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Lesson plan
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Day of Art for Josie
July 3 2017, 9am-12:30/1pm

Lesson plan

  1. Section one:  why do artists make work (10-15 minutes), 9-9:15
  1. How artists see
  2. Why artists make
  3. What art do you like to make?
  1. All three of the above bullets will be references inside of art books and children’s illustration books
  1. Section two: underlying elements of paintings/drawings (1 hour 45 minutes), 9:15- 11  will likely be a good idea to have a snack break in here for the kids
  1. How colors work together  (30 minutes, 5 instruction, 25 practice) 9:15-9:45
  1. Cutting and gluing paper over each other to identify negative space, color theory, and overlapping in art.  This will help understand colors work and spacing works in free painting.
  1. Shapes in art (30 minutes, 5 instruction, 25 practice) 9:45-10:15
  1. Exercise to see the underlying shapes in composition.  Kids will identify shapes (squares, lines, rectangles, triangles, circles) in compositions by drawing shapes over paintings that are printed on paper.  This will help understand how to lay out the painting in the free painting section of the workshop.
  1. Types of lines- how do they change the feeling of an art piece? (45 minutes) 10:15- 11
  1. Look at different types of artwork from printouts and books, kids will then practice making lots of different types of lines and marks using different materials (markers, pencils, pastels) and see how it feels and how different the
  1. Step one is to just make marks on paper with different materials
  2. Step two is to make 3 drawings of the same thing; each with a different media (drawing 1 pastel, drawing 2 pencil, drawing 3 marker)
  1. Section 3: free painting and playing with art materials (60+ minutes) 11-12/12:30
  1. Free painting from images or flowers from life
  1. Cats, sunshines, rainbows for 5
  2. Flowers, bridges, buildings for 10-11.
  1. If kids want to do something else during this time, they are free to and I will help them with whatever they want to do


  1. During all of the activities above, the kids will receive
  1. Direct Instruction
  2. Guided Practice
  3. Independent Practice
  1. At the end, the kids will speak to what they learned, and what they wanted to learn more about.

Materials & Resources

I will provide materials, which include:

  1. Canvases
  2. Brushes
  3. Water cups
  4. Pallets (paper plates)
  5. Scissors
  6. Construction paper
  7. Drawing paper
  8. Charcoal, markers, pastels, pens and pencils
  9. 3 easels
  10. glue/tape
  11. Printed images
  12. 1 folding table
  13. Tape
  14. Newspaper and paper towels