Philmont Parent Update Meeting (3/17/13)
Dates: (Becki Smith will coordinate pickup/dropoff vehicles; please contact her if you are interested and able to help with this:
- Depart 7:45 AM from Philadelphia Intl. Airport on July 15
- July 28th: We will stay at a hotel outside of Denver Intl Airport (TBD)
- Arrive 12:30 PM on July 29th at Philadelphia Intl. Airport
See Philmont 2013 Resources on Website: click on Troop 241 go down to resources click on Philmont 2013
Payment Updates:
- Payment due tonight (balance of $250 to pay for ground transportation)
- Next big payment $380 for flights due 5/1
- Hotel and shirt fee due 4/21: $75 / scout $100 / leader
- Crew shirt(s): 2 @ $50 (only shirts we’ll need on the trek!)
- Plus hotel fee: $25 per scout or $50 per leader
- There will be a $50 baggage fee (unless the airlines change this) due right before the trip.
- All meals are covered except for dinner on the evening of July 28th.
Other Checklist:
- Philmont health form filled out by doctor (see Philmont resources on troop website). This can serve as your troop form as well. Parts A, B, C, and D must be completed and handed in. Highlight the parts of Form D related to Philmont and make sure to give to the doctor during the examination. It is important that he/she has this information in order to make informed decisions about filling out the rest of the form. All 4 forms should be completed and in duplicate with a copy of insurance cards (front and back) to Mr. Smith by June 1. If your physical is after this time, please let Mr. Smith know of the date he can expect it.
- Any medication listed on the medical form as “needed” must come along on the trip in their original packaging with prescribed orders on the outside. It is suggested that at least two to three times the expected amount needed is included in the bottle.
- Blue Sky Adventures release form (found on troop Philmont Resources Page) by June 1
- I will need a copy of each scout’s birth certificate and the government issued photo id they will use for boarding the plane before May 1. Valid ID includes: copy of birth certificate WITH school issued photo ID, or a valid passport, or a driver’s license.
- Need: A duffel bag large enough to place the backpack in. A nylon commercial laundry bag can also be used (available at dry cleaners).
- Scouts should be actively working on their fitness at this point. Altitude and the simple duration of the trip (10 days of backpacking) cannot be overemphasized. No scout on this trek has EVER experienced anything like this before.