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Email, Laura Keiter, national press secretary, Media Matters for America, Jan. 25, 2016

3:58 p.m.

While Beck hasn't technically endorsed a presidential candidate in the past he's often made clear to his audience which candidates he supports and opposes/thinks they should support or oppose. Some links and other background info that might be helpful are below. Separately, our Executive Vice President Angelo Carusone ran the Stop Beck campaign before coming to Media Matters. I'm sure he'd be happy to chat if helpful-- just let me know! Hope this helps!


MMFA documented some of his comments here about candidates in the 2010 midterms. He's also gone so far as to say he would vote for certain candidates and actively worked to get candidates elected in the past -- without technically calling it an endorsement. Basically walking a very thin line


As far as Beck's relationship with Ted Cruz specifically, Cruz did thank Glenn Beck in his 2012 Senate victory speech.


Some interesting pull quotes about Romney in 2008  from Beck's website:


"...a local sheriff, drove past, escorting nationally syndicated radio talk show host Glenn Beck, who was in Idaho on a fundraising visit for then-presidential candidate Mitt Romney."

Glenn Beck - Current Events & Politics - Feb 21 08

''I'm going to be real honest with you. The two people that I would vote for, you and Mitt Romney.''

Glenn Beck - Interviews - Rudy Giuliani interview - Jan 16 08

"GLENN: You know, Governor Romney, as you know I'm a fan of yours and especially when it comes to the economy and I'm very concerned about the economy."

Glenn Beck - Interviews - Mitt Romney Interview Nov 29 07

''I'll make my decision on who I'm going to vote for for President and who I would endorse, like it means anything. I don't expect anybody to think that, oh, wow, Glenn's endorsed him; that's a big deal.

''But I'm going to make it as informed as I possibly can. I'm going to do as much as I can, as much homework to find out what really matters, who is this guy? Who are these candidates? ...

''Do you know why I lean towards Mitt Romney? ... I lean towards Mitt Romney because I watch his family. I know his family and I know the people around him. That's why I lean towards him... the reason why I think we have to look at the man, ... not just his record, but I need to look at the man because I really, truly believe we're entering a period where things are going to happen faster and faster and the President has got to feel something in the core of his being.''

Glenn Beck - Current Events & Politics - Huck-Attack Dec 12 07

"GLENN: It's our last broadcast before the holiday and I'm pleased to be joined with Governor Mitt Romney. Hello, Mitt, how are you, sir?

"GOVERNOR ROMNEY: I'm terrific, Glenn, good to be with you.

"GLENN: You know, I told you this in person. I went down to your speech and saw you in Texas give the speech on faith but it's one of the best speeches I've ever heard and it was just, it was amazing and I've heard this from several people and this is the way I feel. It was a turning point for me in my support for you. I was amazed. I was amazed. Great speech."

Glenn Beck - Interviews - Mitt Romney Interview Dec 19 07