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7th Avenue 1 - Flatbush to 3rd
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 Seventh Avenue


Buildings. Projected, Brooklyn,” RERBG v. 17, n. 412 (February 5, 1876), p. 107:

Seventh av, n.s., cor 15th st, eleven three-story brown stone dwellings, 16.8x50; owner, Geo. Dallamore, Atlantic av., east of Stone av; architect, Geo. B. Pelham.

Flatbush Avenue to Union Street

East Side

83-89 Seventh Avenue (NE corner Union Street):

John Pullman of 741 Union St. has sold for Dr. Hutchingson of New York, as executor of the Morrison estate, to Louis Bonert, for $25,000, a plot, 109x90, on the northeast corner of Union street and Seventh avenue.  Mr. Bonert will break ground on this plot about March 1 for the erection of fancy brick and brown stone front apartment houses, with stores, the interiors to be fitted up in the finest manner and have every modern improvement. -Brooklyn Eagle, January 22, 1896, p. 12 ("Real Estate Market").

Northeast corner of Seventh Avenue and Union street, four four-story brick apartment houses, for four and six families, one 27.6x90, one 21.8x62, two 20.6x62, tin roof; cost $42,000. Louis[e] Bonert, owner and builder. -Brooklyn Eagle, April 24, 1896, p. 13.  *** Contradicts Designation Report.

NY Times has sale to Bonert: Mr. John Pullman has sold for the Morrison estate, to Louis Bonert, for improvement, at $25,000, the plot 109x90 at the northeast corner of Seventh Avenue and Union Street. Apartment houses, with stores, will be built there. -New York Times, January 23, 1896, p. 15 ("Brooklyn Realty Matters").

Building Intelligence; Houses; Brooklyn, N. Y.," AABN vol. 52, no. 1062 (May 2, 1896): p. 2.

– "Seventh Ave., n e cor. Union St., 4 four-st’y brick dwells., one 27' 6" x 90', one 21' 8" x 62', two 20' 6" x 62', tin roofs; $42,000; own., Louis Bonert, 321 Tenth St.; arch., Robert Dixon, 213 Montague St."

"New Buildings," RERBG v. 57, no. 1467 (April 25, 1896): p. 733.

-612- 7th av, n e cor Union st, four 4-sty brk flats, one 27x90, two 20.6x62 and one 21.8x62, hot air heat, galvanized iron cornice; total cost, $42,000; Louis Bonert, 321 10th st; ar't, R Dixon, 213 Montague st.

West Side

90 Seventh Avenue

“Buildings Projected - Kings County,” RERBG June 29, 1889, p. 933:

1474- 7th av, w s, 50 n Union st, one three-story brick store and tenem’t, 40x60, tin roof, iron cornice; cost, $13,000; Paul P. Wigand, 153 E. 91st st, N. Y.; ar’t, T. Kolle; b’r, J. Kolle.

92 Seventh Avenue (NW corner Union Street):

Buildings Projected, Kings County,” RERBG October 2, 1886, p. 1222:

1457- 7th av, n w cor Union st, one four-story brick store and tenem't, 50x60, tin roof, iron cornice; cost, $23,000; Henry Niemitz, ar't, C. F. Eisenach; b'rs, T. J. Nash and E. Hendrickson.

1458- Union st, n s, 75 w 7th av, one two-story brick stable, 20x40, tin roof, brick cornice; cost, $2,000; ow'r, &c., same as last.

Out Among the Builders - Brooklyn,” RERBG September 18, 1886, p. 1151:

Carl F. Eisenach has plans for a four-story brick, stone and terra cotta store and flat, 50x60, to be built on the northwest corner of Seventh avenue and Union street, for Henry Niemitz, to cost $25,000;...

“Alterations - Kings County,” RERBG July 21, 1888, p. 939:

785- 7th av, n w cor Union st, connect with adjoining store; cost, $500; H. Niemetz, 845 Union st.

On the corner of Seventh avenue and Union street, Mr. H. Niemitz is building a four story brick house, 50x60, for a store and dwelling for six families, to cost $28,000.  -Brooklyn Eagle, October 01, 1886, p. 4 ("A Great Gain").  Also notes Niemitz is building a 2-story stable in Union west of Seventh, 20x50.

Niemitz has an ad in the May 16, 1889 BE, p. 4.  (grocery)

H. Niemitz has put in plans for a 4 story apartment house on the northwest corner of Seventh avenue and Union street. It will be 50x60 feet and be constructed of brown stone with terra cotta trimmings.  Cost, $25,000.  The first floor on either side of the front entrance will be used for store purposes. -Brooklyn Eagle, September 11, 1886, p. 6 ("Municipal").

DOB folder for this building contains the following N.B. Application:

"Building Intelligence; Brooklyn," AABN vol. 12, no. 353 (Sept. 30, 1882): p. 163.

– "Union St., n s, 95' w Seventh Ave, 2 three-st’y brownstone dwells.; cost, each, $7,000; owner, Caroline Zang, 98 Willoughby St.; architect and builder, Wm. Zang."  [formerly?]

DOB folder does not contain any other NB apps. However, it contains Alt #785, dated June 12, 1888, indicating that there is a “stable in rear”, and that the owner is Henry Niemetz of 845 Union St.

Union Street to 3rd Street

East Side

119-121 Seventh Avenue

Buildings Projected, Kings County,” RERBG v. 37, n. 947 (May 8, 1886), p. 630:

680- 7th av, e s, 61 n Carroll st, two three-story and         basement brown stone dwell’gs, each 19.6x50, tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each, $5,000; A. Wooley, 7th av, cor Carroll st; ar’t, R. Dixon.        

121-123 Seventh Avenue

"Building Intelligence; Brooklyn," AABN vol. 17, no. 488 (May 2, 1885): p. 215.

– "Seventh Ave., e s, 21' n Carroll St., 2 three-st’y brown-stone dwells., tin roofs; cost, about $7,000 each; owner and builder, Mr. Wooley, on premises; architect, Robert Dixon."

Buildings Projected, Kings County,” RERBG v. 35, n. 892 (April 18, 1885), p. 449:

473- 7th av, e s, 21 n Carroll st, two three-story and basement brown stone dwell’gs, 20x50, extension 10x10, tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, abt $7,000 each; ow’r and b’r, Mr. Woolley, on premises; ar’t, Robert Dixon.

125 Seventh Avenue (NE corner Carroll Street)

"Building Intelligence; Stores; Brooklyn, N. Y.," AABN vol. 44, no. 962 (Jun. 2, 1894): p. xvi.

– "Seventh Ave., n e cor. Carroll St., four-st’y brick store and dwell., tin roof; cost, $8,000; owner, E. A. Wooley, on premises; architect, Robert Dixon, 219 Montegue St."

"Building Intelligence; Houses; Brooklyn, N. Y.," AABN vol. 45, no. 969 (Jul. 21, 1894): p. xii.

– "Seventh Ave., n e cor. Carroll St., three-st’y and basement brick dwell., 21' x 50', tin roof; $9,000; own., Wm. A. Hall, Carroll St. cor. Polhemus Pl.; arch., Chas. Werner, Garfield Building; blds., M. Gibbons & Son, 318 Columbus St."

New Buildings,” RERBG v. 53, n. 1362 (April 21, 1894), p. 651:

473- 7th av, n e cor Carroll st, one 4-sty brk store and apartment house, 21x65, tin roof, iron cornice; cost, $8,000; E A Woolley, on premises; ar’t, R Dixon.

New Buildings,” RERBG v. 54, n. 1374 (July 14, 1894), p. 79:

904- 7th av, n e cor Carroll st, one 3-sty and basement brk and Euclid stone dwell’g, 21x50, tin roof, iron cornice; cost, $9,000; Wm A Hall, Carroll st cor Polhemus pl; ar’t, C Werner; b’rs, M Gibbons & Son.

Brick apartment house and store, northeast corner of Seventh Avenue and Carroll Street; E. A. Hooley, owner, on premises, $8,000. -New York Times, April 21, 1894, p. 12 ("Brooklyn Realty Matters").

129 Seventh Avenue


"Building Intelligence; Houses; Brooklyn, N. Y.," AABN vol. 38, no. 884 (Dec. 3, 1892): p. xvii.

– "Seventh Ave., s e cor. Carroll St., four-st’y brick dwell., tin roof; cost, $8,000; owner, Thos. Radcliffe. 84 Fulton St.; architect, F. B. Langston, 1239 Bedford Ave."

“Buildings Projected - Kings County,” RERBG October 29, 1892, p. 561:

1893- 7th av, s e cor Carroll st, one four-story brk and brown stone dwell’g, 21x46.7, tin roof, iron cornice; cost, $8,000; Thomas Radcliffe, 846 Fulton st; ar’t, F. B. Langston.

131-149 Seventh Avenue

"Building Intelligence; Brooklyn," AABN vol. 14, no. 404 (Sept. 22, 1883): p. 143.

– "Seventh Ave., s e cor. Carroll St., 8 three-st’y and basement brownstone front dwells., tin roofs; cost, each, $7,500; owner, Henry Lansdell, Ninth St., cor. Seventh Ave.; architect, C. B. Sheldon; mason, J. M. Brown."

Buildings Projected, Kings County,” RERBG v. 32, n. 809 (September 15, 1883), p. 701:

1051- 7th av, s e cor Carroll st, eight three-story and basement brown stone dwell’gs, 18.3x45, tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, $7,500 each; owner, Henry Lansdell, 9th st, cor 7th av; architect, C. B. Sheldon; builder, J. M. Brown.

Buildings Projected, Kings County,” RERBG v. 32, n. 819 (November 24, 1883), p. 944:

1330- 7th av, e s, 147 s Carroll st, four ---story --- dwellings, 18.10x44.6; cost, each, $250; owner, Henry Lansdell, 7th av, cor 9th st; architect and builder, A. V. B. Bush.

Buildings Projected, Kings County,” RERBG v. 32, n. 822 (December 15, 1883), p. 1020:

1374- 7th av, e s, 147 s Carroll st, four three story and basement dwell’gs, 18.10x44.6, tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, each, $7,000; owner, Henry Lansdell, 7th av, cor 9th st; architect and carpenter, A. V. B. Bush; mason, J. Brown.

"Building Intelligence; Brooklyn," AABN vol. 14, no. 417 (Dec. 22, 1883): p. 299.

– "Seventh Ave., e s, 147' s Carroll St., 4 three- st’y brownstone front dwells., tin roofs; cost, each, $7,500; owner, Henry Lonsdell [sic - Lansdell], Ninth St., cor. Seventh Ave.; architect and builder, A. V. Bush; mason, Jacob Brown."

New Buildings,” BRERIP v. 1, n. 3 (Dec. 15, 1883): p. 9.

-1374- 7th av, e s 147 s Carroll st, four 3-story and basement brown stone front dwellings, 18.10x44.6, flat tin roof, wooden cornices, cost $7500 each; owner Henry Lansdell, cor 9th st and 7th av; architect, A. V. B. Bush.

"Busy Builders," BRERIP v. 1, n. 5 (Dec. 29, 1883): p. 3.

Brown, J. M. is putting up eight very tasty brown-stone fronts, 18.3x45 each, on the southeast corner of Seventh avenue and Carroll street, which are enclosed and studding up. This is a fair neighborhood, although sparsely settled. It is capable of further improvement, to which this row of houses will materially contribute. Henry Lansdell is the owner, and C. B. Sheldon, the architect.

"Busy Builders," BRERIP v. 1, n. 46 (October 11, 1884), p. 2.

Henry Lansdell is expected to resume work next week on his row of houses on 7th avenue between Carroll street and Garfield place. They are twelve in all and will be three-story and basement brown stone, V shape. Before commencing these houses he built seven on St. Johns place near 8th avenue, not being able to dispose of them at that time, he now, it is said, has an opportunity of doing so; if successful, we hope to again see him at work on the now partly finished row. The interiors will be fitted up in ash and walnut and rooms arranged similar to the row built last fall, including a buffet situated off the dining room. The location is excellent, situated on the line of cars running direct to the Bridge and Fulton ferry. Their dimensions are 19x48, and valued at $14,000. Jesse Brown, mason.

7th Ave., Carroll/Garfield, east side: most of a row of 12 houses, erected by Henry S. Lonsdale [sic - Lansdell].  BE October 08, 1885, p. 2 ("Houses - Going Up in All Quarters").  Extensive description; originally single-family homes.

151-159 Seventh Avenue (to NE corner Garfield Place)

“Buildings Projected - Kings County,” RERBG July 28, 1888, p. 963:

1339- 7th av, n e cor Garfield pl, five four-story brown stone flats, each 20x60, tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each, $8,000; ow’r, ar’t and b’r, C. B. Sheldon, 158 7th av.

"Building Intelligence; Apartment-Houses; Brooklyn, N. Y.," AABN vol. 24, no. 659 (Aug. 11, 1888): p. xiv.

– "Seventh Ave., n e cor. Garfield Pl., 5 four-st’y brownstone flats, tin roofs; cost, each, $8,000; owner, architect and builder, C. B. Sheldon, 158 Seventh Ave."

Four new brown stone flats, 20 feet by 60 each, with store on the corner, are about complete on Seventh avenue, northeast corner of Garfield Place.  They are four stories in height, with swell fronts, and low stoop entrances behind a railing enclosure.  The first floor suit contains three sleeping rooms, parlor, dining room, bathroom, and kitchen, with butler's pantry.  The trimmings are in white wood, with hard white walls and ceilings.  The owner is C. B. Sheldon.  -Brooklyn Eagle, February 02, 1889, p. 4 ("New Flats").

151-157 were originally 4-family flats with no commercial.

See other corners of the intersection for identical mixed-use buildings by Sheldon.

173-187 Seventh Avenue (SE corner 1st Street to NE corner 2nd Street)

“Buildings Projected - Kings County,” RERBG January 31, 1891, p. 180:

129- 7th av, e s, 25 s 1st st,         six four-story brk stores and tenem’ts, 25 and 20x70, tin and tile roofs, brk and metal cornices; cost, each, $12,000; Jos. E. Rogers, 1650 Madison av, New York; ar’t, J. J. Deery.

130- 7th av, s e cor 1st st and 7th av, n e cor 2d st, two five-story brk stores and tenem’ts, 25x90, tin and tile roofs, brk and metal cornices; cost, each, $18,000; ow’r and ar’t, same as last.

"Building Intelligence; Stores; Brooklyn, N. Y.," AABN vol. 31, no. 792 (Feb. 28, 1891): p. xviii.

– "Seventh Ave., s e cor. First St., five-st’y brick store and dwell., tin and tile roof; cost, $18,000; owner, J. E. Rogers, 1650 Madison Ave., New York City; architect, John J. Deery, 280 Broadway, New York City."

– "Seventh Ave., n e cor. Second St., five-st’y brick store and dwell., tin and tile roof; cost, $18,000; owner, J. E. Rogers, 1650 Madison Ave., New York City; architect, John J. Deery, 280 Broadway, New York City."

– "Seventh Ave., e s, 25' s First St., 6 four-st’y brick stores and dwells., tin and tile roofs; cost, $12,000 each; owner, Joseph E. Rogers, 1650 Madison Ave., New York City; architect, John J. Deery, 280 Broadway, New York City."

At the southeast corner of Seventh avenue and First street and the northeast corner of Seventh avenue and Second street, two five story brick stores and dwellings, 25x90, nine families in each.  Joseph E. Rogers, owner: cost $30,000. -Brooklyn Eagle, January 31, 1891, p. 2 ("New Buildings").  Together with:

On Seventh avenue, near First street, six four story brick store dwellings, 25x70, eight families in each. Joseph E. Rogers, owner: cost $72,000.  -Brooklyn Eagle, January 31, 1891, p. 2 ("New Buildings").

The original building at #185 is missing.

189-195 Seventh Avenue (SE corner 2nd Street)

“Buildings Projected - Kings County,” RERBG April 18, 1891, p. 636:

664- 7th av, s e cor 2d st, four four-story brk tenem’ts, store in cor, 20 and 26.8 and 20 and 18x67 and 75, tin roofs, iron cornices; cost, $40,000; ow’r and b’r, George McGill, 186 7th av; ar’t, H. Vollweiler.

"Building Intelligence; Stores; Brooklyn, N. Y.," AABN vol. 32, no. 801 (May 2, 1891): p. xxiii.

– "Seventh Ave., s e cor. Second St., 4 four-st’y brick stores and dwells., tin roofs; cost, $40,000; George McGill, 186 Seventh Ave.; architect, Henry Vollweiler, 486 Hart St."

On Seventh avenue, near Second street, four four story brick dwellings, one of which will be 20x65 and three 26.8x70, for three families and store in one, and eight families in each of the others. George McGill, owner; cost $40,000. -Brooklyn Eagle, April 11, 1891, p.1 ("New Buildings")

201 Seventh Avenue (NE corner 3rd Street)

"Building Intelligence; Houses; Brookly n, N. Y.," AABN vol. 38, no. 884 (Dec. 3, 1892): p. 7.

– "Third St., n e cor. Seventh Ave., five-st’y brick store and dwell., tin roof; cost, $16,000; owners, Gold, Nicoll & Anderson, Third St. and Third Ave.; architect, L. Anderson, 33 Cornelia St."

“Buildings Projected - Kings County,” RERBG October 22, 1892, p. 524:

1823- 7th av, n e cor 3d st, one five-story brk and brownstone store and tenem’t, 29.10 and 45x7?, tin roof, iron cornice; cost, $16,000; Gold, Nicholl & Anderson, 3d av and 3d st; ar’t, L. Anderson.

West Side

100 Seventh Avenue


"Building Intelligence; Brooklyn," AABN vol. 16, no. 464 (Nov. 15, 1884): p. 239.

– "Union St., s w cor. Seventh Ave., three-st’y and basement livery-stable, gravel roof; cost, $4,000; owner, B. C. Hollingsworth, 64 Warren St.; architect, Francis Ryan; builder, Matthew Ryan."

Buildings Projected, Kings County,” RERBG v. 34, n. 869 (November 8, 1884), p. 1144:

1440- Union st, s w cor 7th av, one three-story and basement livery stable, 85 and 95x135, gravel roof, wooden cornice; cost, $10,000; owner, B. C. Hollingsworth, 651 Warren st; architect, Frances Ryan; builder, Matthew Ryan.

"NEW HOUSES," BRERIP v. 1, n. 50 (November 8, 1884), p. 10.

-1440- UNION st, s w cor 7th av, one 3-story livery stable, brick, 90x135, brick filled, flat gravel roof, wooden cornices; owner B E Hallingsworth, 651 Warren st, architect Francis Ryan, builder Matthew Ryan....... 10,000

106-108 Seventh Avenue:

Buildings Projected, Kings County,” RERBG v. 39, n. 993 (March 26, 1887), p. 426:

440- 7th av, n w cor President st, five four-story brown stone stores and flats, 20x60, tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, $11,000 and $9,000         each; C. B. Sheldon, 9th st, near 5th av; ar’t, G. W. Bush.

Remains of an original row of 5 by C. B. Sheldon:  On the northwest corner of Seventh avenue and President street, Mr. C. B. Sheldon is building five four story brick dwellings, 20x60, for four families each, to cost $47,000. -Brooklyn Eagle, March 26, 1887, p. 1 ("Houses - Lots").

Earlier plans:

Buildings Projected, Kings County,” RERBG October 30, 1886, p. 1347:

1671- 7th av, n w cor President st, five three-story and basement brick and brown stone dwell'gs, 20.8 and 18x50, tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each, $5,400; W. H. Frost, 149 Remsen st; ar't, R. Dixon.

Out Among the Builders - Brooklyn,” RERBG October 23, 1886, p. 1297:

Robert Dixon is preparing plans for five three-story brick, brown stone and terra cotta dwellings to be built on the northwest corner of President street and Seventh avenue, the corner will be 20x50, and the others 18x50 each. The owner is Mr. Ford and the cost is $18,000.

"Building Intelligence; Houses; Brooklyn, N. Y.," AABN vol. 20, no. 567 (Nov. 6, 1886): p. xii.

– "Seventh Ave., n w cor. President St., 5 three-st’y brick and brown-stone dwells., tin roofs; cost, each $5,400; owner, W. H. Frost, 149 Remsen St.; architect, R. Dixon."

114-126 Seventh Avenue

After the sale of the property in the downtown neighborhood, the [Old First Church] consistory purchased a plot of land with two hundred feet on Seventh Avenue from President Street to Carroll Street, and a depth of one hundred sixty-seven feet on Carroll Street. The additional frontage on Seventh Avenue was sold in the early twentieth century. -Old First Reformed Church, National Register of Historic Places Designation Report (

Old First Dutch Reformed Church (NW corner Carroll Street)

Buildings Projected, Kings County,” RERBG v. 40, n. 1028 (November 26, 1887), p. 1496:

2097- Carroll st, n s, 119.6 w 7th av, one two-story brick and freestone church, 51x89, slate roof, stone cornices; cost, $35,000; First Dutch Church, Brooklyn; ar't, G. L. Morse.

"Building Intelligence; Churches; Brooklyn, N. Y.," AABN vol. 22, no. 623 (Dec. 3, 1887): p. xii.

– "Carroll St., n s, 119' 6" w Seventh Ave., two-st’y brick and freestone church, slate roof, stone cornices; cost, $35,000; owners, First Dutch Church, Brooklyn, N. Y.; architect, G. L. Morse."

“Buildings Projected - Kings County,” RERBG June 22, 1889, p. 898:

1374- 7th av, n w cor Carroll st, one one-story free or limestone church, 100 and 88x110.3, slate roof and slate and iron cornices; cost, about $125,000; First Dutch Reformed Church, 7th av and Carroll st; ar’t, G. L. Morse.

Old First Church dedication story: BE September 28, 1891, p. 1 ("To Holy Work").

Permit: At the northwest corner of Seventh avenue and Carroll street the First Dutch Reformed Church will build a one story brick house of worship, 100x110.3, to cost $125,000. -Brooklyn Eagle, June 22, 1889, p. 1 ("Real Estate").

The chapel, facing Carroll Street, was begun in 1887 and completed in 1889. The congregation quickly outgrew the chapel and plans were moved ahead for the construction of the main sanctuary. Work was begun in 1889 and it was completed in 1891. -New York State Office of Historic Preservation, National Trust Designation Report (

130 Seventh Avenue (SW corner Carroll Street)


"Building Intelligence; Brooklyn," AABN vol. 14, no. 408 (Oct. 20, 1883): p. 191.

– "Seventh Ave., s w cor. Carroll St., Brick dwell., three stories front and two stories on rear; cost, $15,000; owner, W. E. Scovil, 255 Sixth Ave.; architect, H. J. Farquar; builders, E. T. Rutan and ___ Sims."


"Building Intelligence; Brooklyn," AABN vol. 13, no. 384 (May205, 1883): p. 215.

– "Seventh Ave., w s, 30' s Carroll St., 3 four-st’y brownstone front tenements, gravel roofs; cost, each, $6,000; owner, W. G. Brown, 728 Fulton St."

"Building Intelligence; Houses; Brooklyn, N. Y.," AABN vol. 30, no. 782 (Dec. 20, 1890): p. xviii.

– "Seventh Ave., w s, 30' s Carroll St., 4 four-st’y brick stores and flats, tin roofs; cost, $36,000; owner, C. B. Sheldon, 115 Seventh Ave."

"Buildings Projected - Kings County," RERBG v. 46, no. 1181 (November 1, 1890): p. 603.

-2191- 7th av, w s, 30 s Carroll st, four four-story brk stores and flats, 27x64, tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, $36,000; C. B. Sheldon, 115 7th av.

Buildings Projected, Kings County,” RERBG v. 31, n. 789 (April 28, 1883), p. 304:

401- 7th av, w s, 30 s Carroll st, three four-story brown stone flats, 20x58, felt and gravel roof; cost, each, $6,000; owner, &c., G. W. Brown, 728 Fulton st.

Buildings Projected, Kings County,” RERBG v. 32, n. 813 (October 13, 1883), p. 800:

1178- 7th av, s w cor Carroll st, one three story and basement in front and two-story in rear brick dwelling, 30 and 23x69.4, slate and tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, $15,000; owner, W. E. Scovil, 255 6th av; architect, H. J. Farquhar, builders E. T. Rutan & Sims.


Building Intelligence; Alterations and Additions; Brooklyn, N. Y.," AABN vol. 51, no. 1056 (Mar. 21, 1896): p. xv.

– "Seventh Ave., No. 132-134, 2 four-st’y brick stores and dwells., 27' x 65', internal alterations to be made; $5,000; own., A. W. Parker, 361 Fulton St.; bld., James Mills, 175 Seventh Ave."

140 Seventh Avenue

Buildings Projected – Kings County,” RERBG v. 49, n. 1252 (March 12, 1892), p. 420:

356- 7th av, w s, 139.6 s Carroll st, one one-story brk store and tenem’t, 25x75, gravel roof, wooden cornice; cost, $2,000; Leo Goldsmith, 204 DeKalb av; ar’ts, S. W. and C. J. Dodge; m’n, T. Dobbin.

142-154 Seventh Avenue (to NW corner Garfield Place)

Buildings Projected, Kings County,” RERBG v. 40, n. 1024 (October 29, 1887), p. 1374:

1940- 7th av, w s, 50 n Garfield pl, five four-story brown stone apartment houses, 20x60, tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each, $8,000; ow’r and b’r, C. B. Sheldon, 158 7th av; ar’t, W. M. Coots.

1941- 7th av, n w cor Garfield pl, one four-story brown stone apartment house, 20x6?, tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, $10,000; ow’r, ar’t and b’r, same as last.

1942- 7th av, w s, 20 n Garfield pl, one four-story brown stone store and apartment house, 30x60, tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, $10,000; ow’r, ar’t and b’r, same as last.

Buildings Projected, Kings County,” RERBG v. 39, n. 997 (April 23, 1887), p. 577:

683- 7th av, w s, 21 n Garfield pl, four-story brick flat, 30x72, tin roof, iron cornice; cost, $15,000; C. B. Sheldon, on premises; ar’t, G. W. Bush.

684- 7th av, n w cor Garfield pl, one four-story brick and brown stone store         and flats, 21x65, tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, $10,000; ow’r, ar’t and b’r, same as last.

"Building Intelligence; Apartment-Houses; Brooklyn, N. Y.," AABN vol. 21, no. 592 (Apr. 30, 1887): p. xii.

– "Seventh Ave., w s, 21' n Garfield Pl., four-st’y brick flat, tin roof; cost, $15,000; owner, C. B. Sheldon, on premises; architect G. W. Bush."

– "Seventh Ave., n w cor. Garfield Pl., four-st’y brick and brown-stone store and flat, tin roof; cost, $10,000; owner, C. B. Sheldon, on premises; architect G. W. Bush."

"Building Intelligence; Apartment-Houses; Brooklyn, N. Y.," AABN vol. 21, no. 596 (May 28, 1887): p. xi.

– "Seventh Ave., n w cor. Garfield Pl., four-st’y brown-stone store and flats, tin roof; cost, $10,000; C. B. Sheldon, on premises; architect, G. W. Bush."

Buildings Projected, Kings County,” RERBG v. 39, n. 1000 (May 14, 1887), p. 685:

815- 7th av, n w cor Garfield pl, one four story brown stone store and flats, 22x65, tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, $10,000; C. B. Sheldon, on premises; ar’t, G. W. Bush.

On Seventh avenue, near Carroll street, four four story brick stores and flats, 27x64, six families in each. C. B. Sheldon, owner; cost $36,000. -Brooklyn Eagle, November 01, 1890, p.3 ("A Quiet Week").

7th Ave., at Garfield, NW corner, 5 buildings.  BE June 24, 1888, p. 6; "Various Improvements".  C.B. Sheldon, owner.

3 matching mixed-use Sheldon buildings at NE, NW, & SW corners of 7th Ave. & Garfield Place.

#142 7th Ave: Touraine Theatre (1911-1916); capacity 200.  -Cezar Del Valle's Brooklyn Theatre Index.

156-170 Seventh Avenue (SW corner Garfield Place to NW corner First Street)

“Buildings Projected - Kings County,” RERBG May 5, 1888, p. 592:

716- 7th av, w s, 21 n 1st st, one four-story brown stone flat, 29x62, tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, $10,000; ow’r, ar’t and b’r, C. B. Sheldon, 158 7th av.

717- 7th av, n w cor 1st st, one four-story brown stone store and flat, 21x62, tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, $10,000; ow’r, ar’t and b’r, same as above.

718- 7th av, w s, 50 n 1st st, two four-story brown stone flats, each 19x62, tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each, $8,000; ow’r, ar’t and b’r, same as last.

"Building Intelligence; Stores; Brooklyn, N. Y.," AABN vol. 23, no. 649 (Jun. 2, 1888): p. xix.

– "Seventh Ave., n w cor. First St., four-st’y brownstone store and flat, tin roof; cost, $10,000; owner, architect and builder, C. B. Sheldon."

"Alterations," RERBG v. 70, no. 1794 (August 2, 1902): p. XII.

-1210- 7th av, s w cor Garfield pl, 1-sty brk extension, 20x42.11, and interior alterations; cost, $4,000; Realty Associates, 179 Remsen st; ar't, G W Kenny, 377 2nd st.

Projected Buildings – Borough of Brooklyn – Stores,” RERBG August 13, 1910, p. 158:

Garfield pl, s s, 65.3 w 7th av, 1-story brick stores, 34.9x20, tin roof; cost, $2,500; owner, Wm. H. Buck, 80 6th av; architect, Jas. W. Crockett, 146 7th av. Plan No. 5496.

Garfield-1st St., west side. C.B. Sheldon, 1888.  BE June 24, 1888, p. 6; "Various Improvements".

164-166: On Seventh avenue, north of First street, Mr. C. B. Sheldon will build two four story brick dwellings, 19x62, for four families each, to cost $16,000. -Brooklyn Eagle, May 05, 1888, p.2 ("Houses - Flats").

168: On Seventh avenue, near First street, Mr. C. B. Sheldon will build a four story brick dwelling, 29x62, for eight families, to cost $10,000. -Brooklyn Eagle, May 05, 1888, p.2 ("Houses - Flats").

170: At the northwest corner of First street and Seventh avenue Mr. C. B. Sheldon will build a four story brick dwelling, with store, 21x62, for three families, to cost $10,000. -Brooklyn Eagle, May 05, 1888, p.2 ("Houses - Flats").

P.S. 321


"Building Intelligence; Houses; Brooklyn, N. Y.," AABN vol. 23, no. 647 (May 19, 1888): p. xv.

– "First St., s s, 170' w Seventh Ave., two-st’y and basement brownstone dwell., tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, $6,000; owner, E. H. Mowbrey, Garfield Pl. and Fifth Ave."

– "Second St., n s, 170' w Seventh Ave., 7 two-st’y and basement brownstone dwells., tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each, $6,000; owner, E. H. Mowbrey, Garfield Pl. and Fifth Ave."

"Building Intelligence; School-Houses; Brooklyn, N. Y.," AABN vol. 28, no. 746 (Apr. 12, 1890): p. xvii.

– "Second St., n s, 25' e Sixth Ave., three-st’y brick school-house, tile and tin roof; cost, $68,236; owners, Board of Education, 131 Livingston St.; architect, J. W. Naughton, 131 Livingston St.; builder, F. J. Kelly."


"Building Intelligence; Houses; Brooklyn, N. Y.," AABN vol. 29, no. 759 (Jul. 12, 1890): p. xvi.

– "First St., s s, 100' w Seventh Ave., 4 two-and-one-half-st’y brick dwells., tin roofs; cost, $5,000 each; owner, John Kolle, on premises; architect, Robert Dixon, 219 Montague St."

"Building Intelligence; Alterations and Additions; Brooklyn, N. Y.," AABN vol. 50, no. 1033 (Oct. 12, 1895): p. xiii.

– "Second St., n s, 250' e 6th Ave., three-st’y and basement brick school-house, 80' x 63' x 127', four-story brick extension, 112' x 81' 6" x 68' to be added and other alterations made; $54,736; own. Board of Education, 131 Livingston St.; arch., J. W. Naughton, 131 Livingston St.; bld., F. J. Kelly & Son, 245 Garfield Pl."

196-204 Seventh Avenue (SW corner Second Street)

"Buildings Projected - Kings County," RERBG v. 45, no. 1151 (April 5, 1890): p. 503.

-651- 7th av, w s, 20 s 2nd st, four four-story brick tenem'ts, 20x65, tin roofs, iron cornices; cost, $8,000 each; ow'r and b'r, Geo. W. Magill, Gravesend; ar't, H. Vollweiler.

"Building Intelligence; Houses; Brooklyn, N. Y.," AABN vol. 28, no. 747 (Apr. 19, 1890): p. xv.

– "Seventh Ave., s w cor. Second St., four-st’y brick dwell., tin roof; cost, $10,000; owner, George H. McGill, Gravesend Neck Road; architect, Henry Vollweller, 14 Elm St."

– "Seventh Ave., w s, 20' s Second St., 4 four-st’y brick dwells., tin roofs; cost, $8,000 each; owner, George H. McGill, Gravesend Neck Road; architect, Henry Vollweller, 14 Elm St."

7th Ave., #178, between 2/3rd, sold for James E. Burns.  -Brooklyn Eagle, July 31, 1902, p. 18 ("Real Estate Market").