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Library Council Final Minutes - November 26, 2015
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Library Council Minutes - November 26, 2015

1-3pm Library Conference Room

Present: Donald Moses (D. Moses, chair), Simon Lloyd (S. Lloyd), Lindsey MacCallum (L. MacCallum), Melissa Belvadi (M. Belvadi) (recording), Rosie Le Faive (R. Le Faive), Robyn Thomson (R. Thomson), Dawn Hooper (D. Hooper), Brenna Doucette (B. Doucette), Sarah Fisher (S. Fisher)

Regrets: Mark Leggott


  1. Approval of Agenda - approved as modified here
  2. Approval of Minutes (Oct 29, 2015) - approved
  3. Standing Items
  1. Budget - no update
  2. Staffing - no updates
  1. Librarians
  2. Library Technicians
  3. Students
  1. Travel/PD Plans
  1. C. McKenna went to Internet Librarian in October and provided write-up
  2. M. Leggott going to OLA
  1. Post-Library Council CUPE
  1. Questions about blue bin for moldy books - will there be extra student hours to help - probably but too soon to decide for sure;
  2. Is there a list of books in the boxes that were cleaned - yes, M. Belvadi has list of barcodes, and will share with Circ team;
  3. Similarly for M. Leggott's  ripped covers - M. Leggott needs to provide files of barcodes;
  4. Question about portable smartboard cord being trip hazard - has been removed;
  5. Feedback that the students love the candy, take it by handfuls;
  1. Student Concerns/Issues - not present
  1. Graduate Students
  2. Undergraduate Students [TBD]
  1. Business Arising
  1. Learning Commons
  1. Whiteboard - portable smartboard to move to study room 306 whose board is dead; an easel-based whiteboard to be put in Learning Commons instead - followup M. Belvadi to ask M. Leggott who is making these things happen
  1. Website Redesign feedback update -
  1. Problem with subject pulldown not working properly in Firefox - unknown if fixed yet - D. Moses will follow up with Rob Drew
  2. Link UPEI logo at bottom to UPEI home page - done
  3. Need for social media icons - done
  4. Request to have My Account more visible on home page - agreed to put in the Catalogue accordion space - M. Belvadi will do
  5. Reported since last meeting - megamenus not responsive to smaller screens - M. Belvadi will make a proper landing page for the FAQ; D. Moses has ticket for Rob Drew to work on responsiveness;
  1. New Business
  1. Funding Updates
  1. We had a grant proposal to law foundation for next phase of PEILDO but was unsuccessful
  1. Replacement of Ricoh Copiers/Printers Update (MB) - January rollout, including Black Commons and Xeroxes, will keep coin op, circ mfd will be 11x17 scan glass, as will public colour mfd
  2. Staff Room Update (DM)
  1. Need to rearrange position of table for fire safety - D. Moses, S. Lloyd and Pauline MacPherson will rearrange to meet rules
  2. Writing Centre staff/students using ok - M. Leggott approved, they have been told the rules about cleaning up after themselves
  1. Library Hours
  1. Approved as submitted to Council from Cindy MacDonald
  2. IT desk will resume on January 4
  1. Health and Safety
  1. Fire drill report - S. Lloyd reports:  Mark Pharand is new manager of security services - no urgent issues flagged; M. Belvadi raised communication problem regarding notifying staff when safe to come back; S. Lloyd noted that students were allowed to remain clustered close to library entrance, and security officer unaware that Wanda Wyatt was meeting point;
  2. 2016 is the year for Robertson Library and some other buildings are due for their health and safety inspection - more information forthcoming in the new year
  1. Interlibrary Loan - D. Hooper reports on document delivery service and Oct/Nov has been filling undergraduate requests (Oct was 20 undergrad requests, Nov was 15 undergrad requests), so ILL proposes to permanently expand the service to undergrads, including books; D. Hooper has concerns about effect relating to textbooks, but requests full service expansion;  Library Council expressed general approval of this expansion of the service
  1. Article for discussion:
  1. none

  1. Roundtable
  1. S. Fisher - likely book sale in March; provided summary of the Vancouver conference
  2. S. Lloyd - Copyright: CBC vs SoDrac decision came down today - Copyright Board licenses/tariffs are not mandatory; involved in ABC Copyright Conference Committee for May 2016; also interim President of Archives Council of PEI until the next meeting in the spring
  3. R. Thomson - finished reserves documentation; extended hours beginning in two Saturdays
  1. Next meeting's article: S. Fisher will provide