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Alchemical and Herbal Items
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Crafted items

Alchemical items

Herbal Remedies



Alchemical items

Creating alchemical items requires alchemist’s supplies. Alchemists selling these items can usually be found in cities and larger towns.

Alchemical items


Alchemical items



10 gp

Ghost essence

100 gp

Air crystals

5 gp

Ghostbane oil

30 gp

Air sponge

50 gp

Glass gargle

5 gp

Alchemical solvent

10 gp

Liquid ice

20 gp

Alchemical torch

25 gp

Noxious aromatic

10 gp

Alchemist’s fire

10 gp

Powdered chalk

1 cp

Alkali salt

10 gp

Smelling salt

5 gp


5 gp

Smoking pellet

10 gp

Dragon's Breath

20 gp


10 gp

Cooling gel

5 gp

Spellpower potion

30 - 500 gp


10 gp


1 sp

Deodorizing agent

5 gp

Troll oil

25 gp

Distilled courage

20 gp


10 gp

Facemold paste

25 gp

Unguent of revivification

10 gp


25 gp

Vapors of sleep

5 gp

Flash powder

10 gp


Price: 10 gp

As an action, you can splash the contents of this vial onto a creature within 5 feet of you or throw the vial up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. In either case, make a ranged attack against a creature or object, treating the acid as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 acid damage

Air crystals

Price: 5 gp

These unpleasant-tasting, alchemically grown crystals release breathable air when chewed. A pouch of air crystals provides 1 minute of breathable air. Any attempt to speak while chewing air crystals negates any remaining duration.

Air sponge

Price: 50 gp

It looks like a white sponge, about twice the size of a man’s fist, but instead of absorbing water, it has been alchemically treated to hold a surprising amount of air. Even when immersed in water, the air sponge will hold its air, leaking only an occasional tiny bubble. The air sponge holds enough air for the average medium sized creature to take three full breaths from it before it is depleted, allowing the user to remain underwater much longer than would normally be possible. Each breath taken from the air sponge “resets” the user’s Constitution checks against drowning. The air sponge can be refilled with air simply by squeezing it, so long as the user is in a place where air is available – it obviously cannot be refilled under water.

Alchemical solvent

Price: 10 gp, can be purchased in a flask

This bubbling purple gel eats through adhesives. Each vial can cover a single 5-foot square. It destroys normal adhesives (such as tar, tree sap, or glue) in a single round but takes 1d4+1 rounds to deal with more powerful adhesives (tanglefoot bags, spider webbing, and so on). It has no effect on fully magical adhesives, including sovereign glue.

Alchemical Torch

Cost 25 gp

The rough, sticky tar at the end of this torch traps air, keeping it burning through even the most adverse conditions. An alchemical torch burns for 1 hour and continues to smolder in heavy rains, strong winds, and underwater (albeit poorly when submerged, shedding only dim light in a 5-foot radius). Dimmer than a normal torch, it burns for 1 hour and sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. If you make a melee attack with a burning alchemical torch and hit, the tar binds to the target, dealing 1 fire damage at the start of each of its turns. A creature can end this damage by using its action to make a DC 10 Dexterity check to extinguish the flames.

Alchemist’s fire

Price: 10 gp

This sticky, adhesive fluid ignites when exposed to air. As an action, you can throw this flask up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. Make a ranged attack against a creature or object, treating the alchemist's fire as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target takes 1d4 fire damage at the start of each of its turns. A creature can end this damage by using its action to make a DC 10 Dexterity check to extinguish the flames.

Alkali salt

Price: 10 gp

These tiny granules can be dissolved in water, creating a slimy material used to coat metallic items such as weapons or armor. Such a coating neutralizes the metal-eating acid of black puddings,  gray oozes and rust monsters, protecting the item from 1d6 contacts. The coating will stay on until you sheathe a weapon or take a rest in an armor.


Price: 5 gp

This treated wafer dissolves into a chalky paste when placed under the tongue and then gives the imbiber a jolt of restless energy. It eliminates the effects of fatigue for the next 8 hours; when the drug’s effect ends, the user gains a level of exhaustion. Allnight makes its users jittery and unable to focus; they suffer a –2 penalty on all skill checks until its effects wear off.

Dragon's Breath

Price: 20 gp, can be purchased in a flask

A golden liquid with a strong smell of spices and feels like drinking molten lava. It heals for 2d6 + Con mod and removes one level of exhaustion. The drinker has a tingly feeling throughout their body for the next 2d4 hours.

Cooling gel

Price: 5 gp

This cold blue gel provides a +1 bonus for one hour on saves against fire and heat, or heals 1d8 burn damage if applied within one hour.


Price: 10 gp

Created by drow-hunters, this alchemical flare explodes in black sparks 1 round after lighting. Any creature within 5 feet of the darkflare when it explodes must make a DC 13 Constitution save or be unable to see with darkvision for 1d10 rounds. Affected creatures can still see in normal light with no penalty. A darkflare has no effect on creatures without darkvision.

Deodorizing agent

Price: 5 gp, can be purchased in a flask

Coating a creature in a vial of this milky, odorless substance takes 1 minute and renders it scentless for 1d3 hours. Creatures that rely on scent for locating creatures do not gain the benefit of this ability against a creature affected by a dose of deodorizing agent.

Distilled Courage

Price: 10 gp, can be purchased in a flask

When you use this alcohol as a material component to cast the false life spell, you have advantage on the first charisma check you make before the spell ends.

Facemold Paste

Cost 25 gp

This thick clay can be produced in any color and is easily moldable over skin. After it sets, it is almost indistinguishable from the real thing. With 1 minute of work, you can use facemold paste to create a convincing disguise, even if you are not proficient with or lack a disguise kit. When using facemold paste, you may add twice your proficiency bonus to any check made to make or maintain the disguise. Facemold paste remains convincing for only 3 hours before starting to flake off and is immediately identifiable as fake upon touch.


Price: 25 gp

This thick grease provides resistance to fire for one half hour if smeared over the entire body. Unless washed from the body after that time, it causes damage (1 fire damage/min).

Flash powder

Price: 10 gp

This coarse gray powder ignites and burns almost instantly if exposed to flame, significant friction, or even a simple force such as throwing it against a floor. Creatures within the 10-foot-radius burst are blinded for 1 round (Dexterity save DC 13 negates).

Ghost Essence

Price: 100 gp, can be purchased in a flask

The imbiber leaves his physical body and becomes a visible but incorporeal creature. While in this state, the user’s speed is doubled, but he can take no actions other than movement and visual observation. While in this state, the spirit is invulnerable to physical harm, but not magical damage.

Benefit: Character becomes incorporeal for 10 minutes, allowing them to pass through solid objects. They are immune to physical attacks but magic still effects them.

Side Effects: The user is drowsy for one hour after returning to his body.

Drawback: Each time the person drinks one of these potions, there is a cumulative 1% chance that the effect becomes permanent, and the user can never return to their body. Unless magically preserved, the body will wither and die within 3 days.

Ghostbane Oil

Price: 30 gp, can be purchased in a flask

When applied to a weapon, allows it to inflict full damage upon incorporeal creatures as if they were physical creatures. The benefit lasts only for a few swings (2d4).

Glass gargle

Price: 5 gp, can be purchased in a flask

Glass gargle is a gritty, cloudy liquid that, when gargled, roughens the voice, lowering it in both pitch and timbre. A character who uses glass gargle gains a +2 bonus on checks to hide his identity (when applicable), but suffers an equal penalty to all Perform skill checks involving vocal performance.

Liquid ice

Price: 20 gp

Also known as “Alchemist’s ice,” this sealed jar of crystalline blue fluid immediately starts to evaporate once opened. During the next 1d6 rounds, you can use it to freeze a liquid or to coat an object in a thin layer of ice. As an action, you can throw this flask up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. Make a ranged attack against a creature or object, treating the flask as an improvised weapon. A direct hit deals 1d6 points of cold damage; creatures within 5 feet of where it hits take 1 point of cold damage from the splash.

Noxious aromatic

Price: 10 gp

This glass container of foul-smelling oil shatters easily upon impact. As an action, you can throw this flask up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. Make a ranged attack against a creature or object, treating the flask as an improvised weapon. If a creature with the scent ability is standing in the square of impact, it must succeed at a DC 14 Constitution save or be incapacitated for 1d4+1 rounds. Any creature with scent in an adjacent square must succeed at a DC 12 Constitution save or be poisoned for 1 round. Creatures without the scent ability are not affected by the noxious aromatic.

Powdered chalk

Price: 1 cp

Powdered chalk, flour, and similar materials are popular with adventurers for their utility in pinpointing invisible creatures. Throwing a bag of powder into a square is an attack against AC 5, and momentarily reveals if there is an invisible creature there. A much more effective method is to spread powder on a surface (which takes 1 full round) and look for footprints.

Smelling salt

Price: 5 gp

These sharply scented gray crystals cause people inhaling them to regain consciousness. Smelling salts grant you a new saving throw to resist any spell or effect that has already rendered you unconscious, sleeping or stunned. If exposed to smelling salts while dying, you immediately become conscious and incapacitated, but must still make stabilization checks each round. A container of smelling salts has dozens of uses if stoppered after each use, but depletes in a matter of minutes if left opened.

Smoke pellet

Price: 10 gp

This small clay sphere contains two alchemical substances separated by a thin barrier. When you break the sphere, the substances mingle and fill a 5-foot square with a cloud of foul but harmless yellow smoke. Treat the effect as a fog cloud spell, except the smoke only lasts for 1 round before dispersing.


Price: 10 gp

This alchemically treated wooden stick instantly creates thick, opaque smoke when burned. The smoke fills a 10-foot cube (treat the effect as a fog cloud spell, except that a moderate or stronger wind dissipates the smoke in 1 round). The stick is consumed after 1 round, and the smoke dissipates naturally after 1 minute.

Spellpower Potion

Can be purchased in a flask.

This glowing, blue potion glistens with tiny crystalline fragments. It tastes of lightning and glass.

Spellpower potions infuse your body with a sudden burst of magical power—but at the cost of some stamina. When you drink this potion, you may spend one hit die and regain one expended spell slot of your choosing—the better the quality of the potion, the higher the maximum spell slot level.  If you don't have any hit dice, you may instead gain a level of exhaustion.


Max spell slots



1st level

30 gp


2nd level

50 gp


3rd level

150 gp


5th level

500 gp


Price: 1 sp

The alchemical substance on the end of this small, wooden stick ignites when struck against a rough surface. Creating a flame with a tindertwig is much faster than creating a flame with flint and steel (or a magnifying glass) and tinder. Lighting a torch with a tindertwig takes only a round.

Troll oil

Price: 25 gp, can be purchased in a flask

This disgusting crimson liquid is viscous and tastes foul. If you drink it, for the next hour you have advantage on all stabilization rolls when reduced to 0 hit points and have a 50% chance each round to end any bleeding effect on you. However, drinking this liquid is not so easy as it is really foul. A successful DC 8 Constitution save is required to avoid being sickened and keeping the liquid down after drinking it. If you succeed by less than 5, you are sickened (as the poisoned condition) for the full duration.


Price: 10 gp

This is a magical psychoactive plant, harvested from the skin of trolls. It can be smoked, eaten, or brewed as a tea to allow the user to see magic and magical auras. It is also used as an ingredient in many potions and poisons. Its effects are myriad and magical in nature depending on how it is processed.

Warning – Trollweed has been known to cause hallucinations and prophetic visions in some particularly sensitive individuals.

Benefit: Character can detect magic for 30 minutes.

Side Effects: Possible hallucinations and visions. Character must make a CON save (DC 12) after 20 minutes, or suffer hallucinations and/or visions (GMs discretion)

Unguent of revivification

Price: 10 gp, can be purchased in a flask

The preservation of dead flesh is important in undead-friendly cultures. In such places this alchemical ointment is commonly used as a cheaper alternative to the gentle repose spell to give their undead flesh the blush of life. A single dose staves off the decomposition of dead flesh for 1d6 days. It cannot reverse decay that is already present and has no effect on the time limit for raising creatures from the dead.

Vapors of sleep

Price: 5 gp, can be purchased in a flask

When applied to a cloth and held over the nose and mouth, it forces the target to make a Constitution save (DC 13) or sleep for 1d4 hours. It can be thrown as a ranged improvised weapon, breaking on impact and causing those who fail the save (DC 13) to become drowsy and disoriented and suffer -2 to all actions for 1d4 rds.

Herbal Remedies

Herbal remedies are special herbal poultices, potions, and other curatives that can be used to heal wounds and increase one’s strength and senses. Creating herbal remedies requires an Herbalism Kit.

These remedies can usually be bought in any town or village.

Herbal items


Herbal items



25 gp

Jinab bark

50 gp


30 gp

Jojopo poultice

5 sp

Basil tea

5 cp

Laumspur tea

20 gp

Bloodletter's draught

5 gp

Lavender tea

20 gp

Burn balm

5 gp


2 sp

Burn balm, Improved

30 gp


2,000 gp

Ceran tea

2 gp


5 sp

Chamomile Salve

2 cp

Pomander of Warding

15 gp


5 gp

Potion of Healing

25-350 gp

Dragon’s bane

6 sp

Potion of Recovery

25-70 gp

Exspiravit powder

10 gp

Potion of Stamina

25-100 gp

Faerie wing brew

2 gp

Potion of Vigor

5-35 gp


8 sp

Purple pipeweed

1 gp

Geranium compress

4 sp


4 cp

Ginseng tea

5 gp

Sakrash (Twilight mind)

10 gp

Goldbark bud

15 gp


10 gp


30 gp

Sparkleberry jam/jelly

5 gp

Hag’s brew

15 gp

Sun pepper

2 gp

Halcyon snuff

50 gp

Sun pepper concentrate

5 gp

Healing myrrh

5 sp

Terrap sap

10 gp

Healing poultice

1-15 gp

Yewclaw incense

100 gp

Insectbane candle

2 gp

Willowshade oil

50 gp


Price: 25 gp, can be purchased in a flask

If you drink a vial of this foul-tasting, milky tonic, you gain advantage on saving throws against disease for the next hour.


Price: 30 gp, can be purchased in a flask

A creature that drinks this vial of liquid gains advantage on saving throws against poison for 1 hour. It confers no benefit to undead or constructs.

Basil Tea

Price: 5 cp

Basil is used for cramping and muscle discomfort. It is often used during heavy physical training to reduce after workout pain and discomfort. Midwives also use the tea as a safe method of easing birth, or to slow down the birth process if things are moving too quickly. Basil is of course also quite useful as a culinary herb, and can be used to create a lovely sauce for venison.

Benefit: If administered within 10 minutes after a combat during a short rest, it gives an advantage to any rolls made to see how many hp you heal.

Bloodletter's draught

Price: 5 gp, can be purchased in a flask

Upon drinking, the imbiber immediately takes 1d6 damage. Every minute for the next 1d3+1 minutes later they are healed by the amount of damage taken. This potion is used to ease the passing of those too weak to survive, but restores those who still have their strength to live back to health.

Burn balm

Price: 5 gp

Balm that soothes sunburn, and helps alleviate the pain from other burns (if applied within 2 turns of taking fire damage, capable of healing 2d4 fire damage).

Burn balm, Improved

Price: 30 gp

When applied within 1 minute, it heals half of the fire damage dealt to a creature. Application takes 1 round per 10 hp healed (which might cause it to be too late to heal).


Price: 2 gp

Crushed leaves from the Ceran bush. Drinking tea made from this herb results in a warm tingling feeling inside, all the effects of being in extreme cold conditions will be negated for 2d4 hours.

Chamomile Salve

Price: 2 cp

Chamomile salve is found in many alchemy workshops and it is particularly good at easing burns resulting from acid. It is made from steeped chamomile flowers, animal fat, and mint extract. Benefit: Provides advantage on healing rolls when patient acid burns.


Price: 5 gp

Tobacco-like smoked drug, that grants advantage on Strength and Constitution checks, but disadvantage on Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma checks for the next 1d6 hours.

Dragon’s Bane

Price: 6 sp

Dragon’s bane is an herb that is used in purple dyes, but is most popularly known for its ability to ease fear and anxiety in those who inhale its smoke. Widely used by soldiers, dragon’s bane tobacco has a dark, spicy aroma and deep purple smoke. Some temples use dragon’s bane incense to settle the mind to enhance concentration.

Benefit: Any character inhaling the smoke (whether from tobacco or incense) gains an advantage against any fear related saves while it is burning (no more than 1 hour) and for 1 hour afterwards. If outdoors, the smoke can affect a 5 ft radius if there is no wind. Incense will have no effect outdoors if there is any wind, while the tobacco would only affect the smoker. Indoors, the smoke of a single pipe or block of incense can affect a 10 ft radius. The character must inhale the smoke for at least 10 minutes to acquire its benefits.

Exspiravit powder

Price: 10 gp

This dried fungus allows for speaking with the spirits of the dead when used as snuff. After using it, and succeeding at a DC10 Constitution save, it functions as a speak with dead spell. On a save the user will experience hallucinations of dead people talking to them.

Faerie wing brew

Price: 2 gp, can be purchased in a flask

A brew made from a rare flower called Faerie wing. Drinking the liquid grants the ability to see invisible objects up to five feet away for one minute.


Price: 8 sp

These narrow, rust-colored leaves produce a mildly hallucinogenic smoke that also serves as a powerful sedative. Users are immune to pain for 4 hours after smoking flayleaf, but during this time they have disadvantage on saves against mind-altering effects.

Geranium Compress

Price: 4 sp

The geranium compress is made from the leaves and flowers of the plant. After being steeped in oil for several weeks the oil is strained and a bit of blood spice is added. Small cloth squares are infused with the oil and are usually sealed in a waxed, leather bag until needed. They are applied directly to a wound to stop bleeding. Benefit: Provides an advantage when stabilizing a wounded character.

Ginseng Tea

Price: 5 gp

When prepared and drunk, grants advantage on Constitution saving throws for 10 minutes.

Goldbark Bud

Price: 15 gp

This foul-tasting bulb can be chewed to gain a degree of mental clarity, and is sometimes used by student scholars and apprentice wizards. For one minute, those who chew the bulb gain advantage on all Intelligence based checks. Unfortunately, there is a side effect: for one hour afterwards, the recipient suffers disadvantage on those same checks.


Price: 30 gp

Dried herbs, that when cooked in water, the resulting tea will grant the drinker the ability to see invisible, phased, ethereal and similarly affected creatures. The effect last for 1d6 hours.

Hag's brew

Price: 15 gp, can be purchased in a flask

This vile concoction requires a DC 12 Constitution check to not instantly throw up. If the check is passed, it restores 6d4 hp.

Halcyon snuff

Price: 50 gp

A snuff that engulfs the user in bittersweet recollections of yore. With each dose of the Halcyon Snuff the user remembers a spell forgotten, effectively regaining a 1st level spell slot. If several doses are taken simultaneously, higher level spell slots can be regained, up to the number of doses taken. However, other memories linger uninvited to forever haunt and burden the user of this drug. Each dose inflicts 2d8 psychic damage after the initial effect.

Healing myrrh

Price: 5 sp

When you burn this powerful resin, it fills a small room with faint smoke that persists for a full hour. Any creatures resting in the area regain 1 additional hit point per level. Multiple uses of healing myrrh in a 24-hour period do not stack.

Healing poultice

A healing poultice is a special mixture of herbs compacted into a bandage and then laid across a wound. It hardens and assists in the healing process, but requires time and rest. Once a healing poultice is applied, you heal at the end of your next short rest. You may apply this healing before you spend hit dice to heal wounds. Only a single healing poultice can be applied at a time.

When healing, roll the same die as your most common hit die. If you don't have a hit die value for any reason, roll a d4.





2 [hit die] + 2

1 gp


4 [hit die] + 4

5 gp


6 [hit die] + 8

15 gp

Insectbane candle

Price: 2 gp

This heavily scented candle smells pleasant to humans and humanoids but is repellent to insects. Non-monstrous vermin will not approach within a 5-foot radius of a burning candle. It burns for 1 hour.

Jinab bark

Price: 50 gp

The dark chocolate-brown bark of this small fast growing tree, may be eaten in order to allow a person to remain awake for one whole week, without the need for sleep. At the end of this period, they will collapse absolutely exhausted, instantly gaining 5 levels of exhaustion.

Jojopo poultice

Price: 5 sp

If applied within 3 turns of taking frost damage, proper application of the poultice will cure 2d6 points of cold damage. The poultice is usable for about 2 weeks after preparation.

Laumspur tea

Price: 20 gp

If drunk during a short rest, any expended Hit Dice restore the maximum number of hit points.

Lavender tea

Price: 20 gp

Grants immunity to being magically put to sleep and advantage on any saving throws involved with magical effects that would affect their sleep for 24 hours.


Price: 2 sp

Sneaky goblin chieftains give this orange paste to the tribe's warriors before proposing a particularly bold raid. Consuming mellowroot causes a euphoric feeling that makes you feel invulnerable. For 1 hour after consuming mellowroot, you gain advantage on saves against fear effects. However, while under the effects of mellowroot, you must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw when you try to leave the threatened area of an opponent. If you fail the saving throw, you cannot leave the threatened area with that action but do not lose the action.


Price: 2,000 gp

This exceedingly rare herb will restore an elf to life if applied within seven days of death. This effect also works on half-elves up to 3 days.


Price: 5 sp

The milk of this vibrantly green cactus, when mixed with resins and other ingredients, congeals into sticky, black chunks with an exceedingly sour taste. Though pesh comes in several different varieties, refined pesh is both the most potent and expensive type. Taking refined pesh gives a person 15 temporary hit points for 1 hour, a +2 bonus on saves versus fear effects for 1 day, and disadvantage to Dexterity and Wisdom checks for 1 day. Pesh is addictive (Constitution save DC 10 to resist), and long-term users suffer Dexterity and Wisdom damage.

Pomander of Warding

Price: 15 gp

This ball of aromatic spices and perfumes fills an area with a 15 foot radius with a strong scent for 24 hours after being unwrapped. Undead creatures of CR 2 or lower that enter this area must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 10) or be turned, as detailed in the Turn Undead cleric feature.

Potion of Healing

Can be purchased in a flask.

This red potion feels strangely warm to the touch. It tastes of cinnamon and orange.

You recover some hit points when you drink this potion—the better the quality, the more hit points you are able to restore. When you drink a healing potion, roll the same die as your most common hit die. If you don't have a hit die value for any reason, roll a d4.





2 [hit die] + 2

25 gp


4 [hit die] + 4

60 gp


6 [hit die] + 8

100 gp


8 [hit die] + 16

350 gp

Potion of Recovery

Can be purchased in a flask.

This watery, green potion smells of freshly cut grass. If left in natural sunlight, it spoils after one hour.

You instantly recover a number of expended hit dice when you drink this potion—the better the quality, the more hit dice you recover. You may choose which of your hit dice are restored.





Recover 2 hit die

25 gp


Recover 4 hit die

40 gp


Recover 8 hit die

70 gp

Potion of Stamina

Can be purchased in a flask.

This cold, black potion tastes strongly of old coffee and sour milk. It fizzes when shaken.

Stamina potions grant a small burst of energy to those suffering from exhaustion—a potential life-saver on long, dangerous journeys far from a safe resting place. When you drink a stamina potion, you can ignore a small amount of exhaustion for one hour. This energy boost is short-lived, however, and your exhaustion returns in full strength once the potion wears off—make sure you're not in a dangerous position when it does

You may ignore some exhaustion for one hour when you drink this potion—the better the quality, the more exhaustion you can ignore.


Effect (1 hour)



−1 exhaustion

25 gp


−2 exhaustion

40 gp


−4 exhaustion

70 gp


Ignore all exhaustion

100 gp

Potion of Vigor

Can be purchased in a flask.

This potion of boiled water and herbs gives increased energy and dulls pain.

Drinking this potion grants you temporary hit points. Outside of combat or other strenuous activity, you retain these hit points for 1 hour or until you take sufficient damage. While in combat or similar situations which would keep your blood pumping and metabolism high, this time is reduced to 1 minute. After the duration of the potion expires (not when you lose the hit points), you must make a Constitution save. Failure causes you to suffer 1 level of exhaustion.

The better the quality, the more temporary hit points you gain. When you drink a potion of vigor, roll the same die as your most common hit die. If you don't have a hit die value for any reason, roll a d4.



Save DC



2 [hit die] + 2


5 gp


4 [hit die] + 4


15 gp


6 [hit die] + 8


35 gp

Purple Pipeweed

Price: 1 gp

Pipeweed commonly smoked by spellcasters that focus on illusory magic. For one hours after smoking a quantity of pipeweed, the consumer is elevated to a higher state of imagination. This unfortunately makes them inattentive, (enemies in combat will always have a surprise round against the pipeweed smoker while he or she is under its effects) but also increases the spell save DC of any illusion magic cast by the pipeweed user by +2.


Price: 4 cp
Sage is a soft, blue-green leaf that is dried and burned as an incense to achieve its effect, purifying a 20’ square foot area. The purified area repels negative residual emotions and spiritual energies. While burning in an area, any evil or evil act is at a disadvantage while it is in the area. If used in conjunction with a spell that protects from evil, it extends the duration by 50%.

It can also be used as an additional material component while casting the spell glyph of warding as a ritual. If you do, creatures and objects in the glyph's area of effect when it activates are also targeted by dispel magic.

Certain types of sage can also be used as a culinary herb.

Sakrash (Twilight wine)

Price: 10 gp, can be purchased in a flask

Sweet oily wine. You cannot be detected by effects that read or alter thoughts or emotions for 1d4 hours. However, your eyes become sensitive to bright light, causing disadvantage on all saves against light effects.


Price: 10 gp

This comes in a large 2 lbs jar. Removes all rust and corrosion from metal objects left to soak in it overnight. One dose de-rusts a medium-sized metal weapon.

Sparkleberry jam/jelly

Price: 5 gp

Consumption of the jam or jelly grants resistance to radiant damage for 5 minutes.

Sun Pepper

Price: 2 gp

These small, yellow peppers are extremely spicy. Eating one restores 1d6+2 hp, but imparts a cumulative -2 penalty to all skill checks for the next hour

Sun pepper concentrate

Price: 5 gp

A translucent crimson concoction with purple flakes suspended within it. The fumes produced by the solution are highly irritating to one's eyes. As an action, you can splash the contents of this vial onto an adjacent creature or throw the vial up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. In either case, make a ranged attack, treating the concentrate as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target is blinded for 1 minute or it makes a DC 12 constitution check. Target may attempt the save again at the end of each of its rounds.

Terrap sap

Price: 10 gp

When first opened, this sealed jar releases such an overwhelmingly antiseptic odor that it covers other smells until it disperses (1d6+1 rounds after opening). Creatures within 20 feet of the jar gain advantage on all saves against scent-based attacks while the sap’s odor remains, but they automatically fail any scent-based Perception checks during that time.

Yewclaw incense

Price: 100 gp

When this yellowish incense is burnt, the resultant smoke calms the mind when deeply inhaled, suppressing a short-term madness completely, and easing a long-term madness for one hour.

Willowshade oil

Price: 50 gp

A dark blue oil can be extracted from the fruit of the Willowshade plant. A creature can use its action to apply the oil to another creature that has been petrified for less than 1 minute, causing the petrified condition on that creature to end at the start of what would be that creature’s next turn.


Creating poisons requires a Poisoner’s kit. Individuals creating and selling these items can usually be found in cities and larger towns.



Basic poison

10 gp

Noxious aromatic

15 gp


50 gp

Basic poison

Price: 10 gp, can be purchased in a flask

You can use the poison in this vial to coat one slashing or piercing weapon or up to three pieces of ammunition. Applying the poison takes an action. A creature hit by the poisoned weapon or ammunition must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or take 1d4 poison damage. Once applied, the poison retains potency for 1 minute before drying.

Noxious aromatic

Price: 15 gp

This glass container of foul-smelling oil shatters easily upon impact. As an action, you can throw this flask up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. Make a ranged attack against a creature or object, treating the flask as an improvised weapon. If a creature with the scent ability is standing in the square of impact, it must succeed at a DC 14 Constitution save or be incapacitated for 1d4+1 rounds. Any creature with scent in an adjacent square must succeed at a DC 12 Constitution save or be poisoned for 1 round. Creatures without the scent ability are not affected by noxious aromas.


Price: 50 gp

This gritty black paste is a poison that interferes with an afflicted creature’s ability to recover from injuries. All Medicine checks applied to the creature suffer a –10 penalty. In addition, anyone using magical healing on the target must make a DC 25 caster level check to succeed.


Potions are an adventurer’s best friend, but it's not always sensible—or realistic—to carry a few dozen potions at once. When you need to carry a lot of potion in a little container, use a flask.

A flask is a small, magically-infused bottle (or other container) that can safely hold a large—but uncertain— amount of consumable potion (or other liquid). Unlike potions, which typically come in single-use vials, it's always hard to tell exactly how much liquid remains inside a flask—you never quite know exactly how many uses you'll get before it's all gone.

The Flask Die

Instead of tracking individual drinks, flask quantity is measured with a die—d8, d10, d12, etc. This is your Flask die—roll it whenever you take a drink from the flask: if you roll a 1 or 2, the die gets one size smaller:

d12 → d10 → d8 → d6 → d4 → 0

Once you roll a 1 or 2 on a d4, that's it—the flask is now completely empty. This roll is at disadvantage if the flask is used to heal an unconscious character.

DM: The wizard's lightning bolt hits you for 11 points of damage, Clanda. What do you do?

Clanda: Damn it, I'm hurt. Can't risk another hit like that—I'll take a drink from my flask of healing and get... 7 hit points back.

DM: Great, now roll your flask die.

Clanda: Flask quantity is d4, so I roll a d4 and get...

(rolls 1) damn—looks like that was the last of the flask.

Why did my flask decrease?

Uses & Costs

Any liquid alchemical or herbal item can be filled in a flask. This is noted in the description of the item. Calculate the cost the following way:


Remaining Uses





15 x [base potion cost]



10 x [base potion cost]



6 x [base potion cost]



3 x [base potion cost]



1.5 x [base potion cost]

Splitting Flasks

Magic fades quickly from any liquid leaving the flask. If you pour the contents of a flask into another container— such as a potion vial, a cup, or a different flask—the magic fades within one round, becoming useless if not consumed during that time.