

Castelli Calepio (Italy) - Cinzia Fiorentini, Daniela Salvi

Egaleo (Greece) - Eugenia Adamopoulou, Maria Koulenti, Popi Lamprou

Ioannina (Greece) - Stamatia Stamati



Project details

Students' profiles

Our areas

Our schools


Our first forum

Our first chat

Our music chat

Our video conference

Our goodbye forum

Logo competition

Safer Internet Day 2016


Geographical Event

Historical event




Traditional Festival



Geographical Event

Historical event




Traditional Festival



Geographical Event

Historical event




Traditional Festival


The Evaluation of our project


Project details

Very important European Events is a project of collaborative work among students of Italy and Greece. In this project students will be involved in very famous monthly events in Europe. It will help them to know and exchange important dates such as geographical discoveries, historical events, traditional festivals, famous writers, painters, sportsmen/women and musicians' anniversaries. They will improve their English, cultural and computer skills since they will have to use chats, forums, send mails, talk via Skype, use multimedia presentations and other different internet tools in order to publish their material in the blog. Students will exchange information about themselves, their hometowns, countries, cultural events. Each month will have a certain subject and different activities to work on.


Get students to know more about the culture of their partners' countries; Reflect upon the importance of cultural events in learning a foreign language; Develop communicating skills while working in groups exchanging opinions, ideas and suggestions; Discuss information which are related to European events; Improve IT skills while learning new European information.

Work process:

-First step Presentation: Students introduce themselves with their profile and ask questions. Foreign partners answer. Each country introduce its area and its school through a video and locate with step map, the others answer some questions and comment. -Second step (from November to May) Each month, each partner make a presentation about a special event happening in that month. November: a geographical discovery, December: an historical event, January: a writer anniversary, February: a musician anniversary, March: a famous sportsman/women anniversary, April: a traditional festival, May: a painter anniversary. In this way all the school subjects will be involved. After each work, we’ll upload a quiz so the partners could answer some questions. In a forum, students ask for more information or curiosities. -Third step: We organize a video or written chat every month and publish in the twinspace. -Fourth step: Students and teachers evaluate the project.

Expected results:

Improve English and computer skills. Cultural exchange through European events. In late Spring a school eTwinning celebration day will be held. Local Authorities and families will be invited. A sort of e-book will be published in the twinspace and in our schools' websites about our project most important steps.

Students' profiles

Our areas

Our schools


Our first forum


What is eTwinning for you?


Our first chat

Our music chat

Our video conference

Our goodbye forum




Logo competition

Safer Internet Day 2016


Geographical Event

Historical event




Traditional Festival



Geographical Event

Historical event




Traditional Festival



Ioannina, often called Yannena, is the capital and largest city of Epirus, an administrative region in north-western Greece, with a population of 112,486 (in 2011). It lies at an elevation of approximately 500 metres (1,640 feet) above sea level, on the western shore of lake Pamvotis.

Founded by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian in the 6th century AD. It was part of the Despotate of Epirus from 1358 to 1416, before surrendering to the Ottomans in 1430. Between 1430 and 1868 the city was the administrative center of the Pashalik of Yanina. Ioannina joined Greece in 1913 following the Balkan Wars.

The city has both a General and a University Hospital, and is the seat of the University of Ioannina (situated 5 km south of the city, with 17 departments and 20,000 students) as well as several departments of the Τechnological Educational Institute of Epirus.

The city's emblem consists of the portrait of the Byzantine Emperor Justinian crowned by a stylized depiction of the nearby ancient theater of Dodona.

Ioannina on Scratch

7th Junior High School of Ioannina    7ο ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΙΩΑΝΝΙΝΩΝ

The aim of the school isn’t - shouldn’t be - the wise child but the happy child. This child can feel complete only in an active school environment, not in a joyless one.  Human value cannot be found in knowledge, but in the strong willingness, in the complete personality, in the intellectual cultivation, in the creation of the wealth of the emotional life, in their communion of the social life.

The teacher’s and the child’s souls are beyond and above this method. When they communicate, they can find the method. Otherwise even if the teacher uses the whole cognitive world, he is condemned to failure. Besides, the rules of art, of creativity, of normality, of the internal mood are the rules that are valid for the artist teacher. These are the ones that show the road to him.

(Theodoros Kastanos)

If there is no love in education, there is no education! If someone learns something at school, it is because, successively, someone falls in love with a teacher in a class -even at university- he falls in love with him because he realizes that this teacher is in love with that what he teaches.

(Cornelius Kastoriadis)

Our school was founded in 1983. Initially, it was housed in the building of the 7th Elementary School at Omirou Square and the lessons were held in the afternoons. It was a big school with more than 500 students and each class consisted of 30-35 students and nearly all subjects were taught.

In the academic year 1984-1985 it moved to today’s location, Sinikismos Kiafas, (9, P. Mekali Street) in which it is located up to now. Except of the teaching rooms, our school has also a laboratory of Physics and Chemistry as well as two class rooms for the teaching of ICT classes. Unfortunately there are no athletic facilities (gym) and no auditorium.

The present capacity of our school is about 200 students and the staff of our school comes up to 20 people. The lessons are held in the mornings.

Geographical Event

Cave of Perama

Historical event




Traditional Festival


The Evaluation of our project


Sternschnuppe, MeteoroidMusic, Noise, Sound, Volume,Illustration of a red heartStar Blue 1 Png Clipart by

e-Twinning 2015-2016