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Interactions 3 Community Interactions PDQ
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AP Biology Pre-Discussion Questions: Interactions 3- Community Interactions


Topic Presentation:

Textbook Reading:

Principles of Life:

OpenStax Biology:

Biozone Pages:

Supplementary Resources:

Crashcourse Biology Videos::

Videos by Paul Andersen:

Questions to answer:

Things you should make sure you understand:


Topic Presentation:  

click here

Textbook Reading:

Principles of Life:

OpenStax Biology:

Biozone Pages:

Volume 2:

Supplementary Resources:

Crashcourse Biology Videos::

Community Ecology: Feel the Love - Crash Course Ecology #4

Community Ecology II: Predators - Crash Course Ecology #5

Ecological Succession: Change is Good - Crash Course Ecology #6

Videos by Paul Andersen:




Ecological Succession


Questions to answer:

  1. Explain how competition contributes to competitive exclusion, resource partitioning, and character displacement.
  2. Explain how predation contributes to changes in coloration (aposematic and cryptic) and the evolution of mimicry (batesian and mullerian).
  3. Provide examples of mutualism and parasitism, and explain how your examples fit those definitions.
  4. Why are ecologists unsettled on whether or not there are any truly commensal interactions among organisms?
  5. Explain the concept of facilitation.  Provide an example facilitator species and why it fits that definition.
  6. What is biodiversity?  How is it measured?
  7. Explain how tropic structure can be understood in terms of food chains and food webs.
  8. How do keystone species and energetic considerations contribute to the tropic structure of an ecosystem?  Provide examples of the effects of each.
  9. Describe the phenomena of disturbance and succession.
  10. How do climate, area, and the island-like nature of an environment contribute to the structure of the community?

Things you should make sure you understand:

(feel free to ask questions about them in class)