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sacred economics free write 4
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In Charles Eisenstein's essay Sacred Economics the author talks about greed and the balance of nature and the injustice of what people dislike of the inbalance which is basically the bad most goals of human society is to exterminate the evil that torments us on this earth wether it be the smallest thing like trying keep your crops from being infested by wild animals.

When we consider the issue of Economics, some might wonder why greed kills?. Eisenstein's blog post addresses this question because he explains how there is a balance in the nature within its foundations there is like I said a good and evil, where there is greed , there are givers,where the are destroyers there are builders, where there are people who don't care about nature , there are environmentalist.

“For years, following conventional opinion, I thought the answer was “greed.” Why do sweatshop

factories push wages down to the bare minimum? Greed. Why do people buy gas-guzzling SUVs? Greed. Why do pharmaceutical companies suppress research and sell drugs that they know are dangerous? Greed. Why do tropical fish suppliers dynamite coral reefs? Why do factories pump toxic waste into the rivers? Why do corporate raiders loot employee pension funds? Greed, greed, greed.”

This is basically saying greed causes destruction, for those who don't realize theres a saying that goes around like this the rich are getting richer and the poor and getting poorer, In my opinion i think its an imbalance in our nature because things can be done about these problems for example, gas polluting the air .That can stop if factories switch to biofuels or solar powered energy, something that can substitute these toxicants that kill life slowly, animals plants, trees being chopped down for our benefit of the doubt. we strive today to make a better tomorrow for our people who struggle to survive everyday. Yet we encounter greed like its our best friend.

This might make one wonder why greed is so overpowered, if if were up to me i would rebel or protest or even go on strike just to prove that we can make a difference but now a days the greed has gotten to most people on common things that most wouldn't even help because greed is now become a default custom to our civilization and not in a bad way  but a way that most don't realize why can't we feed those that need instead of holding that greed. to me it is an evil seed that has been planted in our heads it's become a spreading virus but its where the balance of nature comes in where there is a evil there is good.

“Another point Eisenstein's makes in his blog post is It is an ideology as old as agriculture’s division of the world into two separate realms: the wild and the domestic, the human and the natural, the wheat and the weed. It says there are two opposing forces in this world, good and evil, and that we can create a better world by eliminating evil. There is something bad in the world and something bad in ourselves,something we must extirpate to make the world safe for goodness”.

this is interesting because i believe in this ideology i believe there is ying and a yang i believe that what comes up must come down. i believe that there is a balance in the nature there are wild and domestic just like life and death or a heaven and a hell so deep within this greed there is sharing and thats the us the people we share ideas with each other and foods we also take care of each other when times are tough no government is not gonna be there at your aid you be better off finding a random person asking for help and they will probably lend a hand.

What we can appreciate about the writers work is how he enlightens us about the balance of life and its attributes. We can look forward to seeing what he writes next, because Eisenstein's is a manual when it comes to the balance in life the difference between the wants and needs also the value of what something is and how greed is a poison that kills. I want people to be aware of what's happening everyday ,this book has changed my perspective on life and the value of money or anything that involves the gift of giving.