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Community Services
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Status Report: Community Services

April - September 2015

Doug Dirks, Jeff Weber, Joshua Young

Strategic Focus Areas

We support the following goals described in Unidata Strategic Plan:

  1. Enable widespread, efficient access to geoscience data
    We monitor and collaborate with data sources to stay apprised of impending changes and to advocate for the needs of our user community. We provide user workshops, tutorials, and community workshops to help build supportive relationships between community members.
  2. Develop and provide open-source tools for effective use of geoscience data
    We promote Unidata tools and software for multi-disciplinary use, with an eye toward finding additional research and educational communities that can benefit from our work.
  3. Provide cyberinfrastructure leadership in data discovery, access, and use
    We work with government and industry data providers to secure access to data for Unidata community members.
  4. Build, support, and advocate for the diverse geoscience community
    We coordinate with our governing committees to find ways to expand Unidata's community participation. We use our web site, electronic newsletters, and social media to keep community members informed about enhanced data services, software tools, and cyberinfrastructure.

    We participate in UCAR/NCAR and NSF projects for underrepresented populations and minority communities (SOARS, AIHEC, outreach to HBCUs). We provide services and tools to facilitate education and research in diverse communities. We work to broaden the Unidata community by participating in student and professional conferences.

Activities Since the Last Status Report

News@Unidata blog

Posts to the News@Unidata blog appear regularly, but not on a specific schedule. Some highlights:

Dependencies, challenges, problems, and risks include:

Community Outreach and Services

The community services group continues to actively reach out to and engage with Unidata community members.

Progress has been made on the following:

Dependencies, challenges, problems, and risks include:

Ongoing Activities

We plan to continue the following activities:

New Activities

Over the next three months, we plan to organize or take part in the following:

Over the next twelve months, we plan to organize or take part in the following:

Beyond a one-year timeframe, we plan to organize or take part in the following:

Areas for Committee Feedback

We are requesting your feedback on the following topics:

  1. Are you using cloud-based services currently or do you have any plans to do so?
  2. We would like to document the use of various open-source services for data management and the user experience associated with those services. We are looking for various size projects (e.g 1 grad student, 1 PI, or a small project ~ 3 people). Do you have any suggested partnerships?

Relevant Metrics

Statistics from the Community pages on the Unidata web site. Comparisons are made with statistics from the previous six-month period.

All community pages

Most recent six months:

 **Note:** This value is artificially low due to an interruption in collection of statistics for blog visits in June, July, and August. (Rough estimate of total unique pageviews: 54,000.)

Top community pages

  1. All blog pages
    19,574 unique pageviews  (27,062 in previous period)
    50% of total community pageviews (67% in previous period)
    **Note:** Statistics collected for blog visits were interrupted after our switch to the new web server on June 16, 2015, which means that the blog pageviews count is missing 2.5 months worth of traffic. The actual traffic would have been significantly higher. (Rough estimate: 35,000 unique views.)
    12,010 unique pageviews (4676 in previous period)
    31% of total community pageviews (11.6% in previous period)
    3714 unique pageviews (3590 in previous period)
    9.4% of total community pageviews (9.0% in previous period)
    3164 unique pageviews (3825 in previous period)
    8.0% of total community pageviews (9.5% in previous period)

Social media statistics, September 15, 2015

  1. # of Twitter followers: 450 (up from 397)
  2. # of Facebook followers: 428 (up from 383)

Prepared September 2015