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Help Translate App Inventor
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Help Translate MIT App Inventor

For questions and comments, please contact the translation team via <>

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MIT App Inventor is currently used in over 195 countries. To support users around the world, the MIT App Inventor team is seeking volunteers to help translate the App Inventor interface into as many languages as possible. If you would like to help translate, please follow these instructions:

Start Translating App Inventor

App Inventor has a translation server that uses the Weblate system for managing files of words and phrases to be translated.


If you visit our Weblate server, you may view the AppInventor project, the components of the project, and the existing translations. In order to start a new translation or make changes to an existing one, you must first sign up for an account by providing a username, email address and password. Once you sign up, you should get a confirmation email containing a link to activate your account.

Upon creation, your account with only have permission to VIEW translations. In order to create a new translation or update an existing one, please send email to and let us know you are interested in working on translations.


Once you are logged in, you may select Projects->AppInventor from the drop-down menu or follow this link.

You will be presented with a list of translation components. As of this writing, there are three:

Each component contains the language files for the existing translations.


The first percentage in the row indicates what percent of the App Inventor strings are translated in that language.

A translation is complete when all the language file for each translation component is complete. Since revisions are regularly released to App Inventor, a complete translation is a moving target. Anything a translator can contribute is a help.

The App Inventor translation administrator will regularly merge changes from Weblate into the App Inventor project.

If you have made a significant contribution to  please send email to When a translation is ready for release, we will want to make it available on a test server and request as many people with language fluency look over it as possible.

Administration Guidelines

If you have experience with a particular language and would like to take the lead on making a translation to that language happen, please apply to become a language administrator. If your language is already listed below, please contact one of the listed individuals who will grant you administrative access. If your language is not listed below, please contact to become a language administrator for your language and begin the translation process.

Administration Roles and Responsibilities

Language administrators have additional privileges on the translation server that general registered users do not have. Language administrators can review, modify, correct and approve any suggested translations for their given language. They will be able to accept other translations and submit their own translations directly. Language administrators work to ensure that translations are as accurate as possible.


For general questions, comments, or to report problems with the App Inventor Translation Server, please use the link at the bottom of the server or contact

For language specific issues, please contact the listed individuals. If you are proficient in a language not listed below and are interested in becoming an administrator for that language, please read administration guidelines before contacting




Hossein Amerkashi <>

Behrouz Kashani


Gabriele Cozzolino

Daniele Trimarchi

Poste Italiane

Andrea Zaffardi


Jörg Hüneburg

Sven Wiebus

Frank J


Alper Aslan

Törehan Gören


Yutthana Meanphon


Fathoni Usman

Sofa Sofiana


Alfred Bayati <>


Adel Kassah <>


Vasileios Orfanakis

Stamatios Papadakis


Lauritz Bjørn


Nguyen Duc

Ha Quang Hieu


Julio Silva

Mafalda S. Costa


Rory Phimister

Adel Kassah <>

Aymen Boussaid


Peter Mathijssen <>

Louis Wolf

Mario Witdoek


Jose Flores <>

Chinese (Simplified and Traditional)

Wei Li <>

Helen Nie

Morton Mok

Road Labs

Congjun Jin

Chuang Kai Chiao



Boris Yarmakhov <>



Byeong Ju <>

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