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Campaing logbook
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

CHARADMexp log book


Polly (Ronny)

2014/07/15 10:55: Polly & microwave radiometer is on again! The aircondition works good.

2014/07/13 14:53: Power cut. Polly, microwave radiometer & aircondition are off. Microwave radiometer was working between: 2104/07/12 13 UTC to 2014/07/13 14 UTC.

2014/07/12 13:19 to 17:43: Polly acquired measurements during this timeframe but the airconditioning didn’t work appropriately, and the temperature was too high in the cabin. We turned off the instrument and we will turn it back on when we achieve lower temperatures in the cabin.

2014/07/11 18:59 to 07/12 13:16: Power cut. Polly, Microwave Radiometer & Aircondition was off.

2014/07/10 08:59 - 09:13: Clean the roof.

2014/07/10 08:05: Changed back the depol cal to normal operations (140,230deg,300s) at 02:30 & 17:30 UTC, restart of polly.exe.

2014/07/09 20:14: Changed the depol calibration for the next night at 2 UTC according to Volkers suggestions. +35/-55,+40/-50,+45/-45,+50/-40,+55/-35, restart of polly.exe.

2014/07/08 10:20 - 21:43: Internet was down. Internet reboot at 21:44.

2014/07/05 20:11: The main oceanet pc was of from 11:15 UTC. & Internet connection problem. Microwave radiometer sky camera and meteorology station. was off. Μicrowave radiometer: off from 11 UTC until 20:30 UTC. Sky camera: off from 11:30 to 13:11. Meteorology station: off from 11:00 until 18:30 UTC.

                   20:11-20:40: fixing everything. Noise from open pc screens it the container.

Lidar was measuring good all day.

Lidar UPS error of the day: “04.07.2014 02:18:43-44 UPS: On battery power in response to an input power problem”.

2014/07/02 10:48: Polly PC restarted. Until then, the measurements was going on normally, but we could not have communication with the PC.

2014/06/30 23:56 to 07/01 01:29: Data acquisition was crashed. No data was saved.

2014/06/29 03:53 to 09:29: Power cut. Polly & Aircondition was off.

                     09:29: clean Polly Roof & start the data acquisition again.

2014/06/27 03:16 to 10:23: Power cut. Pollly & Aircondition was off.

                     10:23: start the data acquisition again.

                   In the 532nm depolarization chanel & 607 from 270m we have ~80Mkps.

2014/06/26 10:30 to 18:23: Data acquisition was crashed. No data was saved.

2014/06/24 18:49 Overlap adjustment. SMCView, moved down by 0.05 mm.

2014/06/23 21:25 Telecover test starts

                   21:31 start north

                     21:44 start east

                     21:58 start south

                     22:11 start west

                     22:24 start full

                     22:36 start north no2

                     22:51 finished telecover test.

                     22:51 start the data acquisition again.

2014/06/23 10:45 power cut, the laser was turned off.

                     13:44 Start the data acquisition again.

2014/06/22 10:40 start the data acquisition again.

                   10:37 NDF changed: 1064 3.0+0.3

                   04:50-04:55 power cut, the laser was turned off.

2014/06/20 19:35 RE,AS,EM: start telecover test

                   19:39 start North

                   19:51 start east

                   20:03 start south

                   20:16 start WEST

                   20:30 start full

                   20:41 finished telecover

                   Changed Polly file names to short week day and included ARI in the filename

                   20:40-21:07 change of ndf. 355: 2.0, 532s: 2.0, 1064: 3.0+0.5+0.3

                   Ndf same as before: 355s: 0.5+0.3+0.3, 387: 0.5+0.3+0.1+0.1+0.1; 607: 0.5,

                   532: 2+1+.5+.3+0.1; NR as before.

2014/06/18 20:30 near range overlap adjusted

                  21:30 NDF changed: 355s 0.5+0.3+0.3, 532s 2.0+0.3, 1064 3.0 + 0.5

2014/06/17 Setup in Finokalia

ESA-Lidar (EMORAL) (Panos K.)

HALO (Ville & Alex)

2014/06/25 We lost the ability to connect remotely with the Halo computer. Fortunately, the data transfer to the FMI server works properly.


Cimel (Panos R)

17/6/2014  at 9 UTC the final alignment was made and tested. Trusted data from now on

data are uploaded at aeronet server every 2 hours

UV-MFR (Panos R)

17/6/2014 new alignment was made at solar noon (10:19 UTC)

19/6/2014 new alignment was made at solar noon (10:20 UTC)

measurements beyond 72˚ solar zenith angle are not trustworthy

Microtops (Mirto)

PSR (Natalia)

Skycamera (Panos)

17/6/2014   4:30 UTC mounted on the wall and start recording every half a minute

UAVs (Michalis)

In-Situ (Giorgos)

Satellites (Francis)

Fires (Francis)


19:00 local time (UTC+3) - 2014/06/19 02:50 local time: Fire in heraklion area (district of minwa plain).

Latitude: 37.798, Longitude: 12.537, 12:00 UTC, confidence 58%, Satellite: A

Latitude: 37.538, Longitude: 13.336, 12:00 UTC, confidence 81%, Satellite: A

Latitude: 37.376, Longitude: 14.627, 12:00 UTC, confidence 81%, Satellite: A

Latitude: 40.232, Longitude: 18.016, 12:00 UTC, confidence 83%, Satellite: A

Latitude: 39.346, Longitude: 27.616, 8 :45 UTC, confidence 60%, Satellite: Aqua

Latitude: 36.875, Longitude: 6.945, 10 :25 UTC, confidence 67%, Satellite: Aqua

Latitude: 35.302, Longitude: 5.697, 21 :25 UTC, confidence 98%, Satellite: Aqua

Latitude: 34.829, Longitude: 32.657, 08 :45 UTC, confidence 53%, Satellite: Aqua

Latitude: 36.865, Longitude: 34.846, 08 :45 UTC, confidence 57%, Satellite: Aqua

Latitude: 36.908, Longitude: 34.967, 08 :45 UTC, confidence 76%, Satellite: Aqua


Latitude: 41.441, Longitude: 21.940, 09 :25 UTC, confidence 72%, Satellite: Aqua


Fire Xiliadou near Naupakto at 19 :29 local time

Fire Chania at Xalepa 17:00 local time

Fire Amaliada-Fragkovilas at 20:15 local time


Fire Aspropirgos at 14:11 local time

Fire Siteia (at Ziro)


Fire Thiba at 12:25 local time

Fire Larisa  at 14:00 local time

Fire Rodos 15:00

Fire Neoxoraki almirou (Volos) 12:00

Fire Galataki Korinthias


Xalkida Nea Lapsako at 19:00 local time

Malesina at 21:00 local time

Larisa and Karditsa


Mani  at 14:30 local  time

Kriti-Kalithea at 15:00 local time

Epidauros at 15:00 local time

Korinthos- Agioi Theodoroi at 15:30 local time


Evoia - Politika  at 14:30 local time



Falasarna – Chania at 15:10 local time


Fire Siteia-Lasithi  at 21:00 local time


Zakinthos-Korakonisi  at 00:20 local time

Xandra  (Siteia) and  Vorous (Crete) at 14:00 local time

Magnisia and Larisa at 14:30 local time



Antistaki-Municipality of Faistos (Crete) at 10:30 local time



Antistaki-Municipality of Faistos (Crete)


Kozani at 14:50 local time


Antistaki-Municipality of Faistos (Crete)


Agios Nikolas (Crete)- Perambela at 02:00 local time. 5km South-west from the station. 50 stremata burned.


General Comments (All)