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ISB Behaviour policy
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

The purpose of this document is to make all staff members at ISB aware of:

Expected Standard of Behaviour

It is the responsibility of the School Leadership Team (SLT) to ensure that the expected standards of behaviour are communicated to the staff.  This document will be available on the ISB Teachers’ website.  The entire staff must adhere to the policy in order to establish consistency in dealing with behaviour.  It applies to rewards/praise and disciplinary measures equally.

All ISB students should make decisions with regard to their learning and behaviour with the following statements in mind:

  1. We are safe
  2. We are respectful
  3. We do our best
  4. We have fun
  5. We are proud
  6. We are ISB

  1. Our students’ safety is our primary and fundamental concern.  Safety must be consistently promoted as a necessary community value and unsafe behaviour on the part of the students must be addressed swiftly, consistently and in a manner that guarantees that safety is restored right away.

The expectations: Walk when indoors; always avoid damaging the school or the school’s property; act in a way that keeps others safe.

  1. Respect: the first core value of ISB.  Every student has the right to be treated with respect just as they are obligated to treat others with respect.  The failure of a student to respect others does not at all eliminate their right to be respected.  It does mean that they need the support and understanding of the staff.

The expectations: Treat everyone with respect and courtesy; use proper greetings; arrive on time to and properly prepared for lessons; hold the door for others; use an indoor voice.

  1. Hard Work: the second core value of the school.  All students must be motivated to achieve their personal best in all academic and social areas.  This means that teacher planning and classroom behaviour management strategies must be designed to engage all students on a personal level.  Engaged students are well-behaved students.

The expectations: Behave in a way that promotes teaching and learning in class; always do your best; listen to instructions and follow the rules.

  1. Learning something new is fun: the third core value of ISB.  It is vital that the school’s expectations for student learning and conduct be designed keeping in mind our students’ desire to learn about, explore and act in their world.  Each student must be personally engaged in the activities of the moment; if they are, then their behaviour will reflect their desire to learn.  

The expectation: Make sure that you behave so that learning is fun for everyone.

  1. It is important that students are aware of what proper behaviour and academic performance looks like so that they have something to strive for and so that they have the information necessary to assess their own performance.  Students who are able to independently determine whether they meet the expectations of the school will be able to take pride in knowing and delivering what is expected of them.

The expectations: Make decisions you can be proud of; make sure that ISB is a place to be proud of; keep the school clean and be appropriately dressed.

  1. We are ISB.  As an international community, it is important that our language, values and customs be consciously defined and cultivated in order to be able to communicate them.  We should all know the kind of school we want to be and we should celebrate when we are successful in achieving those targets.

        The expectations: Be welcoming; invite others to learn and play; help when/how you can.

Teacher requirement

All classrooms must deploy, with student participation, a behaviour management system that promotes the above rules.  Teachers are free to use all means and methods that do not violate the mission statement.  Such systems should have a clear system of warnings and consequences that follow after multiple warnings balanced by positive incentives and rewards.    

All students and their parents must understand this system.  What results from good behaviour should be understood as clearly as the consequences of poor decision making.  

The system must also accommodate the school’s Stop and Think Form as well as the 3 Behaviour Support Stages (see below).

Primary division uses a consistent division-wide system that is described in the document Primary Behaviour Management System.

Classroom behaviour management systems must clearly communicate the teacher’s expectations (through displays) to students so that they become part of daily life. Other means of raising student awareness of the expectations the school has for them include:

Being Worthy Role Models

In order to ensure that ISB students demonstrate the expected standards of behaviour and quality of work, it is essential that all ISB staff members exhibit those standards.  It is essential that all ISB staff:

➤ Involving Parents

It is important to always remember that parents want their children to be well-behaved and to be positively perceived. We need to work very closely with ISB families, in order to ensure the maximum possible consistency in dealing with behavioral issues. All ISB staff members must establish and maintain a positive, professional and mutually-respectful relationship with the parents of their students in which concerns, observations and experiences are openly and easily shared.  

Types of Incident and Corrective Measures

If a student's behaviour does not meet the expected standards, then they need to be made aware of this and support needs to be provided so that they can improve their decision-making.  Class/subject teachers are always responsible for providing this support during the initial/minor incidents via the classroom behaviour management system.  At all times, teachers should deal with behaviour issues in a calm and respectful manner.  When dealing with minor issues, teachers may use all means that do not violate the mission statement or core values.  Parents should be contacted as necessary.

If a student needs to be removed from the class (for example: if they are extremely upset, posing a danger to themselves or others, are being excessively disruptive, etc.), then the assistance of an appropriate member of staff should be sought to either sit with the student or to overtake the class. 

These incidents should always be communicated to the parents.  As long as minor incidents are not daily occurrences, they are the responsibility of the homeroom teacher to manage.  Issues can and should be consulted with the SLT or fellow colleagues, but the teacher is responsible for taking action, imposing consequences, communicating with parents, etc.

Minor Incidents

Moderate Incidents

Serious Incidents


  • disruptive behaviour
  • crossing people’s boundaries
  • not following school rules
  • not following behaviour instructions
  • late arrival to class
  • not taking responsibility for actions
  • Unauthorised use of mobile phone


  • persistence of minor incidents         
  • rudeness to staff or students
  • aggressive behaviour
  • unsafe behaviour
  • first incidence of unexcused absence


  • persistence of moderate incidents
  • violence/assault*
  • repeated unexcused absences
  • extreme rudeness to staff or students
  • theft
  • Bullying
  • Racism
  • Body-shaming
  • Cyber-bullying
  • substance abuse/possession
  • sexual conduct
  • sexual harassment/assault
  • possession of dangerous items (weapons, explosives, etc.)*
  • misusing the school’s internet connection (accessing offensive/illegal content, abusing privacy rights, etc.)
  • Possession of illegal items/material*

* may result in police involvement

The above lists are not exhaustive. (Table updated 4.4.2024)

Please note:

ISB students are expected to hold to the mission statement and values of the school at all times, even when they are not at school.  If an ISB student is involved in a Red Level incident outside school hours and off school premises, the School may impose consequences up to and including expulsion, depending on the severity of the incident.

The Behaviour Support Stages

The following three stages of behaviour support are an escalating system for addressing types of incident that may occur as well as a description of providing support to students who are experiencing difficulty making appropriate decisions with regards to their behaviour and academics.  

The staff will decide when a series of minor or moderate incidents are to be considered an escalating situation.  Moreover, it is important to deal with all behaviour incidents in a case by case manner.  Not every serious incident warrants immediate expulsion just as in certain situations, minor incidents can be moderate or serious.  When dealing with behaviour issues or poor academic performance, ISB is committed to treating students' as individuals, with compassion and understanding.  The following are meant to serve as guidelines and protection for the school but they are not meant to force the school to make a decision that is considered to be against the best interests of a student.

Stage 1 (Repeated Yellow or Orange)

If minor incidents persist (to the point the student’s or their classmates’ safety, learning, general experience at school, etc.) or there is a moderate incident (see below), then action is taken.  It is important that all staff members understand that having a student complete a Stop & Think form initiates a process that must be carried through and will require their attention, planning and participation throughout. 

The student is always encouraged to rethink a decision they have made, why it was not the best decision and what would be a better decision in similar situations in the future.  The student might have an appropriate amount of restorative community service to complete.  The aim of assigning community service is to have the student come to appreciate their role in making ISB the kind of place we all want it to be.  Ideally, the students will enjoy the tasks assigned to them.  This is to be arranged by the class teacher.

The discussions will attempt to identify the causes of the incident (or series of minor incidents) and will focus on exploring different ways that similar situations can be prevented in the future.  These strategies must always take into account the student's age, culture, English proficiency, individual needs and personality.  They will be recorded in a document that will be signed by all parties involved and the student will sign a promissory note, indicating his or her intent to make better decisions in the future.  This document, along with the discussion notes, will be available to all members of the learning team.

At Stage 1, the student will have regular meetings with a member of the SLT in order to have the opportunity to share ideas, emotions and receive feedback on how the matter is progressing.  These discussions will take place at scheduled times and will cease when they are no longer necessary.  The reason for this is that sometimes it is very useful for the student to have the chance to speak with a more neutral member of the team who is aware of the issue but with whom the student does not have daily ‘give and take’ interactions.  This can sometimes facilitate brainstorming new solutions and strategies as well as more objective reflection.    

Stage 1 discussions are not documented on the ISB Progress Report/Official Transcript nor will they be considered as serious enough to be included in any other documentation that ISB will share with other schools.

Stage 2 (Repeated Orange)

Should the student’s decisions persist in violating the Code of Conduct in a moderate manner, there will be an automatic consequence that will be devised to suit the context in addition to more community service.  It could involve a loss of privileges or in-school suspension but it must always be appropriate, be easily communicated to the student and be supported by the learning team.

Another learning team meeting will take place.  At this time, it will be stated and documented that another incident can result in the expulsion of the student.  The regular meetings with the SLT will continue.  The SLT and class teacher will also require monthly meetings with a parent or legal guardian in order to ensure that there is a coordinated and consistent effort to bring decision-making in line with the Code of Conduct.

Stage 2 discussions are documented on the ISB Progress Report/Official Transcript/Confirmation of Enrolment Document and are shared with other schools in the event of transfer.

Stage 3 (First Red, Second Red or, in some cases, persistent Orange)


At Stage 3, the situation is quite serious.  However, it is essential that the school deal with these situations on a case by case basis, seeking a balance between the interests of the student and the collective interests of his or her classmates and the rest of the school.  Our primary duty is to all our students and it is always possible that a serious incident is a cry for help from the student.  In such situations, expulsion would be contrary to the student’s interest.  

All serious incidents require an immediate meeting of the SLT; if the incident is especially serious, then it might be necessary for the student to be removed from class for the rest of the day and for parents to be asked to come in right away to pick the student up.  At this time, the meeting can be arranged.  

If the student has a history of reliable decision-making and an adequate track record for behaviour, then the SLT meeting and actions will be aimed at identifying the reasons behind the change.  It will then be necessary to investigate the situation at home, socially, etc.; for this, the family’s cooperation will be required.  Such situations will be dealt with in a maximally sensitive and confidential manner.  If an underlying cause is identified and the student genuinely needs professional help and support, the school will assist the family in any way possible.  When a student needs help, expulsion is not an option.

If it turns out that the situation was simply a poor decision resulting in a serious incident, then a warning document will be issued stating that similar incidents are likely to result in expulsion and support will be provided to help avoid future mistakes.  The support will be as needed and for as long as is necessary.  The exact plan will be documented.  Unless the severity of the incident is exceptionally high, expulsion is not likely to be considered in these situations.

If the student has a track record of poor decision-making and/or already reached stage 1 or 2, then expulsion is an option.  Given that they have a history of poor decision-making, it is likely that they have received long-term support, which will have proven to be ineffectual.  Also, it is likely that the students’ classmates' safety and/or learning will have been compromised on an ongoing basis and it is at this point that the school will need to make decisions on their behalf.  While expulsion of a student is sometimes the best course of action, it always represents a failure on the part of the learning team to meet the student’s needs.  When a student is expelled, the school refunds any tuition fees for paid months that have not yet begun.  

If the school opts to allow the student to remain at school, then a significant series of consequences can be imposed.  This can range from in-school suspension, loss of privileges, required community service beyond the school, consultation with external specialists and so forth.  It is also possible that the student and/or his family will need to meet regularly with the Head of ISB.  

If, at any point in this process, a parent, teacher or student feels that the matter is not being dealt with appropriately, they may contact the Head of School.  If, even after a discussion with the Head, they still have concerns, they may request that the matter be taken up with the Board of Directors.

A note on physical intervention

Physically intervening with a student is a measure that can only be taken under very specific circumstances.  If a staff member deems that physical intervention is necessary, it must be a last resort measure and carried out with maximum regard for the safety of all parties involved.  It should primarily be used to ensure the safety of all students (including the student causing the incident) or to protect property from theft/damage.  However, intervening to prevent injury will always be considered more justifiable than for the purposes of protecting property.  Even during a physical intervention, the student’s feelings must be respected and efforts to diffuse the situation with words and communication should continue.  Finally, whenever a physical intervention does occur, every reasonable effort should be made on the part of the intervening staff member to have another staff member present as soon as possible.  Any staff member who is aware that a physical intervention is taking place is obligated to assist, even if it is simply to serve as a witness.  

The following means of intervention are considered acceptable, depending on the situation but must never be perceived as threatening:

The following means of intervention are never acceptable:

If a physical intervention occurs, both the teacher and the student(s) will be checked to see if first aid should be administered.  At the same time, the parents/legal guardians of the student will be contacted.  The incident is then documented and the statement is signed by all witnesses.  As soon as possible after the incident, the intervening teacher must conduct a meeting with the student to reassure them that respect still exists between them and that they are completely ready to resume their previous, positive relationship.

Updated on 29.9. 2016 - Jan