Links to Vaccine Sites

and Information


 Revised 6/22/22 7pm   

 Contact with corrections/additions

 Halleh Akbarnia, MD FACEP 


***THIS BOX  For PEDS***

*** Revised 06/22/22  ***

UPDATED FOR : 6mo to 4yrs also  

Official Vaccine Finder:Find a Vaccine Near You

***THIS BOX  For PEDS***

*** Revised 06/20/22 ***

Vaccines for 6months - 5years

CDPH partnering with 3 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBSIL) Blue Door Neighborhood Center sites

  • Pfizer and Moderna will be offered.

  • Reservations  recommended but walk-ins ok.

  • Visit the links below

Morgan Park – 11840 S. Marshfield

June 28, July 14, July 23, July 26, August 11, August 20, September 8, October 6

Pullman – 756 E. 111th St.

June 30, July 13, July 16, July 28, August 4, August 10, August 13, September 1

South Lawndale – 2551 W. Cermak

July 1, July 29, August 3, August 27, August 31, September 6, September 24, October 4

CDPH hosting  family vaccination clinics at City Colleges of Chicago.

  • Pfizer and Moderna will be offered, 6mo - 4yrs

  • Pfizer vaccines/boosters all ages

  • Reservations  recommended but walk-ins if room.

  • 9am to 2pm, links below

Sat, June 25 – Kennedy-King College, 6301 S. Halsted St.

Sat, July 2 Richard J. Daley College, 7500 S. Pulaski Rd.

Wilbur Wright College, 4300 N. Narragansett Ave.

Sat July 9 Malcolm X College, 1900 W. Jackson Blvd.

Truman College, 1145 W. Wilson Ave.

Sat, July 23 – Kennedy-King College

Sat, July 30 – Richard J. Daley College and Wilbur Wright College

Sat, Aug  6 – Malcolm X College and Truman College

Sat, Aug 20 – Kennedy-King College

Sat, Aug 27 – Richard J. Daley Coll  / Wilbur Wright Coll.
Sat, Sept  3 – Malcolm X College / Truman College


*** Some older Info may lead you to Peds ***

  • PLEASE check for type of vaccine!  

Hospital Systems with easy appointments

Large Pharm/Chains

Small Pharmacies/Clinics - click here for others

  • (3 locations, both Pfizer/Moderna, walk-in)
  • (> 3 years for now, both Pfizer/Moderna)
  • Walk in dates Tues-Fri

Mass Sites: (All with openings)

Lake County Specific:

This information has not been updated.
ABOVE this section new information about peds and boosters

Old Information - but may lead you to kids clinics 

  • PLEASE check for type of vaccine!  

Hospital Systems with easy appointments

Large Pharm/Chains

Small Pharmacies/Clinics - click here for others

  • Walk in dates Tues-Fri

Mass Sites: (All with openings)

Lake County Specific:

2nd dose appointments


***Check here for tips on how to approach finding an appointment at certain places***

Open Appointments: Automatic Vaccine finder sites

*** *** Has been very accurate.

Archived Notes

General County/ State/ Chicago 

Quick Info/Events


*** Revised 11/17/21 ***  

Information/How to get Vaccines


*** Revised 11/17/21 ***

UPDATING FOR :Pfizer locations for  5-11  

Official Vaccine Finder:Find a Vaccine Near You

KNOWN Clinics happening or in progress

Large Pharm/Chains

Homebound Services

  1. City of Chicago Homebound help - UPDATED 6/22 (ANY Chicago resident - and will include $50 gift card to Grubhub)

  1. Will County Homebound program

The Big Ones (Chicago/Cook)


- Call (312) 746-4835 or Register with ZOC DOC to get vaccinated at mult Chicago Locations

Looks like ALL IL residents at all the locations, except ONLY Chicago at United Center)Many Appts available via ZOC DOC

  • United Center  - WALK IN J&J, no more Pfizer 1
  • AAir Conf Ctr at Gallagher Way -Wrigley
  • Esperanza Vaccine Southwest
  • InstaVaxx LLC - Chicago Location
  • Mount Sinai Hospital
  • Rush University Medical Center
  • Apostolic Faith Church
  • Holy Cross Hospital
  • Chicago State University
  • Richard J. Daley College
  • Saint Xavier University Health Center Chicago
  • Wilbur Wright College
  • Roseland Community Hospital - Chicago Location
  • Michigan Avenue Immediate Care

-Cook County/ALL Illinois   833-308-1988

Cook County MASS Vaccine sites  ***(If Pfizer)

Register, Get unique link in email (save email), Use link to make appointment
 *** Now with 6 mass vaccine sites

  • *** Des Plaines Vaccination Center (Pfizer)
  • *** Triton College (Pfizer)
  • *** Forest Park Vaccination Center (Pfizer)
  • *** Matteson Vaccination Center (Pfizer)
  • *** South Sub College - Phy Fit/Ath Ctr (Pfizer)
  • Matteson Vaccination Center (Pfizer)
  • Arlington Heights Health Center (Pfizer)
  • North Riverside Health Center (Pfizer)
  • Dr. Jorge Prieto Health Center (Moderna)

- All Illinois Dept of Health Events***

- IDPH call center - All Illinois  1 833 621 1284

- FEMA site - Gary, IN (Pfizer) - Open to all 16+

  • Will take all Illinois residents (FEMA)
  • Can make 2nd dose appointments as well

MAIN DOCUMENT: Quick Links to:

General Vaccine Information

Cook County/ Chicago/ Veterans

Independent Sites/ Clinics

Hospital Systems

City / Township Information

Northeast IL County Info

Other County Info

IL Mass Vaccine Sites

Humans Helping Humans (resources, mental health)

Need Help Getting a Vaccine?

Want to Volunteer?

Are you looking for Volunteers?

News Stories / Media - Vaccine related

*** No one should be asked to pay out of pocket fees for their vaccine***

**PLEASE be mindful of getting vaccines in underserved areas if you are not a member of that community**

**Be aware of scams - especially targeting seniors.  Don’t give personal info (SSN, Drivers license) to people you don’t know**


General IDPH COVID19 Vaccine Info

Chicago SENIORS vaccine plan

Chicago Phases and Vaccine Distribution Info

Illinois Vaccine Locator - IDPH

HCW/ Group 1A vaccine resources

Enroll in VaxText  to be reminded of 2nd dose

Text ENROLL to 1-833-VaxText (829-8398)

Vaccines for Veterans (and their spouses)

VA near your zip code



Alzein Pediatrics

Armitage Pharmacy

Aunt Martha’s

Cancer Treatment Centers of America - Lake County

Doctors Test Center (Lake County)

Erie Family Health Centers ZD PARTNER

EPIC Urgent Care

Esperanza (Call 773 584 6200)

Family Medicine Specialists

Greater Elgin Family Care Center

(847) 608-1344  (630) 313-5300  (815) 363-9900

Insight Healthcare ZD PARTNER

Innovative Care ZD PARTNER   (Doing 1A,1B and 1B+) (not doing vaccines at this time) Click here for instructions on how to get 2nd dose

Kodocare - (Joliet)

Hamdard Health Center

Health Direction Medical Center ZD PARTNER

Heartland Health Center

Holy Family Plaza Pharmacy

Need to follow Facebook page for links to appts

Howard Brown

Humboldt Park Health Call 312 824 6786

Only 65+, First responders, Education, Public Transit

Lawndale Christian Health Center

Michigan Avenue Immediate/Primary Care ZD PARTNER

MIDC (Need to email - click here for more info)

Mini TX Pharmacy (website not updated for vaccine) 

(click here for vaccine info)

Oak Street Health (vaccinating 65+ and patients near their clinics only at this time)

For 1B Senior Signup (Will be contacted when available)

For 1A and 1B essential front line - Waitlist for vaccine:

PCC Community Wellness Center - at Steinmetz) 
Call 1 773 622 5679

ProHealth Pharmacy in Skokie offering J&J, call for appts (have avlbl)  847-423-2242

Pharmica Integrative Pharmacy

Physicians Immediate Care

COVID-19 Vaccination Locations

Rana-Reagan Pharmacy

Xpress Pharmacy

Veterans Hospitals

VA near your zip code

VNA Healthcare


Loretto Hospital (773-996-7937) (not doing vaccines at this time)

Loyola /Gottlieb /MacNea l(708 216 8300)

Hines VA

Northshore University (have to do BOTH 1st and 2nd doses - will cancel your apt otherwise)

Northwest Community

Silver Cross Hospital (only 65 +)


South Suburban Hospital

St. Anthony’s Hospital

St Bernards

University of Chicago



City of Evanston

City of North Chicago

Village of Skokie

Stickney Township

Oak Park Township




Dupage County events:

Lake County special sites and events:
Community Vaccine Sites   Greenbelt, Oak Street - Waukegan, YMCA

Kane County events:

Kane County - 1A, 1B, 1B+ 3/29, 3/30 - March 29/30th









  • Alexander, Edwards, Franklin, Gallatin, Hamilton, Hardin, Jackson, Jefferson, Johnson, Massac, Perry, Pope, Pulaski, Saline, Union, Wabash, Wayne, White, Williamson



  • Adams, Brown, Hancock, Henderson, Knox, McDonough, Pike, Schuyler, Warren




Tinley Park Convention Ctr

North Riverside Health Center

Morton East School Base Clinic

Robbins Health Center

Cottage Grove Health Center

Blue Island Health Center

Arlington Heights Health Ctr

Triton College

South Suburban College

Thornton Fractional South HS

Former K-Mart

Orr Building  (217) 210-8801

Belle-Clair Fairgrounds

Banterra Center

Carbondale Civic Center

Winnebago County

Gateway Convention Center

Oakley Lindsey Center

United Center

Camden Centre

Shabbona Middle School  

Grossinger Motors Arena

18451 Convention Center Dr (COOK)

1800 S. Harlem Avenue, North Riverside IL (COOK Cty)

2423 S. Austin Blvd, Cicero IL (COOK Cty)

13450 S. Kedzie Ave., Robbins IL (COOK Cty)

1645 Cottage Grove Ave., Ford Heights IL

12757 S. Western Ave., Blue Island IL

3250 N. Arlington Heights Rd. Arling Hghts, IL (COOK)

2000 5th Ave., River Grove IL

15800 State St., South Holland IL

18500 Burnham Ave, Lansing, IL

1155 E Oakton St, Des Plaines, IL

Illinois State Fairground, Springfield IL

200 S. Belt E #2650, Belleville IL

Southern Illinois University, Carbondale IL

Carbondale IL

1321 Sandy Hollow Rd., Rockford IL

1 Gateway Drive., Collinsville IL

300 Civic Center Plaza, Quincy IL

1901 W. Madison Street, Chicago IL

2701 1st Street East, Milan IL

725 School St, Morris, IL

201 S. Roosevelt, Bloomington IL
























Dr B - Leftover Vaccine Dose Notification

Facebook Group with helpful tips - CHICAGO VACCINE HUNTERS  


City of Chicago  NEW

Helping seniors and those who can’t leave house with in home vaccines INFORMATION Flyer

 Click here to sign up for program

Mental Health Resources - COVID-19 related mental health

Helpful Tips in Scheduling Vaccines  

For Walmart, Walgreens, and Cook County

Lake Bluff/Lake Forest “Buddies”

Sign up here for help

My Block My City NEW

Helping find vaccines for seniors 65+

Vaccine Volunteers of IL

Disclaimer:  These vaccine opportunities and links were researched and the information presented here for you to use at your own risk. These options can change daily.  There is no guarantee that you will find a vaccine using this resource.  It is meant to help your search.

 IMPACT is not affiliated with ANY of the groups/organizations listed above.  

VOLUNTEERING to help in Vaccine Clinics

**For VOLUNTEER opportunities GIVING vaccines/helping in clinics  in the greater Chicagoland area  (Medical/ Non-Medical) fill out form for information on what is available:

Are you an organization looking for volunteers?

If you are an organization looking for volunteers, please contact us at IMPACT We have a list of people who are volunteering with us and can help with:

  • Giving Vaccines and medical help at events
  • Non medical volunteers to help with set up, registration, flow, etc
  • Speak at schools, churches, community events, town halls regarding vaccine hesitancy, answer questions about vaccine, education about all covid related items
  • Help with setting up appointments, and calling people
  • We have volunteers who speak multiple languages as well

Please contact for further information

For more information about IMPACT and who we are, please go to

You can fill out this form as well

Humans Helping Humans

County Information / State and County Events / Chicago

City of Chicago

  • Can call (312) 746-4835 to make appointment
  • Chicago HOMEBOUND residents - help with getting vaccines to your home. Click here for info.

Cook County

General Information

Cook county Department of Public Health

Cook County MASS Vaccine sites  Register Here prior to spots opening up - to be ready ahead

Vaccine Sign-Up Hotline: 833-308-1988 M-F 7am-7pm CT

Specific Cook County Events

DuPage County

General Information

DuPage County Health Department

DCHD now open for registration to *ALL* IL residents! -- They are still invite ONLY though, so everyone will have to wait for an invite to actually schedule

 (requirement to work and/or live there has been removed)

**INVITES SENT BY PHASES to those who have registered, in the order of registration

What Phase is Dupage in?  Click Here

CLICK HERE to sign up to be registered to get vaccine

Specific DuPage County Events

Grundy County

General Information

Grundy County Department of Public Health - General Vaccine Information, Multiple clinics listed here

Specific Grundy County Events

1st Dose Events for the upcoming week will be posted here

Kane County

General Information

For ANY IL resident eligible - need to now click on the appointment link.

Look at website to find out which vaccine will be for each day.

Specific Kane County Events

(Click on Kanevax link above - mult clinics listed)

Lake County

General Information

Lake County Department of Health

ALL IN LAKE COUNTY REGISTER HERE: ALLVAX - Sign up for Lake County Residents for Vaccine

Specific Lake County Events and Locations

  • LCHD and partners Baxter and Curative
  • Will offer indoor COVID-19 vaccinations by appt.
  • Those that live or work in Lake County, Illinois, ages 16 and older, at no cost.
  • When vaccine supply allows the facility to reach its peak capacity of 5,000 vaccinations per day,
  • currently offering appointments also to AllVax registrants by email/text message invitations
  • Click above link to schedule, or here, scheduling on the Doctors Test Center (DTC) site.
  • Site operated by DTC, along with the Health Depart,Village of Deerfield and Deerfield Park District.
  • Please do not contact the Patty Turner Center for appointments.
  • Drive thru/Walk thru appointments on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays
  • scheduled through the AllVax system.
  • Lake County Health Department with the support of the Illinois National Guard (mostly JandJ),
  • Catholic Charities at 116 Lincoln Avenue, Round Lake
  • vaccinations on Saturdays by appointment.
  • Community partners are scheduling appointments through local outreach efforts.
  • Operated by Doctors Test Center, along  with Health Department and Catholic Charities.
  • vaccinations on Saturdays by appointment.
  • Church is scheduling appointments through local outreach efforts and may contact AllVax
  • Operated by Christ Church volunteers, along with the Health Department.
  • Right now, walk ins accepted (Pfizer and Moderna)
  • Vaccinations by appointment through the AllVax system.
  • Lake County Health Department, with support of the Illinois National Guard.
  • As of April 12, the site has transitioned to offer exclusively walk-through appointments.
  • 3363 Sheridan Road, Zion, Opening on April 26
  • operated by Passport Health, along with Health Department and Lake County Partners.

Madison County

General Information

  • Must show proof of Illinois residency or Illinois employment in one of the occupations in Phase 1a, Phase 1b, or Phase 1b+
  • Must be eligible to receive the vaccine under Illinois Phase 1a, Phase 1b, or Phase 1b+
  • Must attest that you are eligible in one of these phases
  • Even if you completed our January survey and meet this criteria, please feel free to schedule an appointment
  • If you do not have computer access, call 618-650-8445 for help scheduling an appointment. 

Specific Madison County Events

McHenry County

General Information

McHenry Department of Public Health - Information from health department, place to sign up for vaccine info

4/5/21 2nd Site to open in McHenry - at Willow Creek Church - Read about this here

Specific McHenry County Events

Will County

General Information

Specific Will County Events

Other Northern Counties

County Dept of Health Link

Events in County

Who is Eligible?

Boone County

1st Dose Clinics

April 23, 2021:

April 29, 2021:

May 6, 2021:

2nd Dose  Only Clinics

April 27, 2021:

May 4, 2021:

May 11, 2021:

May 18, 2021:

May 25, 2021:

All Boone County residents 18+ (they mostly have Moderna)

DeKalb Cty

Register here for Info on vaccine - will be contacted by them

Livingston Cty

Livingston County information about ALL events

  • First Baptist Church (515 N Ladd St, Pontiac, IL)
  • Dwight United Methodist Church (701 S Columbia St, Dwight, IL)
  • First Baptist Church (701 N 7th St, Fairbury, IL)
  • Woodland Com. Unit School Dist 5 (5800 E 3000 N Rd, Streator, IL)

Mostly Livingston Residents

Other Counties - Southern and Central

County Dept of Health Link

Events in County

Who is Eligible?

Adams County

Quincy, IL - for ALL residents now.  Go to website to see which vaccine

ALL Illinois

Jackson County

Jackson Cty Covid 19 Appointments - SIUC Banterra Center/Arena and Carbondale Civic Center (check appointment site to know which vaccine)

Southern 7

Alexander, Hardin, Johnson,

Sangamon Cty

ALL Illinois

Vermillion Cty

Most, ALL Illinois now

State of Illinois - Events

  • Start at the website below to fill out an eligibility survey.  
  • Each event that you may qualify for, states its own county residency requirements (so for some, if you don’t live or work there, you might not be able to get an appointment, or it will be cancelled).
  • Groups: 1A, 1B, 1B+

State of Illinois Vaccine sites - open to ALL residents

These Sites have stated ANY RESIDENT above 16/18 in Illinois (regardless of phase)


Events not needing to be in main section (2nd dose, appear mostly full, etc)

  1. 5/8 & 5/15  Berwyn HS event (Berwyn only)Moderna(1st dose)
  2. 5/10 South Shore Cult Center - IRA/City Chic 21+ J and J Walk in (one shot)
  3. 5/8  Blue Island / Rana-Reagan /Ward 5  16+ Pfizer Walk in (1st or 2nd dose)
  4. 5/8 Logan Square/Avondale - Mothers Day 18+ J&J (one shot only)
  5. 5/6 Schaumburg Convention Center 16+ Pfizer (2nd dose 5/27)
  6. 5/4 Moody Church Event 16+ Pfizer (2nd 5/25)
  7. 5/4 Elmhurst / Berkeley  16+ Pfizer (2nd 5/25)
  8. 5/5 New Trier HS - Northfield16+ Pfizer (1st dose)
  9. 5/5 Doctors Rx & Lindenhurst Family Prac.Pfizer/Moderna (1st or 2nd dose)
  10. Loyola Acad/Wilmette - 16+ Pfizer 4/30
  11. CNH Ind/Healthy Rx Burr Ridge 18+ Moderna 4/30
  12. 5/1 Center on Halsted - Ward 44/Chicago 18+, for all, J and J 
  13. 5/1 Jay Stream MS - Carol Stream /Dupage 16+ Pfizer (2nd dose 5/22)
  14. 5/1 Indo American/West Rogers Park 18+ Moderna (2nd dose 5/29) Anyone
  15.  5/1 Mall of India/Naperville/Shots of Hope - 18+ Moderna  (2nd dose 6/5)
  16. Carol Stream/ Rana-Reagan Comm Ctr -16+ Pfizer,Walk In 5/2 (1st or 2nd dose)
  17. Chatham-Avalon Church - 4/29, Moderna
  18. ASPIRA High School event April 30th
  19. Wauconda/Grayslake - 16+ Pfizer April 29
  20. Salvation Army/North Chicago 5020 N Pulaski April 29th, Pfizer 16+
  21. Ward 47 Seniors - contact for vaccine
  22. Howard Brown Health - April 24th
  23. Hoffman Estates - 16+ April 24th Pfizer
  24. Glendale Heights - Moderna/18+  April 24
  25. Woodridge - Moderna/18+ April 24
  26. Glenview - April 28th Moderna
  27.  Itasca Park District - J&J/Disabilities - Apr 20
  28. Chicago Faith events - 3 events, all 18+, Apr 17
  29. Ward 2 event - ALL Chicago residents April 22
  30. Naperville - 4/20, 4/21 ALL over 16 (Pfizer)
  31. Lake Bluff/Lake Forest - April 18th event
  32. Hillside event - April 14th, May 5th
  33. Schaumburg township All IL +18 - SAT Ap 17
  34. Resurrection Catholic Church - April 16 (Joliet)
  35. Warren Township - April 16/ May 7
  36. Wilmette - April 14th
  37. 46th Ward Event - Tuesday April 13th
  38. Humboldt Park Residents - April 17th
  39. 33rd Ward Event - April 19th
  40. 48th Ward Event - April 6th/27th

Doctors Rx and Lindenhurst Fam. Practice 5/5


Lindenhurst Family Practice:

We are SO excited to announce that, in coordination with our on site DrsRx Pharmacy, we are hosting a COVID 19 vaccine clinic at our office (3021 Falling Waters Blvd, Lindenhurst IL, office suite C) this coming Wednesday, May 5th from 4pm to 8pm.

Anyone 16 years of age and older is eligible.

To Sign up, click on the link below and follow instructions:

On Wednesday May 5th, if you have made an appointment, between 4pm and 8pm you will be directed to the suite C, or side entrance of our building and will wait in your car for further instructions. We will be administering the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines.

We can do your first OR second Pfizer or Moderna dose, just bring your vaccination card if you’re coming for the second one. There will be a second day to complete the series next month!

Rana Reagan events May 2 and May 8


Moody Church Vaccine Event

Jewel-Osco will be providing a two-dose COVID-19 vaccine event hosted at the Moody Church on May 4th!

Date and Time: Pfizer 1st dose on Tuesday, May 4th (8 am to 2 pm) with 2nd dose on Tuesday, May 25th (8 am to 2 pm).

Eligible: Ages 16 years and older.

Schedule appointments for the 1st dose:

Note: 2nd dose will be the same time on Tuesday, May 25th.

Location: The Moody Church is located at 1630 N Clark Street, Chicago, IL, 60610.

What to Bring? One form of identification (preferably photo-ID) and insurance card (if available). Printed and completed consent form which will be sent to your email.

Parking or Transportation: Surrounding metered streets or nearest pay to park garage is at 1730 N Stockton Drive, Chicago, IL, 60614. Recommend using a taxi-cab, ride-share, public transportation, or arrange for pick-up and drop-off.

Instructions: Wear loose clothing (short-sleeves or no sleeves) to allow for ease of vaccine administration on the upper left or right arm. Arrive no earlier than 10 minutes before the appointment. Plan for up to 1 hour from start to finish.

Questions? Contact:

North Chicago - 5020 N. Pulaski

Our COVID-19 vaccination clinic will provide 1,200 members of the local Chicagoland community with their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine

About this Event

The Compassionate Care Network is proud to partner with Senator Ram Villivalam, Alderman Samantha Nugent, Representative D'Amico, NWSOFA-Indivisible, Osco, The Salvation Army, and other partners to provide 1,200 doses of the Pfizer vaccine to community members.

We aim to offer preventative healthcare in an equitable and comprehensive manner. This event is free of charge and open to anyone 16 years of age and older. You are not required to be a Chicago resident to attend.

Vaccine appointments are approximately 15-20 minutes and will take place from 8AM to 2PM on Thursday, April 29th at The Salvation Army Mayfair Community Church. You will be automatically scheduled for your second dose on Thursday, May 20th at the same appointment time booked at the same location.

We will have appointment slots every 15 minutes on a first come, first serve basis. Your ticket time reflects your appointment time. We ask that you arrive promptly at your appointment time and allow a few minutes for parking and registration. Please bring a photo ID. No insurance necessary.

Naperville 4/20 4/21 1st dose, 5/17, 5/18 2nd dose

PFIZER vaccine

VACCINE CLINIC in Naperville - Register Now!

We are excited to announce that Rep. Janet Yang Rohr has partnered with the Islamic Center of Naperville  to bring a VACCINE CLINIC to Naperville from IDPH.  We have two dates, April 20 & 21.  Everyone 16 and older is eligible.  Here is the link to register:

2nd dose 5/17 and 18th

City of Chicago Faith events


  1. DATE:APRIL 17, 2021

TIME:8:00AM - 3:00PM


ADDRESS: 752 E. 114th AVE.

Sign up here:

  1. DATE: APRIL 17, 2021
    TIME: 10:00AM - 3:00PM


ADDRESS: 3200 E. 91st ST.

Sign up here:

  1. DATE: APRIL 17, 2021

TIME:10:00AM - 3:00PM



Sign up here:

Cook County Health - Summit Park District

Vaccinations for residents who live/work: Summit, McCook, Hodgkins, Justice, Bridgeview and Chicago Ridge.

✅Summit Park District Rec. Center, 5700 S. Archer Rd., Summit

📞Schedule an appointment: 312.864.0591, M-F 7A-10P & Sat 8A - 10P. Spanish and English speakers available.

Resurrection Catholic Church

Resurrection Catholic Church, in conjunction with Queenship of Mary Catholic Church, will be hosting a Mass Vaccination event Friday April 16th from 9:00 am to 3:45 pm.  This event will take place at Resurrection Catholic Church, 30W350Army Trail Road Wayne IL.

How to register for a vaccination:  Tuesday April 13th at 8:00 am, visit Resurrection’s website---  Look for the link to guide you through the process.  Any questions, you may call our office (630) 289-5400.

To schedule your appointment, visit


Where: Resurrection Catholic Church, 30W350 Army Trail Rd, Wayne, IL 60184

Date: April 16, 2021 (Friday)

Time: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Vaccine: Pfizer

Total Doses: 1100

Dose 2: May 7, 2021

The Pfizer vaccine is for 16 years of age and older only. No one less than 16 years old may register for this event. All 16 and 17-year-olds require parental consent (parents must sign a consent form)

All registrants must meet the current eligibility requirements

Warren Township Center

The Warren Township Senior Center (in Gurnee) will be holding a COVID-19 vaccine clinic on Friday, April 16th. This is a PFIZER clinic. Must be able to attend both dates 4/16 & 5/7.  Open to all 16+

Those who are 16 or 17 must have a parent/legal guardian present.

A copy of your drivers license & insurance card will be needed. See flyer for more information. No walk ins. Registration required.

Register at:

Hillside event

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14TH, 2021 –First Dose

WEDNESDAY, MAY 5TH, 2021—Second Dose

Please make sure you arrive 15 minutes before your appointment time. Address of the Union Hall is: 4550 Roosevelt Road, Hillside. You will be directed to the back of the parking lot to park. Please wear vaccine appropriate clothes (short sleeves) to expedite the process.

GET APPT HERE:    April 14th, May 5th

Wilmette vaccine event

From Village of Wilmette


12:30pm – 2:30pm

The Village is hosting a Moderna vaccination clinic tomorrow and needs to fill open slots. Open appointments are available between 12:30pm – 2:30pm.

The second dose clinic is scheduled for 4 weeks from Wednesday (5/12/21).

If you are interested in registering for an appointment, please send the below information to Alex Arteaga (

First name

Last name

Home address

Date of birth

Cell phone


City of Lake Forest/ Village of Lake Bluff

PROTECT OUR TOWN. We're offering 500 first doses of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine next Sunday, April 18 at Deer Path Middle School.

Free appointments are available for *anyone* who lives or works in Lake Forest, Lake Bluff, or Knollwood who is at least 18 years old. To schedule your appointment, call (847) 485-0220 this Monday and Tuesday (April 12 & 13) between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. A self-scheduling link will be released Wednesday to access remaining appointments.

Visit for more information.

Thanks to our partners: City of Lake Forest, Illinois, Lake Forest School District 67, LF/LB Vaccine Buddies

Schedule will be put out Wed on village website with remaining appointments

Illinois Restaurant Association - City of Chicago Event April 13th

The IRA has partnered with Mayor Lightfoot and the city of Chicago, Northshore Clinical Labs, and Alderman Samantha Nugent (39th) to accelerate the accessibility of the COVID-19 vaccine for restaurant, hospitality and foodservice workers employed in the city of Chicago. The IRA will be hosting multiple vaccination events for foodservice workers in Chicago in the coming weeks.

Sign up now to receive the single-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine Tuesday, April 13 from 9:00 to 5:00 p.m. at Eugene Park Field House, located at 5100 North Ridgeway Ave. in the Albany Park neighborhood of Chicago. Click here for more information on the facility. Attendees are strongly encouraged to use public transit or ridesharing to travel to the event, as street parking is limited.

We encourage all operators and employees to take advantage of this opportunity to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.


Things to Know

Individuals must work at a restaurant, hospitality, or foodservice establishment in the city of Chicago.

Vaccines will be administered by appointment only.

Vaccinations are available for those who are 18+ years of age.

Individuals must provide proof of employment to verify eligibility at the time of appointment (i.e. paystub, business card with employee name, letter from employer/manager, employee work schedule, etc.).

Vaccinations are free and available to any worker regardless of immigration status.

Please bring your government issued ID.

If you have health insurance, bring your card with you (health insurance is not mandatory).

Please complete and bring the Vaccination Administration Form (complete page 1).

The form will be emailed to you 72 hours prior to the vaccination event.

Acceptable Forms of Identification:

A state-issued ID

Driver's License / Temporary Visitor Driver's License (TVDL)


Consulate card

Chicago CityKey

MAKE APPOINTMENT (Remember:  Need to be in hospitality/food, and work at a rest in city of CHICAGO)


Ward 46 event April 13th

46th Ward Vaccine Event- call their office to make an appointment

Vaccine appointments are currently available for those currently eligible in Phases 1A, 1B, 1B+, and 1C. Weiss has available appointments on Tuesday, April 13th, and Tuesday, April 20th from 12:30 pm to 2 pm in 10-minute intervals for 46th Ward residents. For your appointment, you'll need to bring a form of I.D. with you (Driver's License, CityKey I.D., library card, Military I.D., or another similar form of identification). The vaccine is free and you do not need insurance; however, please bring your insurance card if you have one.

Itasca Park District

Bartlett Vaccine event - Bartlett Residents only 16+ (all phases) April 13/May 4

Bartlett Vaccination Event on 4/13 **Just opened to ALL IL residents**

The Village of Bartlett has partnered with the Jewel-Osco, Bartlett Park District, and Jain Society of Metropolitan Chicago to host a large Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination event for Bartlett residents who are at least 16-years-old, regardless of their insurance coverage or immigration status. Anyone who is 16 or 17 years old is required to have parental consent and their parent with them at the time of their COVID-19 vaccination appointment.

The first dose will be given on Tuesday, April 13, 2021 from 9 am - 5 pm and the second dose will be on Tuesday, May 4, 2021 at the same time you scheduled your first dose. Both vaccines will be administered at the Bartlett Community Center located at 700 S. Bartlett Road.

Registration will be on a first come, first serve basis due to a limited number of vaccine doses. 

Kodocare - Pfizer, anyone

Lots of Pfizer 1st dose appointments open tomorrow, April 8th. ALL AGES 16+ WELCOME







St. Colettas (Minutes From I-80/Lagrange Rd)

18350 Crossing Dr.

Tinley Park, IL 60487

1st Dose Pfizer Appointments

For Details And To Book An Appointment:


Mini TX pharmacy - new, offering vaccine

Mini Thương Xá Pharmacy -- 1069 W Argyle St, Chicago, IL 60640, Uptown

CALL to schedule: 773-728-1007 (and support an AAPI run small business).

Unclear if this is limited to Chicago residents/ workers only - says 1A,B,C. may have J&J.

Languages spoken:




Chicago Zip Codes Events - J and J vaccine, mult dates

To ensure equitable distribution of vaccine, this site is currently restricted to residents of 60617, 60619, 60620, 60621, 60628, 60633, 60636, 60643, 60649, 60655, and 60827.

Proof of address is required on site and must match the information provided in registration. No Government issued ID or insurance required.

This site is administering the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) vaccine. This is a single dose.

The City of Chicago will not provide vaccination to anyone under the age of 18.

Chicago State University (J&J)

No children allowed on site.

Orland Township (April 12th/ May 3rd)

Monday, April 12 Event at Georgios Banquets Open to

 Orland Township Residents in Phase 1B and with Underlying Medical Conditions

or Otherwise Eligible Under Phase 1C

In partnership with Jewel-Osco, Orland Township will offer the COVID-19 vaccine by Pfizer-BioNTech to 2,300 people qualifying under Phase 1B and Phase 1C.

This includes persons with cancer, diabetes and other underlying medical conditions, as well as clergy, restaurant staff, and workers in energy, legal, retail and transportation and logistics.

The first dose of the vaccine will be administered on Monday, April 12 at Georgios Banquets, 8800 W. 159th St., Orland Hills. The same residents will then return to Georgios for the second dose on Monday, May 3. Both events will run from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Person must commit to both dates)

If you have not received the Covid-19 Vaccine yet, please request your appointment today!. Township residents also may contact Orland Township at (708) 403-4222 or email us at

48th Ward Event

48th Ward Alderman Harry Osterman, in partnership with Jewel-Osco, is hosting a one-day COVID-19 Vaccination event at the Broadway Armory.

Tuesday, April 6, 9am - 5pm. This event will be by appointment only, for people who live or work in the 48th Ward. We are prioritizing seniors and essential workers with these appointments. All individuals in Phases 1a, 1b, and 1c are eligible for appointments, click here to more information on which phase you are eligible for. There is no charge for the vaccination.

When making your appointment, you will automatically be registered for a second dose appointment at the same time in exactly three weeks, on Tuesday, April 27, at the Broadway Armory, 5917 N. Broadway. We cannot guarantee a second dose if you are not available both days.

Bolingbrook event - April 1st

Bolingbrook - April 1

Mayor Mary Alexander-Basta is excited to announce that The Village of Bolingbrook is partnering with Jewel-Osco Pharmacy to host a 1-day vaccination clinic event at the Bolingbrook Golf Club this Thursday, April 1, 2021!

This is the first of two clinics currently available through Vax Up Bolingbrook, an initiative to connect residents to resources and vaccination clinics. However, the registration process will be handled entirely through Jewel-Osco Pharmacy for this specific event. Osco has their own requirements. To receive the vaccine, you must present the following upon arrival:

- State issued ID

- Insurance Card

Currently, you are eligible to receive a vaccine if you are a Bolingbrook resident and meet any of the following criteria:

Age 65 years and older

Qualify in 1A, 1B, & 1B+

They will take registrations on a first come first serve basis for Thursday’s clinic using the following link:


As this is a limited event, we expect it fill up quickly. You must have an appointment to receive the vaccine. WALK INS will NOT be accepted.

If you are unable to register for this event, you can still Pre-Register on for future clinics, including our COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic April 5 – April 8

Ward 34 Vaccine Event

Part of PROTECT chicago Plus

Woodson Regional Library

9525 S. Halsted St, Chicago, IL 60628

Need to be 18 yrs or older and live in Roseland and Washington Heights

Ward 47 Seniors

ATTN: Chicago 47th Ward seniors

65+ Contact Alderman Martin's office for help getting vaccinated:


CALL:  773-868-4747

Our office may be able to connect a limited number of 47th Ward seniors with a vaccine appointment in the ward this week. If you know a 47th Ward neighbor who is 65 years or older and needs a vaccine appointment, please let them know to contact us. We need help spreading the word especially for those seniors who may not have Internet access!

Please only contact our office about this opportunity if you're a 47th Ward senior at this time. We will keep you updated if we're able to connect other eligible residents with vaccine appointments in the future.

You can confirm if an address is in the 47th ward at

Hoffman Estates event (April 1/April X)

The Village of Hoffman Estates is hosting a COVID-19 vaccination clinic on Thursday, April 1. This first dose (Pfizer) clinic is open to those who live or work in Hoffman Estates and meet one (or more) of the following Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) criteria: 1A, 1B, 1B+

For further detail on who is included in each vaccine phase, visit the IDPH website.

The clinic will be held at the Hoffman Estates Village Hall, located at 1900 Hassell Road. Vaccines are provided at no cost. Those who receive their first shot on April 1 will be scheduled to receive their second shot at Village Hall later in the month. Please bring identification that shows Hoffman Estates residency or work address: state ID, Driver’s License, U.S. Passport or work ID will be accepted. Please note that you should not receive any other vaccine within the 2 weeks prior to the COVID-19 vaccine.

The Village has partnered with the Hoffman Estates Park District for clinic registration. Please do not contact the Park District with questions; the Village's Health & Human Services Department can be reached at 847-781-4850. Click below to certify your eligibility and register for an appointment.


Kane Vaccine site - through Kanevax

Now for all IL 1A, 1B, 1B+

You can see which day has which vaccine

Click Appointment link to schedule.  

Check back frequent as even if full, sometimes appts are cancelled.

Daley College - City of Chicago, Chicago Residents

All Chicago residents who meet eligibility(16 and up) - Pfizer Vaccine

Currently restricted to residents of 60609, 60615, 60616, 60617, 60619, 60620, 60621, 60628, 60629, 60632, 60633, 60636, 60637, 60638, 60643, 60649, 60652, 60653, 60655, 60827. (As of April 12th)

RUSH event - Austin neighborhood ONLY- March 26th- 28th

If you are 18 years or older and live in Austin, you are now eligible to get your COVID-19 vaccine. NO ID and NO Health Insurance are Required. Catalyst Circle Rock Charter School 116 N. Central Ave., Chicago, IL 60644

COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective, and offered at no cost. An appointment is required, no walk-ins accepted. To schedule your appointment, visit, scan the QR code below, or call (312) 563-0767.

United Center - More Appointments, 17 zip codes

Hey Chicago... We have open appointments for United Center through the weekend. Seniors, people with underlying conditions, and essential workers who live in any of these zip codes can book an appointment at HTTPS://EVENTS.JUVARE.COM/CHICAGO/UCPOD/ using code CCVIVAXCHI21.


WEST RIDGE - Chicago-- Prism Health Lab is opening a NEW vaccination site at 6301 N. Western beginning TOMORROW 3/10.

CALL: 800-325-1812

Register Online:

NOTE: 150 vaccination slots designated solely for eligible 50th Ward residents (HT Alderman Debra Silverstein, 50th Ward)

For More information:

QUINCY, IL - NOW vaccinating ANY IL resident above 16  updated 3/27/21

  • illinois Mass Vaccination March COVID Clinic Dates (Quincy Location)
  • The Adams County Health Department is offering Covid 19 vaccinations to the following people:
  • Individuals living in any Illinois County who are over the age of 16!!
  • 18 for Moderna/J and J    
  • 16 for Pfizer

UNITED CENTER: OPEN for all Chicago

  • Register online, visit Projected to handle much higher volume of appointment requests. Zocdoc will show real-time appointment availability and eligible residents will then be able to select a date/time and book an appointment online. Date of birth will be required when booking an appointment to confirm vaccine eligibility.
  • Register by phone, call (312) 746-4835. A multilingual call center will be available to help seniors make an appointment.  This call center will be available from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday. 
  • Given the anticipated high demand for appointments, residents who can use the web site should book their appointments online. While the call center has 200 staffers, those who need to use the call center will very likely experience lengthy wait times. ***updated**** Calling right now, is a good option and doesn’t take too much time!!


Attn WEST ENGLEWOOD, GAGE, LITTLE VILLAGE, CHICAGO LAWN : Free vaccinations starting TODAY 3/1 for all residents 18+ (via Esperanza Health Centers, part of the #ProtectChicago Plus program)

Text VAX to 773 207 3133 you will get a call back in 24 hours (or call 773-584-6200 to make appointment.)


We ask all patients to please bring any type of ID with an address (an expired ID is acceptable) or any piece of mailing with an address to your appointment.

ONGOING EVENT  (Posted new 2/24) - North Lawndale

Residents of **NORTH LAWNDALE** -- a new vaccination site opened up 2/23  open to ALL North Lawndale residents 18y & older at Lawndale Christian Health Center (inside Homan Square Community Center) 3517 W. Arthington St. To sign up, call 872-588-3VAX (3829    #ProtectChicago
Zipcodes that are eligible 60623, 60624, 60612, 60608, and 60632
Also if you live in
Archer Heights and are 18 and over

Helpful Tips and Hints


Helpful hints and tips from public

Who ?


(section taken from CVH on Facebook - from a post from Andy Ha)


  • No account required.
  • Website says which vaccine is offered.
  • For Pfizer and Moderna, first and second dose appointments are explicitly booked online.
  • Allows standalone second doses; asks which vaccine was given and when.


  • Each person must use their own account in their own name to book.
  • Website says which vaccine is offered.
  • For Pfizer and Moderna, first and second dose appointments are explicitly booked online.
  • Allows standalone second doses; asks which vaccine was given and when.


  • Free online account required to book, but you can use your account to book for others.
  • Says which vaccine is offered when booking.
  • If applicable, second dose is scheduled during the first appointment.
  • If booking a standalone second dose, make sure the manufacturer and date align, and bring vaccine card with first dose information to the appointment.


  • No account required.
  • Specifies whether the vaccine is one-dose (i.e. J&J) but doesn't say whether two-dose vaccines are Pfizer or Moderna. Call store to confirm if you need to know in advance.
  • If you get the first dose at Jewel, they'll schedule the second dose in-store during the first appointment. Usually 3 or 4 weeks after the first dose for Pfizer or Moderna respectively at the same time and location.
  • Allows standalone second doses; asks which vaccine was given and when.


  • No account required to book; just enter the patient's personal information.
  • Doesn't say which vaccine is offered when booking online; call store to confirm if you need to know in advance. If applicable, second dose is scheduled during the first appointment.
  • Note: paid Costco membership is not required for vaccination.


  • Free online account required to book, but you can use your account to book for others.
  • Doesn't say which vaccine is offered when booking online; call store to confirm if you need to know in advance.
  • If applicable, second dose is scheduled during the first appointment.
  • Note: paid Sam's Club membership is not required for vaccination.

***General Tips- basic approach on how to get a vaccine ***

  1. Hospital Systems: Start by checking where you are a patient (various hospital links) (even if all you had done was an xray, you most likely have a portal).  Set up portal, find the area where you make appointments, and try to make one for covid 19 vaccine!
  2. Pharmacies and Clinics:
  1. Midnight is a good time to check many places.
  2. (Most Reliable) CVS Tends to open spots….like clockwork. Type another state first on the first screen (ie KY) and THEN IL when it asks again - although lately not needing to do this as more appointments are opening.  Still figuring out what sites to put in - can try Waukegan, Northbrook, Oak Park produced random locations.  Try various sites.  4/2 CVS opened it’s J&J vaccine slots all at midnight with the others.
  3. Also at midnight -- Physicians Immed Care has been releasing RIGHT at mid. BEFORE mid: Click on the reserve button in the location you want, have form at bottom filled before then. Search bar open! Click fast!
  4. Sam’s Club has started to release at midnight also.
  1. Walmart sometimes has some midnight (Niles, Cicero, Northlake and Glen Ellyn tend to be open then)
  2. Walgreens has been dumping BIG numbers of appointments, but at random times (has not been as reliable for me!).

Advocate Aurora Health System

**GOOD to TRY**

  1. Many sites now have DIRECT LINKS (See “Start Here” section)
  2. Log into your Advocate Aurora account 
  3. If you are a patient you can download the app Live Well to your phone and schedule from there. Or just go to your Portal
  4. If you are NOT a patient with Advocate, then you can create an account by going to this link:

  1. Once you are logged in, go to the top and click “schedule appointment”
  2. Option for “schedule covid 19 vaccine” will appear if you meet criteria
  3. If you are unable to create an account, or are a patient and do not see the link, and are having trouble, please call: 866-443-2584

Cook County Registration for Vaccine

CCDPH Website

**GOOD to TRY**

  1. Before NOON (or when appts released) : Pre-register at and get a registration code (you may have one if you registered before - check your email for an email from
  2. Any IL resident can use this site now - opened to any ELIGIBLE resident (Cook county eligibility)
  3. BEFORE the time that they open appointments:
  1. Go to the link and sign in using your unique registration code
  1. At NOON:  Continue to refresh the page and try to grab an appointment.  Need to be fast to be able to confirm it.  May have open spots for several hours. Keep refreshing….may take a few hours.
  2. Other option is to call: 1833-308-1988.  May take a while to get through, but once you do, you most likely will get an appointment.  If busy, keep trying. .
  3. This line is god for 2nd appointments also that you can’t find other places.

Any IL resident  in 1A, 1B, 1B+ and higher education staff, government workers and media.

March 29th: Add: Rest staff, const trade workers and religious leaders


**GOOD to TRY**

  1. Tend to drop new appointments at midnight .
  3. Also you may need to first click a different state that has appointments (Kentucky seems to work well!), and then the next time it asks, put in IL.
  4. Then answer screening questions.
  5. Question: Select location to be vaccinated - NOW you can put in Illinois - Other (unless you want Chicago)
  6. Answer questions about eligibility.
  7. Then put in zip code/city/state right before midnight.  
  8. Wait until it is exactly midnight, and then hit search.
  9. Once you click a time, it saves it for 30 min as you put in the info.
  10. CVS stores that have been stocking J and J tend to be:  Bensenville, Canton, Dekalb, Kewanee, Lemont, Waukegan, and Wheaton (they go fast btw, so need to be ready if that is all you want)


1A, 1B who live OR work there.

All Else:

1A, 1B, 1B+ who live or work in IL

Innovative Health Care (no appts at this time)

Will typically announce on their facebook page a few minutes before they release.

(3/23 7:24 pm)  If you have had a first dose of vaccine at Innovative health care, you will need to change your location for your 2nd dose.  Email here or call 312-746-4835 (need the code sent)

1A/1B only


Need to set up an account with Instavaxx - Click on Register and put in information first.

  1. Instavaxx does community events, but their main location for appointments is “Halsted”.  
  2. Register then when on vaccine appt page, first choose vaccine (on left hand side).  For now, they primarily have Pfizer.
  3. Then choose location on right - Halsted
  4. It will show if any dates available with vaccine, otherwise, will ask if you want to be on waitlist.
  5. Mark yes, as they will email you when spots available again.

Loyola University

**GOOD to TRY**

Do not need to be a patient, set up a patient account, they release several times a week.

  1. Call 708 216 8300, press option 1
  2. They will help you set up a patient portal (can only call for one patient at a time)
  3. Best to call earlier in the morning - 7am is a good time, but random times have worked as well
  4. May be on hold for a LONG time, but once portal set up, can then check back daily for appointments
  5. Appointments tend to get released at midnight

1A/1B only


  • MIDC is opening up a new location at Benedictine University
  • MWF (except for Easter)
  • Anyone 18+
  • Can now take information for appointments
  • Email 
  • Send them
  • Name of person needing vaccine
  • Address (including city and zip)
  • Email
  • Phone
  • DOB 

News Stories and Media - Vaccine related

Three Different Futures for the Johnson & Johnson Vaccine


Johnson & Johnson Vaccinations Halt Across Country After Rare Clotting Cases Emerge  NY TImes


Here’s how to get vaccinated in Chicago and Illinois


Danville, Quincy and More: These Illinois COVID Vaccine Sites Open to Anyone 16 /18+ - NBC Chicago


Chicago-Area Residents Driving Hours for COVID-19 Vaccine - NBC Chicago


Pritzker OKs local officials to vaccinate anyone >16, ahead of deadline Chicago already won’t meet  Chicago Sun Times


Illinois lets Local Public Health Agencies Expand COVID-19 Vaccine Eligibility To Anyone 16 And Older - WBEZ


Jewel Osco giving customers a choice of COVID vaccines - NBC Chicago


Pregnant women are protected by Pfizer’s and Moderna’s COVID 19 vaccines and pass high levels of disease-fighting antibodies on to their babies, study finds - Insider


The Covid Vaccine effort is protecting older people, growing evidence suggests - WSJ


Mass COVID 19 vaccination site coming to southeast Lake County (Deerfield)


Illinois COVID 19 Update: IL reports 1997 new cases, 19 deaths: Phase 4 modifications expected this week