DLA016-0011  Translation


Sigmund Münz

Reisnerstr. 23

Wien III.


4. June [19]26.



Dear Friend,


I found your kind letter of the 15th May very interesting.[1] Please find attached my report about your stay in America which I intend to send to the “Nacion” in Buenos Aires. I also want to publish something in Vienna but a bit later. Could I request that you send me some photographs which could illustrate this article: perhaps photos of Coolidge [4169] and his wife [4171], photos of your earlier portraits of Roosevelt [5201] and Harding [5569], one of the Archbishop of Canterbury [4632], of Mr. Ochs [6487] and other famous personalities, probably also a photo where you are standing next to Harding. And please


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send all of that to me quickly so I can send the photos at the same time as the article for reproduction in the “Nacion”.


Congratulations on your great successes in America and Canterbury.


I would be very pleased, of course, to meet with you this summer as you are suggesting. Kindly let me know in time where and when we could meet each other.


With best regards also to Mrs. de Laszlo and all your family | I remain your in friendship devoted

S. Münz


Editorial Note:

Sigmund Münz (1859-1934), Austrian journalist and writer; for biographical notes see [6377].



ATG (summary)



LV (translation)


[1] DLA016-0029, letter from de László to Sigmund Münz, 15 May 1926