
  • Hi, hello, welcome to just my head and all of my thoughts- misc is for a bunch of misc things
  • Pecan half (5/11 chance of a bull)
  • Pumpkin vine (twins)
  • Honeydew seed (x3, fxf breedings)
  • Proof 2 // Honeydew proof // Watermelon proof
  • Also, additional ramblings found here (applied for all kids) bc I don't actually have enough space on each page, good job @ mtuan, lmao
  • My slots are here! SLOT AVAILABILITY
  • Currently: 12 heifers, 1 bulls


  • Abby
  • Heifer
  • Adoption page
  • Uncommon ears edit
  • No father/mother (foundation)
  • Reserved for ♔Voltaire♔
  • Tentative slot
  • Reserved slot
  • Reserved slot
  • Art by rockosaur
  • Art by zaz
  • Lil farm girlie
  • wish one: to live by the sea, where the waves crash soothingly against rocky shores and the stormy dark grey clouds loom just over the horizon. She wishes to sit by the shore for as long as it is possible, to listen to the song of the sea and to sing to the eerie melody of the currents. Oh, to be a fisherman residing in her lil' coastal hut, longing for her loved one to return.
  • wish two: to reach for the stars and land on the moon, to float through space and gaze down at the pretty blue and green ball. Beyond our planet is a vast darkness filled with wondrous unknowns, to be able to marvel at it, to touch, feel and relish in the worlds beyond our world. She wishes to float through the cosmic vacuum and maybe even greet mr. space whale, who's spent a lifetime by his lonesome.
  • wish three: ultimately, a stable life, although she's reached far and beyond in her former wishes, she simply wants to live a stable, humble life, away from the harshness that often befalls the world. Starting life out rough humbles even the toughest of men so of course, it is no different for Abby who wishes for nothing more than to be able to lay with the love of her life under the dappling shadow that the low-lying trees provide. To be able to share a crisp apple under the sun and nap with her head propped against their back.

Extra art slots here


  • Marcel “Little Moose”
  • Heifer/demi-girl & nonbinary (they/them)
  • Adoption page
  • No edits
  • Foundation/adopt
  • Leena w/ ticket
  • Unused slot
  • Unused slot
  • Reserved slot
  • Form (dm me for access!)
  • Forest/wilderness girl
  • Is it weird that I just really love her collar lmao, like the lil leafy!! I'm here for little leaf green ♡
  • She lives in a cottage in the woods, lives a very self-sustaining lifestyle with a group of boys collectively deemed ‘the boys’
  • Stubborn, individualistic, and prefers to be left alone or with a small group/close group
  • But reliable and will stand their ground for their loved ones, very loyal
  • She’s not someone to depend on others very much, has always looked after herself
  • In her late teens (maybe 16 or 17 years of age as a human)


  • Sera
  • Heifer
  • Adoption page
  • No edits
  • Foundation/adopt
  • Reserved for bluex
  • Reserved BadgerBuddies
  • Unused slot
  • Tentative slot
  • Won: guessing bongo
  • Currently 23 years old (in human form)
  • Disney Jungle Cruise Skipper
  • ‘Skipper Bongo’
  • Started as a summer job during college, but then she just never left because she enjoyed her stay there sm- a bit dad jokes kinda girl and she knows all of the jungle ones tyvm
  • She’s actually one of the leads now, but she enjoys taking boats out onto the river so she’ll still swap with her skippers at least once a day (she’s full time) to get her fix with the guests- they love her
  • Spirited, energetic, loves to enjoy herself regardless of what she’s doing and doesn’t seem to have much of a temper, sassy, brazen


  • Remi
  • Heifer
  • Adoption page
  • No edits
  • Foundation/adopt
  • Reserved for acadicus.
  • Reserved slot
  • Reserved slot
  • Reserved slot
  • Coconut-kpop birb comp
  • Trans-masc (he/him pronouns)/biologically female
  • Approx 25 years old (in human form)/Spring bb, March 1
  • Chest binding, but has not undergone any procedures (yet)
  • Has been on Testosterone gel for nearly three years and has been kinda loving how well things have been going so far- still bumps in the road ofc, but it’s working out much better than he’d expected
  • Efficient, a silent killer, level headed and known to be reliable, will get the job done when requested  and doesn’t ask too many questions; he has very repressed emotions and they don’t surface often without some sort of trigger
  • Dark sense of humor™
  • Has been part of the local gang since he was 16 years old, they’re currently reigning over the territory, official name is Eris though civilians only know them as aves, they’ve been hiding their true identity for a long time
  • Additional info on Eris and the other gangs (aka the dog-cat-bird/three-way turf wars) here
  • His code name is Gryphus, his position is dubbed ‘clean up crew’ because Eris knows that if they truly need the job done, then he’s your man- they don’t send him out on dangerous missions unless absolutely necessary; he’s a valuable asset to the family so they keep him safe
  • He has a high bounty on his head from all rivaling gangs due to his status in Eris and proficiency
  • No family, they were all ‘taken care of’ when he first joined to eliminate all connections
  • Although he doesn’t hold any official significant position in Eris, he often oversees quite a bit of the... goings-ons and finds it quite… amusing to say the least
  • Eventually becomes Lupus’ biggest rival



  • Brinley
  • Heifer
  • Adoption page
  • No edits
  • Foundation
  • Reserved for certified
  • Unused slot
  • Unused slot
  • Tentative slot
  • Prompt: moved, found here!
  • Scout for Ailuros
  • Perpetually plateaued in the current position because of a mishap during her mission


  • Cadbury
  • Heifer
  • Adoption page
  • Ear + Horn
  • Semi-custom/foundation
  • Tentative Slot
  • Tentative Slot
  • Reserved slot
  • Reserved slot
  • Wip


  • Callaghan
  • Bull
  • Nursery page
  • Mother (Hawthorne)/Father (Eider)
  • Eye + Ear
  • Slots
  • ‘Stuff we did’ - Up
  • Approximately 27 (in human years ofc)
  • Homoromantic bisexual (poly?)
  • Code name: (neofelis) nebulosa
  • But also known simply as Prince and Nebula
  • Alternate Au: General Callaghan of the Northern Yan (territory where modern day Beijing is located before being taken over by the Northern Wei) circa 405 CE (or ~400 CE)
  • His Chinese name/real name is Yan (l) Cai Liu (f) //
  • He comes from a long line of military officials and was sent to protect the royals starting from a young age (for training)
  • His father is the Warlord of the Yan State, he was requested at a young age to leave his family to serve for the royals
  • Arcadia [fictional lmao] was a far away kingdom from him and he travelled long distances away from his family to fulfill the late king’s request to protect his daughter [son]
  • More info here [side note: gotta work on that]
  • Although he’s generally pretty tough and will stand strong, he’s actually a rather pessimistic boy, sorta sad, very anxious
  • Takes his views as more of his duty than anything else, uses his success under the rule of the Royals to please his parents
  • He was really playful as a child, energetic, and often ran into trouble in the courtyard when someone would come out and admonish him for his rowdy behavior
  • As he matured, he only grew more solemn; incredibly anxious but will lash out rather than shy away
  • Side notes: thinking of combining his au so that he’s reborn many times into the future as well?? Born sometime in historical china, but will be reborn into some random later date after he dies??


  • Kali
  • Heifer
  • Adoption page
  • Foundation
  • Unused Slot
  • Unused Slot
  • Unused Slot
  • Reserved Slot
  • Prompt:

The dawn before the grey skies are swallowed in pink, when your eyes are closed and yourself sound asleep; but I'm awake- just enough to stare and smile, to run my fingers through your fallen locks and kiss your nose. That's my favorite time of day- when the city has just awoken, the normally bustling streets not yet so crowded in the morning rush. The peace, clarity and unstained dawn before the morning is only the most enjoyable because it is just that- quiet, serene... tranquil.

  • text


  • Ariel
  • Heifer
  • Adoption page
  • Foundation
  • Ears
  • Unused Slot
  • Reserved Slot
  • Reserved Slot
  • Reserved Slot
  • Prompt:

Standing before the fields of flowers, experiencing the wind against her face and the beautiful sunset alighting right before her eyes, these are things that Ariel would love to experience in the beautiful country of Denmark. To be specific- she'd love to walk through the boardwalks, experience the colorful buildings and the little street side markets- too stare all too longingly at the beautiful fruit stands and the sweet smelling pastries set right behind. To be able to hear the crashing waves as they washed against the boats docked at port would be amazing, to walk through the little city and greet the children romping outside- no it was not just the culture and scenery that hooked Ariel to this little place, there was something calling to her. Something intangible, yet still tugging at her heart strings. She wanted to go to Copenhagen, Denmark, where she'd be able to sit by the edge of the promenade and gaze at the Little Mermaid statue, as the sun falls behind the ocean.

  • Alternative form: Eros, partnered with Cupid (Name)
  • Much more put together and reserved than their counterpart, she does not think of such trivialities such as humans with themselves (like cupid does)
  • Level-headed, reasonable, sorta quiet and not known to voice her opinions very much



  • Atari
  • Heifer
  • Adoption page
  • Foundation
  • Heterochromia
  • Reserved Slot
  • Reserved Slot
  • Reserved Slot
  • Reserved Slot
  • Prompt: here
  • Alternate Au idea: part of the Northern Wei?





  • Flora
  • Heifer
  • Adoption page
  • Slots
  • Summers meant blue skies, white clouds, and the golden glaze of a blazing sun. Summers meant dancing in the middle of dandelion fields with the wind gently caressing your skin; it meant laying in the meadows just below the hill top with the grass prickling at your skin, itching even when it didn't matter. It meant the birds singing to the sun and the frogs croaking in the distance as they bound through the tall blades of green much too high even for their little beings. The meaning of 'golden hour' never more obvious.

    Summer- oh how Flora loved summer's liquid arrogance. All dark hair and warm-toned colors; he was sun-kissed golden on a sunset-pinkened backdrop and shades of various colors. Pink lips and delicate features- and doe eyes glimmering with something wondrous. He was ethereal and he reveled in the fact; like a blissful filter warming the soil for three months at a time-, bringing life back in full swing before the chills of autumn sapped his energy once again. He knew exactly what powers he had.

    And perhaps that was why Flora loved summer.
    Because he knew she loved him too.
  • [totally not inspired by Minghao,, lmao, like just look at him]

Rosie (Posey)

