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Sophisticated Picture Book Plan
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Sophisticated Picture Book Plan


-Main character represents a key concept/ IB Learner Profile or Attitude in your story

1. What are the key message(s)? Themes?


What is the author’s purpose? Entertain, persuade, inform?


3. Who are the characters? Age, personality (think about what we have leant from character writing this year)


Picture style? Are the images painted, sketched, real, surreal?


Text style – Is the text hand written (The day the crayons quit), creative (Hubert Horatio Bartle Bobton – Trent


Language features – What language features have you used? What is the effect of using them? Punctuation is very important





Audience – Who is your Sophisticated picture book for? Children, adults ?


2. Plot – Problem, response, action outcome (Climax)

Episodes Problem response, problem response.


The way the pictures are layed out.  comic, top to bottom, left to right )