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Email, Melissa Kelly, deputy chief of staff, communications director, U.S. Rep. Pete Olson, June 21, 2017

From: Selby, Gardner (CMG-Austin)

Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2017 5:57 PM

To: Kelly, Melissa

Subject: Urgent inquiry for a fact check, PolitiFact Texas


Hello from Austin.


For a PolitiFact Texas fact-check, I write seeking Rep. Olson’s basis for saying in a June 9 interview that Bill Clinton told then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch last year, “We’ve killed people. We killed Vince Foster. We destroyed Webb Hubbell. We will destroy you,” in advance of Hillary Clinton not getting indicted.




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W. Gardner Selby

Reporter / News

Austin American-Statesman

PolitiFact Texas

10:41 a.m.

June 21, 2017

This is the statement Olson issued on the matter:


Congressman Pete Olson said, “The personal wreckage suffered by many people during the Clinton years is well documented. Just ask Paula Jones, Jim and Susan McDougal, Kathleen Willey and many others. However, in my discussion about Loretta Lynch and Vince Foster, I took the accusations a step too far. I regret my choice of words. The fact remains Hillary Clinton broke the law, violated national security, and was excused away by Jim Comey and the Obama Justice Department.  Most Americans understand this and loathe the Clinton’s for continuing to live under a different set of rules than the rest of us.”



Melissa Kelly

Deputy Chief of Staff

Communications Director

Rep. Pete Olson