5.3.4P Blood Typing Practice

Name: _______________________

Hr: ______

Use table 5.17 from the 5.3.4 reading to complete the following problems. Show all your work.

1. Write all the possible genotypes for these blood types:

A=                 B=

AB=                 O=



2. A woman sues a man for support of her child. She has type A blood, her child has type O and the man has type B. Could the man be the father?








3. A wealthy, elderly couple dies together in an accident. Soon a man shows up to claim their fortune, contending that he is their only son who ran away from home when he was a boy. Other relatives dispute his claim. Hospital records show that the deceased couple were blood types AB and O. The claimant to the fortune was type O. Do you think that the claimant was an imposter? Explain.







4. A man has type A blood and his wife has type B blood. A physician types the blood of their four children and is amazed to find one of each of the four blood types. He is not familiar with genetics and calls upon you to explain how such a thing could happen. What would you say?










5. Explain why it is impossible for a man with blood type AB to have a child with O type. (Use a Punnett Square to show your answer)








6. A woman with type A blood has two children, one with O and one with type B blood. What type of blood must the father have? Give the genotypes of the mother and the children.







7. Suppose 2 newborn babies were mixed up in the hospital and there is question as to which parents the babies belong to. From the following blood types, determine who each baby belongs to. Also, determine the genotypes of each of the 6 people.

Baby 1: Type O                 Baby 2: Type A


The Smiths: Mrs. Smith has Type B and Mr. Smith has Type B.






The Browns: Mrs. Brown has Type B and Mr. Brown has Type AB.