DLA006-0014  Transcription 


Feb. 14 [19]16

Dear Mr Laszlo.

It was unfortunate about the card, but of course it never reached us. – We called one afternoon to see you at your studio - the afternoon we arranged to meet Mrs Sifton[1] there – but you had already gone. – We will hope

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to have the pleasure of seeing your picture another time – This week we are rather busy & so will not be able to arrange anything – unless Friday afternoon would suit you. – We are giving a small dance here on Wednesday night & if it would amuse you we should be

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delighted to see you: we begin about 11. o’clock.

Yrs sincerely

Ethel Fane Gladwin




[1] Possibly Mrs Winfield Sifton, née Jean Gazlay Donaldson, whose portrait de László painted in May 1916 [11227]. De László had first been asked to undertake the commission in October 1915 (see DLA048-0022), and the sitter wrote to the artist in February 1916 that she would be available to sit at the artist’s convenience (see DLA048-0023). De László also painted Mrs Winfield Sifton’s husband, Captain Winfield Burrows Sifton, earlier that year [7149].