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Reaching through the Looking Glass

Vivek Sangubhotla + Judeth Oden Choi

A mobile virtual reality tool that allows you to reach into and manipulate a virtual world. By using a Leap Motion as the input for an Android phone, and adding a pair of Go4D c1-glasses, we have created an untethered, mobile VR interface. Built in Unity, it uses the gyroscope of the phone to create an immersive feel.

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Luxe Garden

Bingrui Tang(HCI)

Becca Epstein (Art)

The piece highlights the contradictions inherent in the culture of luxury and technology. Luxe Garden is a virtual environment of natural elements and opulent artifacts. The plants are scanned in using photogrammetry.

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Look, Touch, Be
Akiva Krauthamer (Drama)

Ben Gansky (Drama)

Yousuf Soliman (Computer Science)

Look, Touch, Be combines the capabilities of a head mounted display and a motion capture system. Users explores a virtual environment by walking and looking around in a mixed one to one  virtual/physical reality.

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Char Stiles (Art)

To create a different awareness when watching a dance performance “Intersect” captures touch between two dancers. This is done by rendering their bodies spirit-like and wispy, except where the dancers touch. There a solid shape is made out of the intersection.

This disembodiment bears a new aspect to the performance that focuses on the visceral intimacy.

This piece is viewed through a VR headset with position tracking so the viewer can be at any position around or in the dance while the dancers perform on an infinite loop.



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I Just Wish There Was Somewhere I Didn’t Hear Screaming

Dan Sakamoto (MFA Drama)

Kevin Ramser (MFA Drama)

IJWTWSIDHS is an experience combining immersive video, spatialized audio, ASMR, and reactive visual effects. Victims enter a cacophonous environment filled with shards of internet detritus—a browser in exploded view—navigating this disorienting noise to find areas where the swirling fragments around them coalesce into palm trees. The permeable tree trunks provide refuge in a shivering cocoon of polygons and a soothing ASMR soundtrack.

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Ivan Sutherland’s Trojan Cockroach  Daniel Pillis (MFA)

In “Trojan Cockroach”, participants ride on a virtual walking machine, touring through a wireframe simulation filled with the history of walking robots. Ivan Sutherland, the father of Computer Graphics, developed an early VR prototype in the 1960’s, followed by a walking robot in the 1980’s.  Blending these elements, this intentionally primitive world creates an ideal space for Sutherland’s ideas to coexist. Featuring Donna Summer’s “I Feel Love”, found footage voice-over, and a dozen walking machines.  

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The Galactic Slide

Alicia Iott (Art & Computer Science)

Ralph Kim (Fine Arts)

The Galactic Slide is a mixed reality experience using Oculus Rift that takes a user on a bumpy journey down a slide into space. Particles, stereoscopic sounds, shepard tones, programmatically generated objects, and fans in the physical world translate the feeling of falling into a visual, aural, and physical experience. A feeling of vertigo is induced using these tools.