Introduction to Ismale and Zaragos (in the woods)

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Ismael, tired of sprinting in the woods, decided to rest and eat the corn his mother had packed for him earlier. He sat on a tree log next to a small river brook. He could hear the sound of the wind run through the leaves, and the sound of mockingbirds mimicking the hymns he whistled. A shadow seemed to rush between all the trees as he ate. He called out “Zaragos!” Zaragos the body of a wolf, and huge, majestic wings of an eagle, landed to Ismael’s left.

Describing how humans trust nobody except humans and how they have to hide their friendship

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Since Zaragos was a creature, and not human, Ismael and Zaragos couldn’t be seen together. The people back at the village didn’t like anyone who was not human. Why? For many years, dragons had tried to steal a  treasure that was hidden in the village. Within this treasure there was a necklace that would make anyone who wore it have infinite power. I guess it wasn't so hidden after all. Zaragos was a good and loving creature, but if the villagers were to see him, they would think he was going to attack them.

People see him with Zaragos and he gets in big trouble

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Ismael then headed back to the village, but he hadn’t noticed that a friend of his had followed him into the woods. He had seen Ismael with Zaragos and ran back to the village. He ran to his father, and told him what he had seen. Later on that day, as Ismael was headed back to the village, he was given nasty looks and rumors spread about him.

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Ismael was taken to a small prison-like room where he was asked questions. People now saw Ismael as an enemy because their was a law that said “Anyone seen or accused of being friends with anything that is not human, was considered a threat to the common people.” This law existed because in Ismael's world, there were dragons, evil dragons.  

Ismael is taken to prison

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Ismael was taken to prison, and kept there. Their prison was underground. It was wet, and moldy. He was only fed once a day. Very little, and sometimes molded bread. He was kept there for one week. Zaragos knew something was wrong because Ismael and him met in the woods almost every day! One night, Zaragos snuck into the village. He snuck in while everyone was asleep, because he knew that if any villager were to see him, they would try to kill him.

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Zaragos got closer to the underground prison where Ismael was kept, and Ismael felt happy and extremely worried at the same time. He knew that if they saw Zaragos, that would mean huge trouble for both of them. Zaragos tried to break Ismael free from the prison, but it made too much noise. They would be heard. Time passed, and Ismael was still visited by Zaragos every night. He would bring Ismael berries, and nuts in order to keep him alive.

The Dragon's Attack

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There was a dragon island, far from the village. The evil dragons had been planning the most powerful attack ever. Their objective was to steal the treasure from the village, along with the necklace. They planned to do it that winter. They knew that the village was weaker during the winter than any other time. They planned to attack the weak points first . Like where the villagers stored food, and where all the weapons were. They would attack at night, but most important of all...they had the element of surprise.

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So winter came. At the village, people stored their crops in one big farmhouse. They would go there everyday to get the corn, potatoes, and wheat. Ismael was still in prison. He was still visited by Zaragos every night. It was cold and there was snow, snow as white as a bunny's furr. As they ate, they heard a man yelling. He yelled, “DRAGONS!!!”

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Through the fog they saw countless dragons headed towards the village. Zaragos quickly broke the lock that kept ismael inside. Ismael got on Zaragos’ back, and he flew away from the village heading towards the woods. They escaped before the dragon's could get to the village. They knew that the dragon's would only attack the the village.

Dragons capture Villagers

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The dragons were attacked the village and breathed fire on houses. They captured many people. They attacked the farmhouse as well as the houses of strong fighting men. After doing huge amounts of destruction, they took the treasure along with the precious necklace. The dragons had captured all of the villagers, leaving behind nothing but destroyed houses and burned food.

Ismael and Zaragos Leave to Rescue the People

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The next day, Ismael and Zaragos went back to the village. They were shocked, and speechless. Ismael was the only one who was left of the whole village. He knew he had to do something to save them. So Ismael packed the little supplies that had remained after the attack in his backpack. He packed rope, a lamp, his sword and shield, and limited food and water. Zaragos also wanted to help Ismael. So Ismael hopped on Zaragos’ back, and they left that morning towards the dragon Island It was know that all dragons got together in a dragon island.


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It was said that those who go their, never return. So Ismael had a decision to make  Try to rescue the villagers and risk his life for his people or stay at the destroyed village and try to survive the winter. It was cold, and there was lots of clouds and fog..

They Camp/ Zaragos saves villagers

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So Ismael packed the little supplies that had remained after the attack in his backpack. He packed rope, a lamp, his sword and shield, and limited food and water. Zaragos also wanted to help Ismael. So Ismael hopped on Zaragos’s back, and they left that morning towards the dragon Island It was cold, and there was lots of clouds and fog. They flew for hours and miles. Near the end of the day they got to a lake. The lake was frozen over, but the ice was thin.

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They decided to camp by the lake that night, and the next morning they would fly across the lake, and rescue the villagers. Night came, and it was beautiful. They camped by the lakeshore and admired how the stars looked. Ismale could make out the constellations, and there were shooting stars. They warmed themselves by the fire they had made.

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Morning came, and they were up early. So they flew over the frozen lake, then landed. the edge of the island. The Island was in the middle of the huge lake. As they got closer it got colder, and colder. The dragon’s evil layer was on top of the mountainous island. So they had to fly all the way up their. At this point, they were freezing. They quietly snuck into the layer, seeing that the evil dragons were too distracted by the riches they had stolen.

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All the villagers were kept in one huge cage. They saw Ismael sneak in, but didn't say anything because they knew that they would trigger the dragons. Zaragos quickly pounced on the Dragon leader, who was wearing the precious omnipotent necklace. Zaragos tore the necklace off of the dragon, and it was no longer stronger.

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Zaragos had the necklace in his mouth, so he was omnipotent now, All of the other dragons flew away from him because they were scared of Zaragos. Ismael used the rock to break the lock that kept the villagers locked.  

Villagers realize all those who are human are not bad

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All the villagers were scared of Zaragos because he looked big, powerful, and strong. Ismael talked to all the villagers, saying “Zaragos has been my friend for a long time. He is a good creature, and loves those who love others. Zaragos will protect us from the dragons if they ever plan to attack again.”

The villagers then saw Zaragos as a friend who could protect the village.

Villagers make the Island there new home

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No dragons dared go back to the village  because Zaragos was protecting the village. The villagers made the island their new home.They had all they needed: shelter, food and water. But most importantly, they had Zaragos to keep them safe.  

Paul, Axel, & Ariel dedicate this book to Ismael & His family

We hope you enjoy this book as much as we enjoyed making it.

If it weren’t for Ismael, This story wouldn’t have a hero.