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5.2.1 Who is Mendel?
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5.2.1 Who is Mendel?

Using your favorite search engine explore the internet to find out information about the life of Gregor Mendel and his connection to modern genetics.

1. When and where was Gregor Mendel born?

2. What was his given/original name? 

3. Why did he change it? 

4. At what age did he leave the family farm to attend school?

5. Why did he become a monk?

6. What famous scientist did Mendel study physics with? Hint: We hear about him often                 when we watch the weather forecast.

7. Why did he choose to work with pea plants?

8. What traits did he study in peas? Hint: There were 7, try to find at least 4.

9. What two laws is Mendel credited with?


10. Why did mendel stop doing research after 1868?

11. When did Mendel die?

12. When and how did his work gain notoriety?

13. Summarize the controversy surrounding his work. 

To further your understanding watch the SciShow video “Gregor Mendel: Great Minds” (open video in a new window)