My Story

        I believe I was forced and groomed into silence about my experience up until this point. Recently there has been a lot of drama circulating around one Jeremy Black aka GloriousArcadum. I am going to be briefly and concisely describing my experience(s) involving this person.

On the night of 11/25/2019 I was sexually assaulted by Arcadum in my own home. I invited Arcadum to my home in hopes to help him escape his supposed abusive household setting with his significant other and simply wanted him to have a fun weekend with my old roommate and I. He took advantage of me on the night of the 25th and used my emotional vulnerability to attempt and perform sexual acts with me.

The night began pretty normal and all three of us were watching movies. Once my roommate went to bed, Arcadum asked to scratch my back and play with my hair. I was obviously okay with this because he hadn’t been intimate with me before this point and I am super friendly in this sense with others. It was only when his hands started wandering where they shouldn’t when it became something more. I finally got the courage to get up from the seat I was in, he also stood up and attempted to embrace me very close. I allowed it because I assumed it was a hug, only to feel his erection against my leg.

I remained motionless and did not touch Arcadum back in any way, shape or form.This weird, dry-humpy embrace lasted several minutes as he cried into my neck. I could feel him gripping at my shirt and pants and holding me violently and just crying into my neck.

Once the first hug finally ended, I pulled away and verbally tried to console him (Which I am terrible at in general) about his relationship and home life issues. After a bit of talking and him venting to me, I told him I should go to sleep because it was extremely late in the night. We had plans the next day that we did not get to because I was petrified from this night.

He complied and I walked him to his room which was across the house from my door. I checked to make sure his sleeping arrangements were good and that he had water, food and toilet paper etc. When I went to leave the room, he asked for another hug in the frame of the door. (For reference, I am about 5 foot 3 inches tall and around 145lbs/65.7709kg in weight. Arcadum is a larger man both in size and height.) I agreed out of submission to his emotional distress, which led to him forcing me up against the wall and proceeding with his version of a “hug”. Again, my body was touched and grabbed at, purposely avoiding my genitals and breasts to a degree. It felt like hours but most likely went on for minutes, but the line was crossed when he started kissing my neck and trying to hide it behind crying. I pushed him away as gently as I could and disengaged politely to my room. That was the first night staying in this home that I locked my door before I went to sleep.

My mistake in all of these encounters was remaining silent and not telling him to stop, but years of sexual and emotional abuse from older men has taught me to just let it happen and move on. So that is exactly what I did. I was terrified not only for my physical safety as he easily could overpower me if I retaliated, but I also feared for my career that was so deeply intertwined in his community. I feared he would spread rumors and lies about me and use my mental illness and past struggles as ammunition. And for all of you reading, you now know that my fears were justified.

Unlike a lot of the other women that have suffered due to this man whether it was emotionally, financially, verbally and or physically.. My experiences do not have screenshots or recordings. I do not have receipts for the marks he left on my skin with his negligence. I tried to tell my story in the past but got silenced by his ability to crush anyone and everyone he’d want to and now I finally get to tell my truth.

Part 2: The Emotional Abuse

This section will be heavily describing and citing the onslaught of emotional and verbal abuse I was put through by GloriousArcadum. These occurred in 2020/2021 and during a certain conflict involving the project known as Callous Row. I will provide further context on it if people REALLY need to ask and want to see but to save the document and not make it all about that matter, I am leaving out those details. Arcadum had little to no regard for my emotional well-being during and after this conflict and I was left to pick up the pieces of a good portion of my roleplay career. The only response I got was an “lol”. I have receipts from consenting parties showing Arcadum blatantly demonizing me to several of his other victims in an attempt to keep my voice from being heard. Those will be linked below.

To conclude this document that was honestly traumatizing to relive and write, I believe I was abused in several aspects by GloriousArcadum and I believe he is continuing to get away with these actions without proper consequence. I hope my voice and the onslaught of evidence and information all of you are seeing shows you exactly what kind of person he has been to myself and the other individuals involved. Again, any screenshots posted that are not mine were given consent/permission to be used in this statement. Thank you. - Folkona


#1 Arcadum demonizing and slandering Folkona to Momo ^

#2 Arcadum demonizing and slandering Folkona to Red ^

Arcadum is shown blatantly deleting/editting past messages to cover his original intention. The first screenshot was a conversation about him assaulting me. I was terrified and brushed it off, and even had gotten to a point where I blamed myself for it ever happening. The second screenshot has been heavily edited by Arcadum and has a lot of messages deleted in between my own. He went back just in the last few days it seems, not just for myself, and edited several sexual or romantic messages. If videos of these exact dm’s are needed to prove authenticity, you can ask me for them.