DLA002-0062  Translation

69 rue des Dames

Paris, the 21 nov. 1900

Sir, and dear Master,

I have sent the essay that I wrote about you to Cosmos Catholicus in Rome.[1] The editor (Marquis Mac Swiney,[2] Palais Falconieri, 1 Via Giulia, Rome) is expecting either a negative or half-tone engraving of your portrait of Pope Leo XIII [4509] – which you could order from Angerer, in Vienna – or a good photograph of this painting, so that we can make a negative of it in Rome. An accident happened to the one you took care of sending me.

Yours faithfully,

Boyer d’Agen



[1] Boyer d’Agen, ‘Un ritratto di S. S. Leone XIII all’Esposizione universale del 1900’, in Cosmos Catholicus: Grande revue catholique illustrée, Rome, 1st fortnight of January 1901, pp. 21-5

[2] Valentine Emmanuel Patrick MacSwiney, Marquis of Mashanaglass (1871-1945), served on several diplomatic missions for the Holy See, and was created a marquis by Pope Leo XIII in 1895