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wecolburn pricelist
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

W. E. Colburn - Paintings

Weekend Watercolors - $150

        9” x 12” works on paper, unframed.

Morning Sketchbook - $75

        5” x 8” drawings on paper, unframed

New Paintings

        Isles Bridge - $4250

        Long Rise - $2700

Going Outside - $1250

        Maka Ska Willow - $1250

        Maka Ska Path - $3250

Expanded Fragments

        Scribble Scramble - $3750

        Converse, Inverse, Reverse - $3250

        Two Steps - $3250

        Green Earth - $2750

        Red Earth - $2750

Flash - $3450

Shim Sim - $2250

Circus Dream Part 2 - $3250

Two Both - $3250

Light on Middle - $3450

Other Ideas

New Front Porch - $3750

Dance #1 - $3750

        Dance #2 - $3750

        Dance #3 - $3750        

Water #5 -  $2650


Green Room East - $2550

Dining Room South - $2550

Orange Room West - $2550

Orange Room East - $2550

Back Hall - $5350

Front Porch #1 - $5250

Front Porch #2 -  $2550

Front Porch #4 -  $2550

Front Porch #5 - $2550

Front Porch #7 - $2550

Front Porch #8 - $2550

1468 Harvard #4 - $2950

Sales tax of 8.025% will be added.

Prices do not include shipping or delivery.