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Genetics & Identity Portfolio
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Genetics & Identity Portfolio

Please draw 3 - 5 images, symbols or icons that represent you and who you are.

Name: _______________________________________________

Period #: __________________

Genetics & Identity Portfolio Project

As we learn about human inheritance, you will be creating a ‘portfolio’ of personal examples and reflections on genetics.  This work is expected to be entirely your own- you are UNIQUE!

Cover Page: Title & Name

Page 1:  Genetics & Identity Portfolio Project Table of Contents

Page 2:  I am…  poem

Page 3: Make your own punnett square: Complete Dominance  

Possible traits: achoo syndrome, ear wax types, lactose intolerance, traits from the “Inventory of Traits” lab.

Page 4: Make your own punnett square: Co-dominance 

Page 5: Make your own punnett square: Incomplete dominance

Page 6: Make your own punnett square: Polygenetic inheritance

Page 7: Continuum: a personal narrative

Page 8: Final reflection on video project


“I Am From” Poem Template

I am from...

Adapted from Levi Romero

Inspired by “Where I'm From” by George Ella Lyon

I am from ____________________________________ (an everyday object in your home)

from_______________________and____________________ (products or everyday items in your home)

I am from the__________________________________________ (description of your home)

_______________________________________________ (a detail about your home-a smell, taste, or feel)

I am from the_________________________________ (plant, flower, natural item)

The_______________________________________ (plant or tree near your home)

Whose long gone limbs I remember

As if they were my own.

I'm from______________________and___________________ (a family tradition and family trait)

From___________________and____________________________ (family members)

I'm from_______________________and________________________ (family habits)

And from__________________________. (family habit)

Im from________________________and______________________ (things your were told as a child)

And_________________________________________________ (a song or saying you learned as a child)

I’m from_____________________________________ (family tradition)

I'm from_________________ (place of birth) and___________________ (family ancestry, nationality, or place)

_______________________ and _____________________ (family foods)

From________________________________________________(a story about a family member)

________________________________________ (detail about story or person)

___________________________________________ (description of family mementos, pictures, or treasures)

_____________________________________ (location of mementos - under my bed, on the wall, in my heart)

____________________________________________________________ (more description if needed)


By (student name) ___________________________________    Date_________________

Simple Punnett Square

Create a Punnett square using a ‘simple’ complete dominance trait.  Examples confirmed with research: lactase persistence (D) vs. lactase nonpersistence (R); ear wax: wet (D), dry (R); Achoo syndrome (D), no syndrome (R); astigmatism (D), no astigmatism (R) online test for asigmatism: EyetestforAstigmatism.aspx see this website for information on how nearly every trait we teach as complete dominance is not a true example. The one exception is ear wax.


Dominant allele: ________________________

Recessive allele: _______________________

My Phenotype: _________________________

My Genotype: __________________________

My Biological Parents’ Phenotypes: ____________________________

My Biological Parents’ Genotypes: ______________________________

Reflection: How does this punnett square show ‘you’? Does this connect to your experiences? Why or why not?  Is this trait something that affects your identity?

Co-Dominant Punnett Square

Create a Punnett square using a co-dominant human trait. Codominant traits include: Blood type,  Blood cell shape/Sickle Cell Anemia,


Possible alleles: ________________________

My Phenotype: _________________________

My Genotype: __________________________

My Biological Parents’ Phenotypes: ____________________________

My Biological Parents’ Genotypes: ______________________________

Reflection: how does this punnett square show ‘you’? Does this connect to your experiences? Why or why not?  Is this trait something that affects your identity?

Incomplete Dominance Punnett Square

Create a Punnett square using an incomplete dominant human trait. Incomplete dominant traits include: curly/wavy/straight hair, pitch of voice.

Pitch of voice info: “An example of intermediate expression is the pitch of a human male voice. Homozygous men have the lowest and highest voice for this trait (AA and aa).” (


Possible alleles: ________________________

My Phenotype: _________________________

My Genotype: __________________________

My Biological Parents’ Phenotypes: ____________________________

My Biological Parents’ Genotypes: ______________________________

Reflection: how does this punnett square show ‘you’? Does this connect to your experiences? Why or why not?  Is this trait something that affects your identity?

Polygenic Inheritance

Choose one polygenic trait to explore: height, eye color, skin color, hair color.

Link to eye color calculator website (takes multiple genes into account):


Possible phenotypes: ________________________________________________

My Phenotype: __________________________

Most polygenic traits can be thought of as a ‘continuum’.  There will be many phenotypes within a population.  For some traits, we can think of a ‘range’ as a way of expressing the number of people and the expression of multiple genes.  For the trait you’ve chosen, label the axes on the graph below.

While some of these traits may be controlled by way more than 3 genes, we’ll use a Punnett Square with 3 genes for simplicity.  Where do you think your phenotype falls in this square? Why?


Video Project Reflection