Unit 5: Genetics Assessment

Name: ___________________ Hr: ____


To show your understanding of meiosis, in the space provided below you must:

Complete your drawings below:



Match the following terms to their correct definition.

____ 1. Gene                  

____ 2. Allele        

____ 3. Dominant         

____ 4. Heterozygous         

____ 5. Genotype        

a. the letters used to describe a trait

b. an allele that only shows itself as the phenotype when there are 2 genes present

c. a genotype that has two different genes, ex. Bb

d. a section of DNA that codes for a particular trait

e. the different possible genes for a given trait

f. an allele that shows itself as the phenotype even when only 1 gene is present

g. having two identical genes in the genotype


____6. Most sex-linked genes are located on

a. the X chromosome only          c. both the X and the Y chromosomes

b. the autosomes                 d. the Y chromosomes only


____ 7. In humans, a female normally has

         a. one X chromosome only

         b. two X chromosomes

         c. one X chromosomes and one Y chromosomes

         d. two Y chromosomes


____ 8. The outward appearance of an organism is called its

         a. allele                 c. genotype

         b. phenotype                 d. genetics


____ 9. A woman has three children, all boys. What are the chances that a fourth child will                 be a girl?

         a. 1 out of 2                 c. 1 out of 5

         b. 1 out of 4                 d. 100% chance


____ 10. A family has three children. One has blood type A, one has blood type B, and one has type O. What must be the blood type of the parents?

         a. A and O                 c. AB and O

         b. A and B                 d. AB and AB


____ 11. Plants with round seeds and plants with wrinkled seeds produce offspring that have only round seeds. The dominant gene is for

         a. round seeds                 c. both round and wrinkled seeds

         b. wrinkled seeds                 d. neither round nor wrinkled seeds


____ 12. If R is dominant to r, which of these symbols would show a dominant phenotype?

         a. RR                 b. Rr                 c. rr                 d. A and B are correct


____ 13. Which pair of alleles would show the same phenotype?

         a. BB and Bb                 b. BB and bb                 c. Bb and bb                 d. all of these


____ 14. Tall is dominant over short in pea plants. A heterozygous tall pea plant is crossed                 with a short plant. The probability that the offspring plant will be tall is

         a. 25%                 b. 75%                 c. 50%                 d. 100%


____ 15. A punnett square shows all of the following except

         a. all possible results of a genetic cross

         b. the genotype of the potential offspring

         c. the alleles in the gametes of each parents

         d. the actual result of a genetic cross


16. Tall is dominant over short in pea plants. A homozygous tall pea plant is crossed with a homozygous short plant. What percentage of the offspring would be tall? Support your answer using the 4 part method.


17. In goldfish, golden scales is a dominant trait. Use G to represent the dominant trait and g to represent the recessive trait of white scales. Predict the outcome of a cross between a heterozygous golden scale fish and a white scaled fish.What phenotype ratios will the offspring have? Support your answer using the 4 part method.


18. In ostriches, incomplete dominance is shown in beak color. The beak colors are Red, Yellow, and Orange. Orange is a phenotype of the red and yellow allele combination. What is the expected phenotypic outcome of mating a yellow and orange beaked bird? Support your answer using the 4 part method.


19. Clouded leopards are a medium sized, endangered species of cat, living in the very wet cloud forests of Central America. Assume that the normal spots (XN) are a dominant, sex-linked trait and that dark spots are the recessive. Suppose as a Conservation Biologist, you are involved in a clouded leopard breeding program. One year you cross a male with dark spots and a female with normal spots. She has four cubs and, conveniently, two are male and two female. One each of the male and female cubs have normal spots and one each have dark spots. What is the genotype of the mother? Support your answer using the 4 part method.



20. One pair of genes for coat color in cats is sex-linked and shows incomplete dominance. Gene Y produces yellow coats and is located in the X chromosome (XY ). Gene B produces a black coat (XB). Heterozygous (XB XY) produces a tortoise shell coat.

a. Why will there never be any tortoise shell males?

b. What kind of offspring will result from mating a yellow male and a black female?         Support your answer using the 4 part method.