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PSHE Intent, Implementation and Impact
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Impact, Implementation and Impact


At St Robert’s, our PSHE curriculum aims to nurture the holistic development of each child, grounded in our Catholic values and our school vision; …’They will become happy, confident, independent and resilient, treating others with the respect and love that Jesus taught us’. We strive to create a safe and supportive environment where our children can grow spiritually, morally, socially and culturally. Our goal is to equip children with the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead healthy, safe and fulfilling lives. We emphasise the importance of empathy, respect and compassion, encouraging our children to make positive contributions to their community and to the wider world as they grow.


Our PSHE curriculum is delivered through a combination of dedicated lessons, cross-curricular links and whole school assemblies and activities. We use the Ten:Ten Life to the Full Plus programme, which aligns with our Catholic ethos and provides a comprehensive and progressive framework for teaching RSE and PSHE. Lessons are interactive and engaging, incorporating discussions, role plays and real-life scenarios to help children to apply their learning. We also integrate PSHE themes into our daily school life, through assemblies, Collective Worships, Masses and community projects, ensuring that our values are lived out in practice. Wellbeing and mental health care are central to our PSHE curriculum. We also incorporate British values into our PSHE curriculum, ensuring that children understand and embody these principles in their daily lives.


The impact of our PSHE curriculum is evident in the confident, compassionate and well-rounded individuals our children become. They develop a strong sense of self-worth and resilience, enabling them to navigate the challenges of modern life. Our children demonstrate respect and empathy towards others and are well-prepared to make informed decisions about their health and well-being. They leave St Robert’s with a deep understanding of their role in society and as kind and considerate members of our community. They never fail to make us all feel proud.