Institutional Assessment Worksheet

Take a Closer Look: How Inclusive Is Your Library to Transgender and Non Binary Folks?

Your Library

Challenges for transgender folks

Possibilities for change


-What do nondiscrimination policies include?

-What do harassment and disruptions policies include?

-What information is required to obtain a library card?

-What are procedures for adult and youth patron name change?


-Where are restrooms, how are they marked, and who has access to them?

-Walk through your physical library. What does signage and overall organization say about the space’s priorities?

Programs & Services

-How have public services and programs explicitly acknowledged intersectional trans identities?

-What partnerships have been made with community members and organizations?

-What user demographics & identities do library services specifically target?


-What collections exist on transgender histories & experiences?

-How would patrons find these materials?

-How are materials about transgender topics and experiences categorized/organized within your library?

Internal Procedures & Records

-Do health insurance options explicitly cover gender affirmative care? If so, what?

-What does the onboarding process for new employees include? (Pronouns?)

-What internal professional development opportunities exist?

-What data has the library collected on specific user groups, on staff?

-What policies, guidelines or processes does HR have around gender transitions at the workplace, pronouns usage or transgender care?

Created by Reed Garber-Pearson, Sunny Kim, Micah Kehrein & Bean Yogi for The Washington Library Association Conference, Tacoma, WA, “Reimagining Transgender Inclusion for Libraries”, November 2017.

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