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0417 FINAL Rules Senate Committee on Education 85th Regular Session
Updated automatically every 5 minutes




1.        Committee

The Senate Committee on Education (hereafter referred to as the Committee) shall consist of eleven members. During the 85th Legislature, the Committee shall meet at the discretion of the Chair.

2.        Conflict of Rules

The Rules of the Senate, insofar as applicable, shall apply in matters not covered by the Rules of this Committee. If there is a conflict between the Rules of the Senate and the Rules of the Committee, the Rules of the Senate shall prevail. Each subcommittee appointed by the Chair may adopt its own rules insofar as such rules do not conflict with the Rules of the Senate or the Rules of the Committee. In the absence of its own rules, a subcommittee shall be governed by the Rules of the Committee and the Rules of the Senate.

3.        Attendance

The Chair of the Committee, as well as the Chair of each subcommittee, shall keep accurate records of the attendance of the members of that committee. The records shall be made available to the Senate and to the public upon request.

4.        Quorum

A majority of the membership of the Committee shall constitute a quorum. No committee or subcommittee shall take action on a bill in absence of a quorum with the exception of the receiving of public testimony.

5.        Lack of Quorum

At any stated meeting of the committee, if a roll call discloses lack of a quorum, the members present may order the names of the unexcused absentees turned over to the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate whose duty it shall be to secure promptly the attendance of such absent members. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall have the same authority conferred on him or her under the rules of the Senate as when the Senate is operating under a call.

6.        Committee Action

An affirmative vote of the majority of the Committee membership shall be necessary for a motion to report a bill or resolution favorably. Motions to amend or adopt a substitute shall require majority vote of members present and voting. The Chair may declare a time certain to record a vote or votes on a motion or motions to report bills.

7.        Bill Referral

The Chair of the Committee may refer bills or resolutions to special subcommittees at his discretion. In addition, a bill or resolution referred to a subcommittee may be recalled or re-referred at the discretion of the Chair.

8.        Subcommittees and Subcommittee Reports

The Chair, at his discretion, may appoint special subcommittees as necessary to expedite the work of the Committee. Subcommittees shall post any hearings in accordance of the Rules of the Senate. All reports of a subcommittee shall be furnished in writing to the members of the Committee at least 24 hours prior to the meeting of the Committee. The Committee may accept, reject or amend a subcommittee report or commit a bill to another subcommittee for further study.  

9.        Hearing of Bills

The Chair of the Committee may set bills for hearings at his discretion. No bill referred to the Committee shall be set for hearing until the Chair has received from the author/sponsor a written Request for Hearing and a written summary of background information on the bill. The order in which posted bills are heard shall be at the discretion of the Chair. 

10.        Bill Background

The sponsor of the bill shall have the responsibility of providing the Committee staff with the background information, purpose statement, and the reasons for delegating rulemaking authority. Such information shall be in written form.

11.        Bill Analysis

A legal and non-partisan bill analysis shall be prepared for each bill prior to consideration by the Committee.

12.        Fiscal Notes

At the discretion of the Chair, a bill may be heard by the Committee without a fiscal note, but may not be voted out of Committee until the fiscal note is made available to Committee members. The Clerk shall assist in obtaining fiscal notes. The Chair may also defer a vote on any measure which has been significantly altered through amendment or substitute until a new fiscal note is prepared to reflect any fiscal costs or savings associated with the amended or substituted measure.

13.        Impact Statements

Pursuant to the Senate Rules, if the director of the Legislative Budget Board has determined that an impact statement is required for any bill or joint resolution, except the general appropriations bill, the impact statement shall be attached to the measure prior to a final vote by the Committee.

14.        Minority Reports

The Rules of the Senate shall govern the requirements for the submission of minority reports on all bills and resolutions.

15.        Time Limits

Public testimony and discussion at any Committee or subcommittee hearing may be limited by the Chair. The number of witnesses the bill sponsor expects should also be reported to the Committee Clerk prior to the hearing of the bill.

16.        Witnesses

The Committee, in accordance with the Senate Rules, shall have the power to compel the attendance and testimony of witnesses at Committee hearings. When possible, all testimony by witnesses before the Committee or subcommittee shall be submitted in writing at the time of the hearing, or in advance thereof. All parties appearing before the Committee or subcommittee shall affirm by oath or signature that the testimony they give is true and correct.


17.        Public Hearings

All hearings of the Committee and subcommittees shall be open to the public, and notice of hearing of all bills shall be posted in the manner provided for in the Rules of the Senate.  

18.        Recorded Testimony

All hearings held by the Committee or subcommittees shall be recorded. Upon request of any member of the Committee, it shall be the duty of the Committee staff to furnish a written transcript of such recording.

19.        Testimony of Senate Members

At any meeting of the Committee or subcommittee any member of the Senate may be permitted to testify on matters before the Committee, including the final consideration of any subcommittee report by the Committee.

20.        Committee Votes

The Chair, at his discretion, may recognize any member of the Committee for a motion on any measure before the Committee. The Chair, at his discretion, may defer a vote on any bill or resolution before the Committee which has been significantly altered through amendment or substitute until the Committee members have had sufficient time to study the changes.

21.        Committee Staff

The Chair shall prepare and submit a budget to the Committee on Administration and employ adequate staff to carry out the functions of the Committee and the subcommittees. The staff shall keep permanent and accurate records of all committee proceedings. The Committee staff shall notify Committee members and other interested parties of the time, place, and agenda of all Committee hearings. The Committee staff shall file all Committee reports with the appropriate officers of the Senate or the Legislature.  

22.       News Media

Media coverage is permitted, but such media coverage may be limited by the Chair to the extent necessary to allow for orderly conduct of the hearing.

23.        Written Communications

Written communications to the Chair or the Committee staff should be sent to the Senate Education Committee Office, Sam Houston Building, Room 440, Austin, Texas 78701.

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Larry Taylor, Chair                                                Nicole Sunstrum, Committee Clerk