

Map Your Neighborhood

Explore two or three blocks of your neighborhood. Sketch a map of the area’s biotic and abiotic features. While observing your neighborhood, take special note of the biotic/biotic and biotic/abiotic interactions. Map the location of sidewalks, large rocks, trees, water features, and any plants/animals that you see. First, define biotic and abiotic. First, sketch a rough draft. Then, using Google Earth as a resource, draw a final map. Lastly, use your map to answer the following questions. 

Background Information:

1. Define abiotic - _______________________________________________________________________


2. Define biotic - ________________________________________________________________________


3. Explain how the biotic and abiotic factors of an ecosystem affect each other.


Rough Draft:

Map of My Neighborhood

Analysis Questions:

1. In general, explain how the abiotic and biotic factors within your neighborhood affect each other.


2. Describe two specific examples of how biotic factors affect the abiotic factors in your neighborhood.


3. Describe two specific examples of how abiotic factors affect the biotic factors in your neighborhood.


4. Which abiotic factors within your neighborhood have the greatest effect on the biotic factors? Explain.


5. Which biotic factors within your neighborhood have the greatest effect on the abiotic factors? Explain.


Final Draft:

Map of My Neighborhood


Creative Commons LicenseMap Your Neighborhood by MN Partnership for Collaborative Curriculum is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.