ENGLISH SCRIPT FOR Videos de Orientación para Villanos: Los casos perdidos de Rhyboflaven | Villanos | Cartoon Network


Narrator: Congratulations! You have decided to stop being a pathetic nuisance to become a worthy adversary, acquiring Black Hat Organization’s villain training. Be prepared to learn what you mustn’t do with The Lost Cases of Rhy- Rhybof- Rhyboflaven!

Black Hat: Welcome to the second episode of the volume 1 of the orientation videos for villains from Black Hat Organization. This time we’ll judge the use of one of my most ancestral techniques that has been used by villains of all kinds for centuries to steal their enemies’ identities. The skinwalker technique! That is to say, take the hero’s place, their appearance, their way of talking, their smell, their dreams and friendships to DESTROY everything that they are and will be. Let’s analyze this technique with…

Black Hat: This grotesque excuse of a villain is called Nohayas. He’s facing a pair of disgusting heroes called Prohayas and Vambre. Nohayas has decided to use skinwalker technique to steal Prohayas’ identity.

Black Hat: This disaster started his journey to evilness as a kid, when he bought Black Hat Organization’s Villainy Kit for young villains.

Narrator: Which is on sale! It includes a flask of poison, a spell book, Necronomicon for kids, a fake mustache, a manual for Villains, an amnesia sword and a black hat.

Black Hat: Now we’ll analyze the development of his disgusting technique, starting from his childhood.

Black Hat: SILENCE!!!

Black Hat: Rule number 104: Win the hero’s trust to betray them later.

Black Hat: Don’t you LOVE to see a building in flames?!

Black Hat: Have you spotted his mistake? He only put the barn on fire! I’d have burned all the crops, the flora, the fauna, THE COUNTRY THE HEROES MUAHAHAH!

Black Hat: We know that the young villains are prone to failure and humiliation, that’s why we included the Amnesia MagiSword in the kit ‘My Villainy’.

Black Hat: Pathetic. Now let’s analyze his adolescence. Ugh, too far!

Black Hat: A good way to weaken the hero is to intimidate them with your mere presence…

Black Hat: While this sorry excuse of an academician talks about the recipe (the guy’s talking about making a truth serum), I’ll tell you how to make the antidote so that your lies will be lasting and venomous… Go to the 9th circle of hell and mix it with a dishonest viper’s poison, a nose of a living doll and wooden teeth of someone named Jorge. Gargle with the antidote and you’ll see how you can spit lies willy-nilly.

Black Hat: Gargle with my ‘truth serum’ and you’ll be 100% sure of your lies!

Black Hat: A good skinwalker must be completely sure that they’re acting like their enemy. But there’s a small risk that you always need to have present. NEVER forget that you’re a villain!

Black Hat: This is the second time that he messed up and was forced to use the Amnesia MagiSword. When your plan fails like this idiot’s, you have two options. Erase all the evidence and try again, again, and again, and again, AND AGAIN! Or you can decide to stop failing and hire Black Hat Organization’s services.

Narrator: Suffer no longer! Black Hat Organization will take care of all of your problems! Problems with your subordinates? Problems with making evil plans? Problems with heroes? Call Black Hat Organization, consultancy and advisory for villains.

Black Hat: Let’s see how bad he is as an adult.

Black Hat: Rule 37: Find out what the hero most desires and seize it.

Black Hat: The call that headquarters?! A lair must be a reflection of the personality and greatness of its owner, not an insipid cottage! Pathetic heroes…

Black Hat: Look at them! She isn’t even wearing pants!

Black Hat: For hell’s sake! Why do I have to go through this again?! ERADICATE them already!!

Black Hat: When you try the skinwalker technique for two people, DON’T. USE. YOUR. HAND. I mean, how stupid can you be to dress your hand and pretend it to be someone else?!

Black Hat: One of the advantages of being an evil entity that isn’t limited by morality is to use your enemy’s techniques against them but in a more effective way.

Black Hat: It’s right to steal the hero’s identity! It’s also right to steal the hero’s life! But never, never, NEVER forget that you’re a villain and start to think that you’re a hero never NEVER EVER NOOOO-

Black Hat: I’ll give you a combat tip. If you’re in a food fight and they throw you food, throw forks in return.

Narrator: Snowball MagiSword! Pencil MagiSword! BLACK HAT MAGISWORD!

Black Hat: That trap is too weak! It wouldn’t even contain 505. AIM WELL YOU ANIMAL!

Black Hat: A villain must make their exit with an imposing phrase! WHAT was THAT?!

Black Hat: Why didn’t he cut them in half?! They were standing still like idiots at less than 1 meter from him! Clearly this garbage has already forgotten that he’s a villain.

Black Hat: When you let your enemies escape after defeating them, you give them another chance to learn how to defeat YOU in the next confrontation.

Black Hat: You can see the huge intellectual decline that his wimp had.

Black Hat: Hahaha, pair of inept heroes! Let’s see how this other insect takes advantage of the situation- NonoNONO WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! YOU HAVE SAWDUST IN YOUR BRAIN! How DARE you release them?! They could’ve died slowly and painfully!

Black Hat: This is your last chance to redeem yourself as a villain! Aim and don’t mess up! ...You’re hopeless…


Black Hat: This is the worst humiliation that a skinwalker can receive! Be defeated with the same technique but executed so POORLY and PATHETICALLY. How is it possible that someone that was following the kit’s steps to the letter could fall in such a stupid trap! It’s unbelievable that he was defeated with something so simple, pathetic and disgusting like a paper bag! How much of a loser can you be to even THINK about wearing one in public! (RIP Flug)

Black Hat: How is it possible that he wastes my products in something so ridiculous like friendship?! My services are to create chaos and destruction, not to make friends! I can’t watch more of this brainless ventriloquist! I’ll show you his mistakes:

Number 1: Bad use of Black Hat Organization’s products. Number 2 and the most important: He lost his identity, which caused number 3: He fell in his own trap.  There’s only one thing to do with a villain like this…

@Game_Brains singing:

Villain, you that blindly follow evilness, putting up with the pathetic goodness, and they always manage to defeat you, Villain, if only Black Hat had your soul, there wouldn’t be any hero that stopped you, and in the chaos your fantasies could come true!

Black Hat: Villain..~

THAT’S ALL FOLKS. BE SURE TO WATCH THE ORIGINAL VIDEO AND SUPPORT IT! You are not allowed to use these without my permission. There was a reason I didn’t reupload the video with these subs, I want the original to get all the views! That’s the only way of showing CN we love Villainous.

Link to the video: