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Al Salam Behaviour for Learning Policy
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Al Salam Private School

Dubai, UAE

Behaviour for Learning Policy

Policy Lead

Phase Coordinators


Mr Amin Ali


January 2017

October 2018


Taher Gharib

Margaret Orchard Khan


October  2019

  1. Introduction

  1. Philosophy and Purpose

It is the philosophy of Al Salam School to foster a learning environment which reinforces the concepts of self-discipline and the acceptance of personal responsibility.  In order to maintain an environment conducive to attaining the highest quality of education,  certain policies and procedures are necessary, relating to student conduct which celebrate the good manners, etiquette and positive behaviour that is expected as the norm for all students, staff and parents, and delineating  unacceptable behaviour,  providing  the basis for sound disciplinary practices in Al Salam School.  These policies and procedures will be enforced fairly, uniformly, and consistently.

The purpose of this Policy is  to outline the necessary administrative procedures that will provide for a fair, but firm approach in promoting proper student conduct and positive learning behaviour,  and deterring unacceptable behaviour.

This Behaviour Policy will be published on the website and made available to staff, students and parents.  Changes will be published and distributed as and when made.

  1. Responsibilities

Al Salam School is committed to cultivating a climate of mutual respect for the rights of others.  Each student is expected to respect the rights and privileges of other students, teachers and all other Al Salam staff.  Students will exercise their rights responsibly, in compliance with rules established for the orderly conduct of the Al Salam educational mission.   Al Salam rules of conduct and behaviour are established to achieve and maintain order in the school.  Students who violate the rights of others or who violate Al Salam rules will be subject to disciplinary measures. Positive, constructive behaviour is actively acknowledged, with students being encouraged to share their good practice with their peers.  

  1. Responsibilities of the Students

Students’ responsibilities for achieving a positive learning environment at school or school related activities will include:

  1. Attending all classes, regularly and on time.
  2. Being prepared for each class with appropriate materials and assignments.
  3. Being appropriately dressed and groomed in accordance with the uniform policy.
  4. Showing respect toward others both in person and in any online activity.
  5. Behaving in a responsible manner both in person and in any online activity.
  6. Obeying all school rules, including safety rules in school and online.
  7. Showing proper restraint if confronted by other students and reporting such incidents and violations to the teachers or members of the Behaviour for Learning (BfL) committee.

  1. Responsibilities of the Parents

Throughout this policy, “parents” includes single parent or legal guardian or carer. Parents have the responsibility to:

  1. Be a good role model for their child/ren.
  2. Promote good manners and behaviour, and reward these with praise.
  3. Teach their child  to listen to teachers and other school personnel and to abide by school rules.
  4. Be sure their child  attends school regularly and on time, and promptly report and explain absences and tardiness to school.
  5. Participate in meaningful parent-teacher conferences to discuss their  child’s ’s school progress and welfare.
  6. Keep informed about school policies and the academic requirements of school programs.
  7. Be sure their child  is appropriately dressed and groomed at school and school related activities.
  8. Bring to the attention of school authorities any learning problem or condition, or family situation, that may relate to their child's education and development and well-being and may affect his / her behaviour.
  9. Maintain up-to-date home, work, and emergency telephone numbers, email addresses and other pertinent information at the school.
  10. Cooperate with the school staff and seek advice from the Care & Guidance staff for concerns about their child.
  11. Exercise appropriate parental control and responsibility, which includes being liable for property damage proximately caused by (a) the negligent conduct of their child  if the conduct is reasonably attributable to the failure of the parents to exercise their duty to control and reasonably discipline their child, or (b) the wilful or malicious conduct of their child.

  1. Responsibilities of the Teachers

  1. Responsibilities of the Behaviour for Learning (BfL) committee members

The BfL has the responsibility to:

  1. Ensure the fair and equitable implementation of this Behaviour policy by school staff.
  2. Find positive ways to reinforce good behaviours and excellence in study practice.
  3. Encourage parent communication with the school, including participation in required parent-teacher conferences.
  4. Provide appropriate assistance to students in learning self-discipline.
  5. Provide instructional leadership for behaviour and for evaluation of the Behaviour policy.
  6. Follow-up with the parents on all student disciplinary actions until the matter is resolved.

  1. Behaviour Management

  1. General Guidelines for Assessing Behaviour Penalties

When engaging in behaviour management strategies, Al Salam staff must adhere to the following guidelines:

1. Strategies will be deployed when necessary to protect students, school employees, or property and to maintain essential order and safety.

2. Students will be treated fairly and equitably.  Strategies will be based on a careful assessment of the circumstance of each case.  Factors to consider will include:

  1. Teachers will issue a verbal warning to students to correct relatively minor occurrences of inappropriate conduct.

  1. Behaviour for Learning (BfL) Committee Recommendations

BFL Committee recommendations may include:

  1. Counselling by the school counsellor, teachers or appropriate school personnel.
  2. Counselling maybe also be conducted by outside agencies or authorities at the parent’s expense.
  3. Parent-teacher conferences.


  1. Confiscation of items that disrupt the educational process.
  2. Cooling off or time-out.
  3. Behavioural contracts.
  4. Rewards and incentives for acceptable behaviours.
  5. Verbal correction.

Sanctions, applied as appropriate to the particular situation:

  1. Assigned school duties other than class tasks.
  2. Withdrawal of privileges, including participation in extracurricular activities and honorary positions.
  3. After school, lunch or break time detention.
  4. School defined and imposed probation.
  5. Grade adjustment (as provided by local policy).
  6. Community service work.
  7. Suspensions.
  8. Expulsion

  1. Record Keeping and Tracking (Student Referral)

Teachers will be responsible for recording and tracking student offences committed during classes. Teachers must maintain a record for each student and submit such records to their HOD. The referral form must include the following information:

Data from each incident must be recorded and trackable using the Google Form designed for this purpose

  1. Offences

Students violating the school rules and regulations will face disciplinary consequences that are commensurate with their misbehaviour. In general, Behaviour Management Strategies (BMS) will be progressively administered so that penalties increase due to the severity or persistence of the misbehaviour.  

The length of the punishment will depend on the offence.  The consequences are not necessarily in the order of severity.  One or more disciplinary options may be used for a single offence if deemed appropriate.  The staff members responsible for the discipline of a student in a given situation may use discretion in determining which of the listed disciplinary options is most appropriate to the setting and the violation.

  1. Minor Behaviour Infringements

Minor offences are those which are not deemed serious in nature but may disrupt the educational atmosphere of the school.  Any violation of the Code of Conduct that is listed below as a Category 1 offence is considered a minor offence.

  1. Persistent Infringements  

Al Salam defines “persistent” to be three or more violations of the Behaviour Policy in general or recorded repeated occurrences of the same category violation.

  1. Serious Offences

Any offence that is Category 2 or 3 listed is considered a serious offence.

  1. Classification of Offences

The following offences and consequential disciplinary options are listed in order of severity, with Category 1 being the least severe. Any offence committed by a student, which is not listed below, will be classified at the discretion of the discipline committee.

  1. Category 1 (C1) Infringements  definition

Minor acts of misconduct, generally observed in the classroom or in the building, that interferes with the orderly educational process. Discipline for Category 1 infringements  are most often managed by the classroom teacher but may be forwarded to the Year/Phase leader if deemed necessary. Parents may be requested to come for a conference with the teacher to discuss the misbehaviour and the disciplinary action.

C1  Infringements  listed below but not limited to:

  1. Tardiness between classes or due to extended or unapproved toilet breaks
  2. Running or making excessive noise in the hall, classroom or building
  3. Neglecting to bring required material or assigned work to class
  4. Disrespecting other students
  5. Arguing with a teacher or any Al Salam staff member
  6. Using rude or insulting language to students, in particular colloquialisms
  7. Failing to follow class rules
  8. Talking out of turn
  9. Writing/passing notes or sending messages during class
  10. Leaving litter or food behind, in or around the school premises
  11. Ball or game playing in the school building at inappropriate times
  12. Dress code violation
  13. Eating or drinking in an undesignated area without permission
  14. Possessing and/or using nuisance items
  15. Misuse of school property
  16. Playing with water in or around the school premises
  17. Throwing things into neighbouring property
  18. Dangerous play
  19. Unauthorised selling of miscellaneous items to students
  20. Any offence not listed that the school categorise as such

Behaviour Management Strategies for C1 offences




A teacher will supervise a student who will stay in a classroom during break time to complete an assignment. Detention will be served the following day the infraction was made.

Behavioural contracts

Appropriate contract between the teacher and student.

Special assignment

Teacher will give the student a special assignment.

Parent notification

Parents will be given a written notice of their child’s infringement  in the google .

Half an hour school detention

Teacher will assign additional academic activity and supervise.

Half an hour school detention

Teacher will assign school chores and supervise.

One hour after school detention

Teacher will assign additional academic activity and supervise.

One hour after school detention

Teacher will assign school chores and supervise.

  1. Category 2 (C2) Offences definition

This includes more severe and disruptive misbehaviours, which interfere with the learning environment.  Parents will be notified of the offence and may be requested to attend a meeting with the Year/Phase leader or HOD to discuss the offences and the disciplinary action.

C2 Offences listed below but not limited to:

a. Making disrespectful (impolite, mocking or sarcastic) comments, gestures or expressions to Al Salam teachers, staff or students (This will include comments made online or via social media).

b. Misuse of food in the cafeteria or elsewhere.

c. Posting or distributing unauthorised publications on school property

d. Unauthorised and/or inappropriate use of school computers and internet

e. Cheating or copying the work of another, plagiarism  

f. Repeated (more than 2 reports) inappropriate physical contact with another (pushing, tripping, bumping etc.)

g. Failure to serve detention or fulfil other C1 penalties  

h. Vandalism, including defacement of school property

i. Possession of lighter or matches on school property

j. Throwing objects that can cause bodily injury or damage to property

k. Using profanity or vulgar language  

l. Any offence not listed that the school categorises as such

m. Leaving school during the school day without a parent or teacher’s authorisation.

n. Immoral writings, pictures, or graffiti

Behaviour management Strategies for C2 offences



On-site suspension  

The student comes to school, but is excluded from regular classes; is seated in isolation to complete written assignments, including any scheduled exams; is supervised at lunch and escorted by Al Salam staff member.

Saturday School

The student comes to school for 4 hours from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. to complete written assignments and/or other tasks, under teacher supervision.

Community service

The student will be required to perform 5 hours community service.

Between 1 and 3 days, out of school suspension

The student will stay home with academic assignment from the teacher.

  1. Category 3 (C3) Offences definition

Acts of misbehaviour which are serious and which disrupt the orderly educational process.  Parents will be notified and requested to come for a conference with BFL committee in each instance of Category 3 misbehaviour.

C3 Offences listed below but not limited to:

a. Possession or use of fireworks or weapons on/around school property

b. Starting a fire

c. Setting off a security alarm

d. Fighting, physical abuse, or threat of physical abuse

e. Gang activity in or out of school

f. Stealing

g. Insubordination, noncompliance with the directives of a member of the school staff

h. Perjury or lying as a school witness during school investigation

i. Major Breach of academic integrity, Final/international examinations.

j. Inappropriate relationships and or behaviour between boys and girls

k. Dangerous pranks

l. Forgery of school records and/or forms

Behaviour management Strategies for C3 offences



Community Service  

The student will be required to perform 10 hours’ community service.

Out of school one week suspension

The student will stay home with academic assignment from the teacher.

Referral to expulsion

Has to be approved by Behaviour for Learning Committee.

  1. Processes for implementing Behaviour management

  1. Behaviour for Learning Department level strategies

In addition to the whole School Behaviour policy, Primary and Secondary Departments have established more specific, detailed discipline plans for the various grades and classes.  These detailed plans will conform to all provisions of this discipline policy and procedures.  Al Salam Year and Phase leaders are responsible for developing, updating, and re-evaluating these plans on an annual basis for effectiveness.  

Any revisions will not conflict with any provisions of this Behaviour policy and procedure and will be approved by the SLT and Board of Governors prior to implementation.  

  1. Detention

For minor infractions of the code of conduct or other policies and regulations, teachers may detain students after school hours.  Before assigning students to detention, the teacher will inform the student of the conduct that allegedly constitutes the violation, and the student will be given an opportunity to explain his or her version of the incident.

When detention is used, advance notice (two days) will be given to the student’s parent or legal guardian.  The student’s parent or guardian will be required to provide transportation when the student has been assigned to detention.  

  1. Teacher removal of students

A teacher may send a student to the HOD’s office in order to maintain effective Behaviour in the classroom.  The Department HOD will respond by employing appropriate Behaviour management techniques consistent with school policy and the code of conduct, which may include involving the Care & Guidance Staff.

A teacher may remove from class a student who has been documented to have repeatedly interfered with the teacher’s ability to communicate effectively with other students in class, or with the ability of the student’s classmates to learn;  or whose behaviour the teacher determines so unruly, disruptive, or abusive that she cannot teach the class.  

The teacher may either:

1. Place the student in another appropriate classroom with supervision;

2. Place the student in school suspension; or

3. Send the student home with parents.

A teacher can also remove a student from his or her class if the student engages in an offence for which expulsion referral is required.  Upon receipt of those referrals, the HOD can take the appropriate action required by this Behaviour Policy.  

The HOD may not return the student to the classroom of the teacher who removed the student without the teacher’s consent.  If the teacher refuses to accept the student, the student will be prohibited from attending the teacher’s class until a hearing is conducted.

If a teacher removes a student from class, the student may be prohibited from attending or participating in school sponsored or school related activities.

  1. Non-Disciplinary Emergency Removals

Students may be removed from regular classes or from the Al Salam premises for non-disciplinary health, welfare, and safety reasons when the HOD determines that an emergency exists.  Reasons constituting an emergency include, but are not limited to:

1. Being highly agitated.

2. Suffering from any other condition that temporarily threatens the student’s welfare, other individual’s welfare, the efficient operation of the school.

Any student removed from school for a reason motioned herewith, in a condition that threatens his or her own welfare or the welfare of others will be released to the parent, the parent’s representative, or other authority, including, but not limited to medical personnel.  Such removal will be for as short a time as is reasonable under the circumstances, but limited to no more than five (5) consecutive school days.

Parents will be notified by the Department HOD prior to removing a child from the school premises.  If parents cannot be notified prior to removal, they will be notified as soon as possible of the reasons for removal.

  1. Suspension

A student may be removed from school and placed on suspension for a period not to exceed five (5) consecutive school days.  There is no limit to the times per school year that a student may be suspended, so long as each term of suspension does not exceed five (5) school days.  

The length of the suspension will be based on the severity and number of offences, and will be determined by the BfL committee.  A student may be suspended for any offence designated as a serious offence in this Behaviour policy (Category 2 or above).  A student will not be afforded a hearing on the suspension; however, the BfL Committee will inform the student of the reasons for the suspension and grant the student an opportunity to give his/her version of the incident.

  1. Hearing notice to Parent

Before suspending a student, the BfL committee will conduct an informal hearing at which:

1. The student is advised of the conduct with which he or she is charged.

2. The student is given the opportunity to explain his or her version of the incident.

The student’s parent will be notified of a suspension by telephone or other appropriate means as soon as reasonably possible.  Parents of students who have been suspended will be advised that it is their responsibility to provide adequate supervision for the student during the period of suspension.

  1. Parent meeting

When the HOD suspends a student for more than one day, he/she will schedule a conference with the student’s parent to discuss the disciplinary action and/or the student’s misbehaviour.

  1. Expulsion

The HOD will make a referral for expulsion to the BfL Committee for their consideration.  The BfL Committee will meet after receiving this referral to investigate the situation and schedule a notice to the parent and a hearing.

  1. Due Process  

Before a student is expelled, the BfL Committee will provide the student an opportunity for a hearing at which the student is afforded due process, which will include the following:

  1. Prior notice of the charges and the proposed sanctions so as to afford a reasonable opportunity for preparation.
  2. Right to a full and fair hearing before the BfL Committee.
  3. Right to an adult representative.
  4. Opportunity to testify and present evidence and witnesses in his or her defence.
  5. Opportunity to examine the evidence presented by the school administration and
  6. Question the administration’s witnesses.

The notice will be in writing and will advise of the nature of the evidence to be used against the student, including a list of witnesses and the nature of their testimony, and any documents that will be used at the hearing.  The decision will be based exclusively on evidence presented at the hearing.  The final decision will be communicated promptly, and in writing, to the student and parent within (3) school days from the hearing date.

  1. Physical Restraint

Any Al Salam employee may, within the scope of the employee’s duties, use and apply physical restraint to a student that the employee reasonably believes is necessary in order to:

  1.   Cheating/Academic Dishonesty

Copying another person’s work, such as homework, class work, or a test, is a form of cheating.  The student will be subject to academic disciplinary action that may include loss of credit for the work in question. Teachers who have reason to believe that a student has engaged in cheating or other academic dishonesty will assess the academic penalty to be imposed. Students found to have engaged in academic dishonesty will be subject to disciplinary penalties.

6.  Monitoring the Behaviour for Learning Policy

The effectiveness of the policy will result in

  1. positive attitudes to learning and behaviour
  2. a clear line of reference for all staff, parents and students informing of the benefits of positive behaviour as opposed to the unwelcome penalties for infringement and offences
  3.  a measurable reduction in students requiring C2 and C3 penalties for offences


7. Management of the Policy

The SLT will update and review the Policy annually in line with current teaching and classroom practice.

The SLT will provide termly  updates to the Principal to ensure effective behaviour management strategies are being implemented school-wide.

The Principal will report on disciplinary actions that have been taken and their effectiveness, including data about students who have been disciplined according to the Policy principles in using C 1,2. and 3 penalties, annually to the Governing Body meeting.  

The Governing Body will oversee the policy, ensure its implementation and review its content on an annual basis.