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Reading: 5/19/14 - 5/23/14
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Teacher’s Name Mrs. Fundora           Subject _Reading________          Grade Pre-K1      Week of _5/19/14 - 5/23/14______________                            


Unit 6 Week 1                                                                   Unit Title The Nightingale                       Essential Question How did the nightingale feel in the cage? Why?                       








(Lesson Focus)

What will the students know or be able to do at the end of the lesson?


How will the students demonstrate that they have accomplished the desired outcome? Please state the question that will be asked during your formative assessment.


In what activities will the students be engaged to accomplish the desired outcome? Please list in the order that you will implement.


e.g. one should be on knowledge, one on application, and one on synthesis or evaluation.











 The children will learn:

  • Track print from left to right
  • Recognize words in sentences.
  • Observe teacher’s book handling skills
  • Understand print directionality
  • Locate pictures on a page
  • Participate in discussion
  • Discuss pictures
  • Listen and respond to stories read aloud
  • Understand story vocabulary
  • Listen for a purpose
  • Use pictures and prior knowledge
  • Understand characters
  • Determine important ideas

 What did the emperor wanted?

  1. Daily Routines.
  2. Introduce the book “The Nightingale.”
  3. Ask: What they see in the picture?
  4. Tell the children the man is an emperor and he is like a king.
  5. Ask the children what do they think an emperor?
  6. Read aloud the title.
  7. Ask: What do you think a nightingale is? (a bird)
  8. Point at the emperors necklace.
  9. Ask: What jewels are?
  10. Ask the children: Does the illustrations shows moder-day or long-ago China? How can you tell? Is the emperor rich or poor? Why?
  11. Help the children set a purpose for listening by telling the children to listen to find out what happens between the emperor and a nightingale.
  12. Play story.
  13. The teacher will model using pictures to understand vocabulary by: Having the children listen to the story; point to parts of pictures that illustrate key vocabulary words, such as emperor, palace, nightingale, and jewels.
  14. Discuss the story.
  15. Ask: What did the emperor wanted? How did the noble people feel when they first saw the nightingale? Why? Why did the emperor have build a cage for nightingale? How did nightingale feel in the cage and why did she feel that way? Why did the emperor feel sick? The emperor’s helpers “fussed and fumed” when they could not repair the jeweled nightingale. How did they feel?
  16. Review story vocabulary: emperor, nightingale, jewels, palace.
  17. Introduce sentences in the Big Book.
  18. Demonstrate book handling. 
  1. What did the emperor wanted?
  2. How did the noble people feel when they first saw the nightingale? Why?
  3. Why did the emperor have build a cage for nightingale?
  4. How did nightingale feel in the cage and why did she feel that way?
  5. Why did the emperor feel sick?
  6. The emperor’s helpers “fussed and fumed” when they could not repair the jeweled nightingale. How did they feel?








 The children will learn:

  • Recognize sentences are made up of words.
  • Distinguish between long and short words
  • Understand vocabulary words
  • Listen and responds to stories read aloud
  • Listen for a purpose
  • Follow oral directions
  • Use illustrations
  • Dictate phrases about favorite places

Did the nightingale like living in a cage?


  1. Daily routines.
  2. Distribute children’s story book.
  3. Have the children discuss the cover.
  4. Have the children practice turning pages.
  5. Play CD 3 Track 6.
  6. Help the children complete the comprehension page 12.
  7. Have the children circle the nightingale sitting on a branch in row 1, the happy nightingale in row 2, and the nightingale singing in row 3.
  8. The teacher will check comprehension and following directions.
  9. Help children use illustrations to answer the following questions: Page 3: What time of the day is in the illustration? How do you know? Why do you think the artist drew pictures that showed nighttime? Page 7: What are the men holding in this illustration? What is the round object  hanging in the upper-hand corner? Did the nightingale like living in the cage? Why? Is that the proper home for a bird? Why not? Did nightingale feel happy when she was free? 
  1. What time of the day is in the illustration?
  2. How do you know?
  3. Why do you think the artist drew pictures that showed nighttime?
  4. What are the men holding in this illustration?
  5. What is the round object  hanging in the upper-hand corner?
  6. Did the nightingale like living in the cage? Why?
  7. Did nightingale feel happy when she was free?












Recognizing the sound /s/ in initial position and associate the letters with the sound /s/ 

What sound does /s/ makes at the beginning?  

  1. Introduce the lesson with “Sally the Seal.”
  2. Have the children identify words with initial letter /s/.
  3. Introduce initial s as in seal.
  4. Ask: What sound does /s/ makes at the beginning?
  5. Have the children listen for and identify words with initial /s/.
  6. Use Concept Cards to practice recognizing initial /s/.
  7. Ask: What words from the story begin with /s/ sound? Can you use a word from the story in a sentence?
  8. Have the children practice recognizing objects whose names begin with /s/ in activity Page 127.
  1. What sound does /s/ makes at the beginning?
  2. What words from the story begin with /s/ sound?
  3. Can you use a word from the story in a sentence?












Recognizing the sound /t/ in initial position and associate the letters with the sound /t/

What sound does /t/ makes at the beginning? 

  1. Introduce the lesson with “Two Tug Boats.”
  2. Have the children identify words with initial letter /t/.
  3. Introduce initial t as in telephone.
  4. Ask: What sound does /t/ makes at the beginning?
  5. Have the children listen for and identify words with initial /t/.
  6. Use Concept Cards to practice recognizing initial /t/.
  7. Ask: What words from the story begin with /t/ sound? Can you use a word from the story in a sentence?
  8. Have the children practice recognizing objects whose names begin with /s/ in activity Page 134..
  1. What sound does /t/ makes at the beginning?
  2. What words from the story begin with /t/ sound?
  3. Can you use a word from the story in a sentence?


 Early Dismissal @ 11:00

 Early Dismissal @ 11:00 

 Early Dismissal @ 11:00  

 Early Dismissal @ 11:00  



Bloom’s Taxonomy

 (HOTS Questions)







School Grade Weighting Scale:

Tests (40%):

Quizzes (20%):

Classwork/ Participation (15%):

Homework (5%):

Projects/ Portfolios (20%):


Vocabulary words for week:

1.  two                              6.

2.  telephone                              7. table

3.  tiger                                        8. talk

4.  tall                                           9. tiny

5.  turnip                                    10. ten

Use of Technology:

   ____ Smartboard

   __+__ Student Response System