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Part 32: Running a-Muk!
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Part 32: Running a-Muk!



‘We finally made it!’ I beamed excitedly as we gazed over Fuchsia.

We stood on a high slope looking down on the city which lay under a blanket of thick snow. Some buildings towered into the clear, yet freezing midday sky, boasting an array of stark colours, contrasting the plainness of white. Aly and Salvadore stood by my side, also admiring the view. Togepi looked around startled in Aly’s arms, woken by my ecstatic mood.

My gym battle was so close. The thought of winning my next badge made me brim with excitement. Bursting with energy I balled my fists and screamed, ‘Last one to the Pokémon centre is a rotten Exeggcute!’

Without a second thought I ran and skid down the icy mountain side leaving Aly and Salvadore behind me.

‘There he goes again’ Aly sighed and shook her head.

‘He didn’t really mean it’ Salvadore whispered to Exeggcute’s pokeball and cradled it lovingly in his hands.

When I reached the bottom of the slope I eagerly ran through the suburbs of Fuchsia and towards the city centre. The streets of Fuchsia City were populated with many people out shopping. Some kids were having a snowball fight in the city park while other younger children were making snow Pokémon. A smell of roast chest nuts and freshly baked gingerbread wafted through the air from nearby stalls and a small group of musicians played seasonal music, adding to the atmosphere. This truly was a magnificent city.

Completely losing sight of my friends I reduced my speed to a brisk walk and headed for the Pokémon centre. It had been a long time since we left Gringey, a lot longer than we had expected, but I was just thankful to be finally here at Fuchsia. My face lit up when I spotted a giant letter “P” plastered above a well kept building. I took a deep breath of cool air and happily entered the Pokémon centre.

I perked up even more at the sight of Nurse Joy’s warm eyes and welcoming smile.

‘Good afternoon. How may I help you?’ she asked politely.

‘Could you take care of my Pokémon please? I think they could do with a check up’ I smiled back at her and held out five pokeballs, including my recently caught Farfetch’d.

I had been thinking about a nickname for Farfetch’d over the passed couple of days, but after some deliberation I was sure I had the perfect one.

‘Of course’ Nurse Joy said graciously and placed my pokeballs on a small tray. She then turned to her assisting Chansey who stood beside her. ‘Chansey, would you be a dear and take these pokeballs into the infirmary please?’


The Chansey sang her name and happily accepted the tray from Nurse Joy before disappearing behind automatic doors at the back of the reception.

‘Your Pokémon should be ready shortly’ the nurse reassured me with another squinting smile.

‘Thank you so much’ I nodded back at her and made my way over to a vacant video phone booth.

I held the phone up to my ear and quickly dialled my home number. I sat in anticipation, staring at the blank screen as the phone continued to ring out. After it had rang several times I reluctantly hung up and sighed deeply. I had been hoping to talk with my mother and see how she and Mia were getting on. I guess it would have to wait until another day.

Picking up the phone once more I dialled Professor Oak’s number. The phone rang out a couple of times before the screen started to flicker. I smiled, but only briefly as the screen went blank again. I frowned and gawped at the monitor as it appeared to be on, but all I could see was darkness.

Suddenly, a faint buzzing noise droned through the phone.

‘Hello’ I asked, confused. ‘Is any body there?’

There was no answer other than the continuous humming noise. I was about to hang up when something caught my attention. My eyes widened in shock as small white letters began to appear on the dark screen, almost as if someone was typing them. But who? They read:

Hello Robin

‘H-hello?’ I stuttered back through the phone, my body starting to tense up. ‘How do you know my name? Who are you?’

The letters were erased off the screen and replaced with a new sentence.

Just a friend

‘What friend? Who is this? Where’s the professor!?’ I demanded in a slur of questions. My voice was panic stricken and my heart beat uncontrollably against my rib cage.

Look closer...

I stared, almost paralysed as the screen went blank once more. I wanted to put down the phone. I wanted to get away from this madness, but I couldn’t. It was like I was hypnotised. As my mind began to race a pink zigzag line stretched out horizontally across the monitor. I was captivated by the strange shape which seemed so familiar. I leaned my head in closer, my eyes transfixed on the shape which gradually grew larger and larger. My face was practically touching the screen as I focused on the expanding shape, the phone still held firmly to my ear.





‘FFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-!!!!!!!!’ I yelled loudly in surprise as two demonic eyes flashed in front of me and I fell backwards off my seat.

‘Nice to see you too, Sir Duke’ I moaned and peeled myself up off the tiled floor. Two girls seated over near a window in the main reception area giggled quietly at me. Blushing with embarrassment I quickly got to my feet and brushed down my trousers. I then picked up my chair and sat in close to the screen, rolling my eyes as Sir Duke fell around the lab in stitches with laughter.

‘Robin, is that you?’ a familiar voice called out from the phone.

‘Professor!’ I beamed.

I watched as Prof. Oak wearily took a seat on the opposite screen, constantly looking back at the Haunter who was still chuckling heartily to himself.

‘Take him back’ Prof. Oak said suddenly with a stern look, his face tired, but serious.

‘What?’ I asked puzzled.

Him!’ the researcher pointed accusingly at Sir Duke, who immediately stopped laughing.

‘Why? What’s wrong? I thought you wanted to study all different types of Pokémon?’ I questioned the Professor smugly.

‘That thing is not a Pokémon. It’s an absolute MENACE! Ever since this Haunter has come to my lab all of my very important notes have either been mixed up or disappeared’

‘I’m sure Sir Duke was just playing’ I shrugged.

‘Oh, that’s not all’ Prof Oak continued his rant. Sir Duke floated behind him and stuck out his tongue, moving his claws in sync with the professor’s words as if he was mocking him. I covered my mouth with my hand and sniggered, trying desperately not to laugh. ‘Ever since his arrival the Doduo have been cawing hours before dawn; the Voltorb keep exploding whenever I enter the magnetic charge room; he’s driving the Mankey bananas and the poor Poliwag are being bounced around like basketballs! He’s also a very bad influence on my Rotom. The kitchen was almost destroyed after the two of them decided to mess with the electrical circuits and appliances. It’s absolute chaos here! You must take him back!’ the professor begged, almost ripping his aged hair out.

‘Haha, no problem, Professor. I was planning to rotate some Pokémon around anyways so I could use my newly caught Farfetch’d. Would it be ok if I left Looper in your care and exchanged Peeks for Sir Duke?’ I asked and unhinged the remaining two pokeballs from my belt.

‘As long as they’re not more Haunter I’d be delighted to take care of them for you’ the professor smiled brightly through the monitor and sat up. Still eyeing the grinning Haunter suspiciously I saw him reach for his pocket and withdrew a pokeball. He held it up to the Haunter ‘Time for you to go back to Robin’

Still smiling devilishly, Sir Duke innocently waved goodbye to Prof. Oak as he was returned to his pokeball.

I placed my two pokeballs under the teleporter, individually saying goodbye to my Pokémon as the pokeballs were consumed with an electric charge and transported to Prof. Oak.

The Professor hastily placed Sir Duke’s pokeball on his own the teleporter and pulled a lever. The pokeball was teleported to me in an instant. A smile swept across my face as I reached out for the Haunter’s pokeball.

‘Welcome back, Sir Duke’ I whispered to the pokeball and clipped it to my belt. I then turned to the Professor who seemed somewhat relieved. ‘Thanks Professor. Please take care of Looper and Peeks for me’

‘Don’t worry, Robin. They’re in safe hands here. Good luck in your next gym battle. We’re all rooting for you’ Prof. Oak nodded back and the screen went blank.

Happy to have Sir Duke back and eager to win my next badge I jumped lively off the chair. At that moment Aly and Salvadore entered the Pokémon centre. Seeing me, they smiled and walked over to me.

‘I’m surprised you’re not back in Viridian already judging by the speed you were running at’ Aly joked, cradling a sleeping Togepi.

‘Sorry’ I apologised. ‘Guess I got a little excited’

We walked over to Nurse Joy who was still smiling pleasantly as ever. ‘Welcome back. Your Pokémon are all ready and in great condition’ she said as she took a tray with five pokeballs from Chansey and placed them in front of me.

‘Thank you so much’ I nodded appreciatively at the nurse while clipping my pokeballs on my belt. I beamed with delight, noticing that Farfetch’d pokeball was not locked anymore as I attached it along side my other pokeballs. I held up the last pokeball and expanded it in my grip. ‘Kiro, come on out!’

The silver Eevee sparkled as he emerged from his pokeball and instantly scurried up on my body, perching himself on my shoulder.

‘Glad to see you’re in good shape again’ I said as I petted my Pokémon lovingly.

I then turned back to Nurse Joy. ‘By the way, do you know where Fuchsia gym is?’ I asked keenly.

The nurse gave me a puzzled look. ‘Sure. It lies on the southern outskirts of the city beyond a small forest. The gym is in the shape of an old mansion. Why do you ask?'

‘I’m collecting gyms badges so I can enter the Pokémon League’ I said proudly.

‘Oh, that’s great, but the gym leader, Aya left unannounced a week ago. No one has heard from her since and no one knows when she will return’

WHAT!?’ I screamed, almost falling over in disbelief. I hung my head in disappointment and sighed, ‘I’m never going to compete in the Indigo League at this stage’

‘Come on, Robin. There are plenty more gyms out there and the League is still months away. We’ll get there’ Salvadore said, resting a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

His words perked me up and I smiled back at him in confidence. ‘You’re right. I’ll just have to keep trying. I’ve come too far to give up- we all have. I will make it to the Pokémon League. And win it!’ I exclaimed, clenching my fist in determination.

‘Well, you can’t be beaten in confidence, that’s for sure’ Aly smiled nervously.

Thanking Nurse Joy for her services again, we left the Pokémon centre and walked out into the snow enveloped city. Fuchsia was still as lively as it was when I first arrived here. Shoppers and entertainers scurried through the streets as jolly music and a delicious smell of freshly baked cookies filled the air.


‘Please don’t hurt me!’

‘Somebody help! PLEASE!’

Several voices echoed over the symphony of seasonal music and the mood was killed instantly. The screams sounded like they were coming from a nearby street. Aly, Salvadore and I glanced at each other and instinctively nodded at each other before tearing off down the busy street. We skid around the corner, almost slipping on the icy path. The pleas continued to ring out around the city, getting louder with every stride we took.

The street looked familiar as I glanced at all the different shops. I had passed through here when I first entered Fuchsia and I knew where those cries were coming from.

‘Whatever is going on it’s happening in the park!’ I called back to my friends as I lead the way. Kiro sprinted along side me as we all quickened our pace, determined to help out- whatever it was.

We all came to a halt at the park entrance and looked around anxiously. All the children who had been playing in the snow earlier were gone. The snow made Pokémon now lay in ruins. What worried me most were the splatters of purple sludge which stained the glossy white snow. I had no doubt about it. This was definitely the work of a Pokémon. But what and why?

‘Help us! AAAHH!!’  Another high pitched voice rang out.

Without further hesitation we dashed through the park, following a path of purple sludge and terrified screams.

‘Look over there!’ Aly shouted.

Up ahead were four children slowly backing up against the park fence. They shrieked in terror as a large Muk edged closer to them, grunting angrily.

I hastily checked my Dex:

Muk, the sludge Pokémon and the evolved form of Grimer. Muk seeps toxic fluid from its body. Sometimes when they get excited, their body emits an overwhelming stench.

‘We have to distract Muk so those kids can get away’ I said as I unclipped a pokeball from my waist. Expanding the pokeball in my hand I tossed it into the air. ‘Kane, I choose you!’


My Farfetch’d cried out as it emerged from its pokeball and soared high into the cloudy sky. He extended his wings and skilfully spun his stalk before looping around to face me.

‘Hey, you don’t mind if I call you Kane, do you? I think it suits you.’ I smiled at my battle ready Farfetch’d.

Kane swiped the air with his stalk and nodded back at me. The battle scar over his left eye creased as he focused on the Muk with determined eyes.

‘That’s awesome! We need to help out those kids. Kane, use your aerial ace attack on that Muk.’ I commanded.


Kane squawked again and ascended high into the sky. Taking aim on the Muk who was now only a few feet away from the group of screaming children, Kane’s wings shone a bright white aura and he descended at lighting speed. Crying out defiantly he plunged into the startled Muk and forced it back through the snow.

With the Muk now distracted we ushered the children to run. They were a bit hesitant to respond, but with a few reassuring words they nodded their thanks and fled.

Kane flapped in the same spot, watching carefully as Muk rose furiously from the snowy grass. Grunting at the Farfetch’d, it opened its mouth and released a thick, dark green gas.

‘Poison gas’ I muttered, gritting my teeth. ‘Kane, blow it back!’ I ordered.

At my command, the Farfetch’d held out his stalk and spun it rapidly, successfully repelling the toxic gas back at Muk.

Furious at the confident Farfetch’d, Muk bellowed to the heavens before spitting out a flurry of sludge bombs. Kane tried to duck and swivel around the onslaught of poisonous sludge balls, but was eventually overcome by the attack and struck to the ground. The wild duck Pokémon murmured, trying to peel himself up off the snow as the Muk edged closer.

‘Venomoth, use confusion!’ I voice called out.

Just as Muk was about to lunge at Kane, a giant moth-like Pokémon fluttered passed us, its eyes shining in a bright blue energy. Muk was suddenly enshrouded in the same bright blue light and forced backwards with Venomoth’s psychic power.

Amazed by the Venomoth’s strength I checked my Dex:

Venomoth, the poison moth Pokémon and the evolved form of Venonat. Venomoth’s silky scaled wings are coated in different toxins which it can use to inflict various status problems on the foe.

I looked up from my Dex and watched as Muk continued to struggle against Venomoth’s confusion attack.

‘Let me take care of this.’

I gasped in shock as a woman mystically appeared beside me. She wore a familiar red ninja uniform and her green hair was tide back neatly with an orange tassel. Her eyes were fixed on Venomoth and Muk, fully focused.

Nodding hesitantly at her I returned Kane to his pokeball.

‘Ok Venomoth, time to end this. Use you stun spore!’ the ninja commanded.

The poison moth Pokémon eased its confusion attack on the Muk and began to flutter its wings, summoning a wave of orange powder. This mist of orange dust descended upon the sludge Pokémon who squirmed in pain. When Muk tried to move, its entire body was enveloped in static electricity. It moaned in pain as it succumbed to the effects of paralyses.

‘You’re not going to escape me this time.’ the woman yelled profoundly and held up a pokeball. ‘Pokeball go!’ she screamed and threw the pokeball at the helpless Muk.

The sludge Pokémon was consumed in a red energy and sucked inside the pokeball. We all watched anxiously as the pokeball fell to the ground and twitched in the snow, its red light pulsing as it struggled to retain the Muk.

Suddenly, the pokeball made a ping noise. Simultaneously, the pokeball went still and the red light died down.

Muk had been captured!

The mysterious woman smiled confidently as she went over to retrieve Muk’s pokeball. She then thanked her Venomoth and returned it to its pokeball. Finally, she turned to face the three of us and bowed respectfully.

‘I’m very sorry for all the trouble Muk caused. Thank you for helping out.’

‘Don’t be silly. We should be thanking you’ Salvadore professed as he cupped her hands in his own. ‘My name is Salvadore. Please let me show you my appreciation of your loving nature and beauty by treating you to a romantic dinner. Then, we can confess our undying love for each other and- huh?’

Salvadore suddenly ended his love speech and glanced back Cubone. ‘Aren’t you going to stop me?’ the breeder asked his Pokémon.


Cubone mumbled his name and pointed his bone club in front of his trainer.

Puzzled, Salvadore looked up to see that he wasn’t holding the woman’s hands, but a pair of leafless branches. He then noticed that the woman had been replaced with a giant snowman covered in a red ninja suit! The breeder fell over in disbelief. ‘I guess it was ice while it lasted’ he sighed.

Aly and I laughed, before turning to acquaint ourselves with the woman, who stood beside us once more.

‘Don’t worry about it. We were happy to help. By the way, my name’s Robin’ I greeted her with a respectful bow.

‘My name’s Aly. Nice to meet you’ the dragon trainer introduced herself and curtseyed.

‘It’s a pleasure to meet you all. My name’s Aya’

My mouth hung open in shock. ‘Wait, you’re Aya, the Fuchsia gym leader!?’

‘That’s me’ she smiled happily. ‘But I had to leave my gym for a while. This Muk I just caught had been lingering around the city after being abandoned by its trainer as a Grimer. I tried to help it, but it ran away scared into the mountains. I chased after it for days, but after I finally cornered it, it evolved into a Muk and escaped once more. It then went back to the city and started terrorizing innocent civilians in anger. I’m just glad I caught it before it did any serious damage’

‘Well, I’m glad Muk is ok. So does this mean you’re going back to your gym now?’ I asked eagerly.

‘It sure does. Are you thinking of challenging my gym?’ she asked, raising an eyebrow.

‘Yeah, I’ve been waiting to challenge your gym for ages’ I said excitedly, balling my fists in anticipation.

‘That’s great. How about you call over tomorrow morning and we’ll battle then?’ she suggested.

‘That would be awesome!’ I grinned back at her.

‘Then it’s settled. Bring your best Pokémon and be ready for battle. You’re going to have a tough time trying to win the Soul badge from me’ she warned.

I stared back at her with a determined look. This was it. I was finally going to challenge Aya to earn my sixth gym badge.

‘I’ll be ready.’