***This statement was drafted by the current Fran’s House residents. Please share on whatever platforms you choose, particularly with the Bucknell administration, as this is our official house statement***

To the Bucknell community,

First and foremost, thank you to those who have been showing their support to the Fran’s House and LGBTQ+ community at large. When this incident first occurred, our residents simply wanted to spread awareness of the incident. We are astounded by the amount of advocacy and kindness we have received as a result of this from the LGBTQ+ individuals and allies in the Bucknell student body, faculty, staff, alumni network, parents, and more.

As a community, we recognize the importance of standing up for ourselves and supporting one another. With that in mind, the residents of Fran’s House would like to see the following outcomes:

We would like Bucknell to officially establish Tower House as the permanent residence of the LGBTQ+ community on campus. Under no circumstances should Fran’s House be in jeopardy of losing their physical space due to the requirements Bucknell enforces to fill roster spots as opposed to creating inclusive living spaces. We recognize that this house does not perfectly meet the needs of our community, but we wish to work with the university to further improve the space. We would like full access to all parts of the building and for it to be made ADA accessible so that any member of our community has the ability to live here. Never again should someone feel entitled to come to our home and say it’s “their house and not ours”.  

Furthermore, the Public Safety officers and the individuals involved in the incident need to be held accountable for their actions. What happened to this house is abhorrent. Appropriate actions must be taken by the Bucknell Administration to ensure nothing like this will ever happen again. Fran’s House residents will provide full compliance to the independent investigation occurring, and hope we will be adequately represented when the university makes decisions based on this outcome. As students, we must also recognize the importance of holding each other accountable and the unequal opportunities that exist for affinity houses to influence Bucknell’s social culture, so that feelings of discrimination and hate are not enabled within our student body.

For those looking for ways to support our community at this time, we ask that you share this statement and previous statements of house residents to those affiliated with Bucknell and beyond. We also encourage you to attend the solidarity march against toxic masculinity being planned by Bucknell professors and sorority leadership, which begins Saturday May 15th at 8:30pm at Bertrand Library. If you would like to send a message of support to Fran’s House residents, please email bucknellfranshouse@gmail.com. Please allow ample time for us to respond given that we are students currently in the final examination period. Please also recognize that the residents of the house still need space and time to process the events, and would appreciate it if the community could refrain from gathering in large numbers at the house.

We look forward to continuing this conversation and building a more equitable campus for all.

With love,

The Fran’s House Community