Insofar as Gettysburg College holds to be true:

  • The worth and dignity of all people and the limitless value of their intellectual potential (Gettysburg College Mission Statement);
  • The power of a liberal arts education to help students develop critical thinking skills and sensitivity to the human condition, which enable students to realize their full potential for responsible citizenship (Gettysburg College Mission Statement);
  • The value of a lifelong commitment to service, and the role of the College in both providing an example of public service for students and fostering a commitment to service among our young people(Gettysburg College Mission Statement);
  • The value of ethical leadership that is inclusive, collaborative, and directed towards effecting change for the greater good (Gettysburg College Mission Statement);
  • That our institutional heritage challenges us to engage in and provide leadership for addressing the critical social and political issues of our time (Gettysburg College, Freedom of Expression Philosophy);
  • The College is committed to the ideal of free and open inquiry in all matters, as freedom of expression allows us to continually strive to better society and to address injustices (Gettysburg College, Freedom of Expression Philosophy);
  • Freedom of expression is invaluable to the institution because it brings together multiple opinions, allows them to coalesce and/or clash, and opens them to the community’s reflections, analyses, and critiques (Gettysburg College, Freedom of Expression Philosophy)

And in keeping with these values, the College:

We, concerned students of this institution, in the spirit of a “Consequential Education,” call for Gettysburg to live up to its principles as it concerns the ongoing occupation and genocide of Palestinians by the State of Israel. We demand that the College:

  • Immediately disclose all investments, expenditures, and endowment funding
  • Divest from any and all companies, contractors, or other organizations with ties to Israel and the Palestinian genocide
  • End all current collaborations with Israeli academic institutions, study abroad programs, and universities
  • Provide increased funding and scholarships for students from Gaza, in the wake of all their universities being destroyed
  • Issue a public statement that calls for a permanent ceasefire and an end to the Israeli occupation

We hope that the university administration will be open to meeting and discussing these demands, and that the faculty will join us students in solidarity with other university students across the country and world.