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Testing Consent
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TITLE OF PROJECT: Kinect Jukebox


INVESTIGATORS: Alejandro Van Zandt-Escobar, Osman Khwaja, Junjun Chen, Igor Zabukovec


Purpose of Research:


The purpose of this study is to evaluate our proposed Kinect Jukebox interface.  We expect to enroll approximately 3 people in this study.  You are being asked to participate because we hope you’ll be able to easily figure out how to use our interface and provide some helpful feedback.




You will be asked to complete three different tasks that test some of the usability of our system. They include simple things like making motion gestures in front of a camera that won’t be too much of a burden. We expect your participation to take about 5 to 10 minutes of your time.




We’re interested in seeing how you interact with our system, and we plan taking notes on and sharing your experiences with it. We’re going to make a blog post on HCI’s website on all of our participants’ reactions. We may or may not use your name in our blog post


I understand that:


                A.            My participation is voluntary, and I may withdraw my consent and discontinue participation in the project at any time.  My refusal to participate will not result in any penalty.


                B.            By signing this agreement, I do not waive any legal rights or release Princeton University, its agents, or you from liability for negligence.


I hereby give my consent to be the subject of your research.










Audio/Video Recordings:

With your permission, we would also like to take notes and possibly record the interview. Please sign below if you agree to be photographed, and/or audio videotaped.


I hereby give my consent for audio/video recording:












Please keep this sheet in case you have any questions about this research project.



TITLE OF PROJECT: Kinect Jukebox


INVESTIGATORS: Alejandro Van Zandt-Escobar, Osman Khwaja, Junjun Chen, Igor Zabukovec


1.         For answers to any questions you may have about this research, contact:



Osman Khwaja,

Alejandro Van Zandt-Escobar,

Junjun Chen,

Igor Zabukovec,