamentarians and Councillors: Declare a climate emergency – Australian Parents for Climate Action

Statement to all Australian Parliamentarians and Councillors: “We demand immediate emergency-scale action from all levels of government and from business to safeguard the future for our children by cutting atmospheric greenhouse emissions to safe levels and protecting the ecosystems on which we all depend.”


Call on Angus Taylor to back Australia's first offshore wind farm – Friends of the Earth Australia 

The Star of the South requires both state and federal planning approval, but has been held up by the federal Coalition government for unknown reasons. The fate of Australia's first offshore wind farm now lies in the hands of Minister Angus Taylor.


Cancel the Otway oil and gas tenders – Friends of the Earth Melbourne

The Andrews Labor Government in Victoria has released five new oil and gas exploration blocks, but the time for new fossil fuel developments is over. Send an email to the state government opposing the exploration.

Join the call for a 100% clean world – Avaaz

Petitioning national, local, and international leaders: The EU is proposing an urgent plan to reduce carbon pollution to ZERO -- but Trump and his allies are doing all they can to kill it off.


Demand Scott Morrison and Bill Shorten #MeetTheKids – ACF

The children are speaking truth to power. And it’s time for power to listen. But PM Morrison and Bill Shorten are refusing to #MeetTheKids. Sign the petition to demand Scott Morrison and Bill Shorten #MeetTheKids


What About Us? The Children's Petition to Stop Climate Change – Ella-Mei

Ella-Mei, 11 years old, has started a petition from the kids of Australia to the government, to voice their concerns about climate change targets in policy making.

Australia | #StopAdani:

Call Bill Shorten now and demand the Labor Party commit to stopping Adani’s dangerous coal mine – AYCC

Will you call? Call Scott Morrison as well and leave the same message! (02) 6277 7700.

Australia | #StopAdani:

Pledge to vote to #StopAdani Australia

We need our elected leaders to step up and say they will finally represent the majority of Australians and #StopAdani, now. Tell the Prime Minister Scott Morrison and the Leader of the Opposition Bill Shorten that you have pledged to take this fight to the very end.


Ban oil in the Bight today – Save Our Marine Life

New leaked documents show an oil spill in our Great Australian Bight could be catastrophic, reaching as far as Bondi! Drilling for oil is just too risky in the deep, wild waters of the Great Australian Bight – with the potential to devastate our marine life, local communities, fishing and tourism businesses. ALL political parties need to support a ban on oil and gas in the Great Australian Bight.


Coal Donations Have No Place in Parliament  – YACC

Sign the petition for a review of Australia’s donation laws to kick big coal companies out of politics. Kickstart a public conversation and shift the power.


Pledging support for sustainable “fair dinkum” power – Fair Dinkum Power

help make our energy clean, cheap, reliable and Australian


Sign the People's Demands for Climate Justice  multiple groups

Petitioning the government representatives to the 24th Session of the Conference of Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – add your name to the People’s Demands: a set of global safeguards to ensure the world takes meaningful, just action to address the climate crisis.


The Climate Election: Be a climate voter Australian Conservation Foundation

Let's call on our next government to make laws to stop climate damage. No more burning coal. Switch to clean energy. Pledge to be a climate voter.

Australia | #StopAdani:

Don't let Adani drain these springs  Stop Adani

Email the Chief Executive of the QLD Department of Environment and Science, James Merrick. Tell him not to make a decision on Adani’s Groundwater Dependent Ecosystem Management Plan until vital research on the risks of the megamine to the Doongmabulla Springs has been conducted.


Call on Angus Taylor to back Australia's first offshore wind farm – Friends of the Earth Melbourne

The Star of the South offshore wind farm promises to deliver clean renewable energy to 1.2 million homes, creating an estimated 12,000 jobs and avoiding up to 10 million tonnes of polluting  greenhouse gas emissions. The fate of the project now rests in the hands of Australia's latest Energy Minister, Liberal  MP Angus Taylor.


Go bigger on clean energy Environment Victoria

Petition for a Renewable Energy Guarantee. “It’s so important that leaders of the major parties know you want more from them on renewable energy.”


Sign open letter to Angus Taylor: Support solar and save the SRES – Solar Citizens

Add your name to an open letter before Solar Citizens delivers it in Canberra after Parliament returns on 10 September 2018.

» More petitions

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To request the code to embed the petition listing in your own website, contact:

Mik Aidt, (VCAN) or

Margaret Hender,  (CORENA)

» More about the petition list