Mrs. Kuehne’s

     Kinder News

     May 17, 2024

Specials  (KMW)

Monday: Music

Tuesday: Phy-ed

Wednesday: Art

Thursday: Phy-ed


Classroom News

      We had a great day at the zoo.

There were so many cool animals to see and experience. If you have time this summer, it’s worth the trip. Hemker Zoo in Freeport.

     We did some fun activities with butterflies, frogs and ladybugs this week. We learned all about their life cycles.

      Track and Field is Monday. Please watch the weather and dress accordingly. If it is sunny please put sunscreen on your child in the morning. They must have tennis shoes and a throw away water bottle.


REMINDER :  Kindergartners will be taking a trip over to Lincoln Elementary on the 21st. We will have a chance to look around the school, check out the different places in the school and if it’s nice we may even play on the playground for a bit.



 library books are DUE May 9th.


Brenda Kuehne

Lindbergh Elementary


Phone:  616-3287

Helper of the Day



Tuesday: Dylan

Wednesday: Henry


Thursday:  Mrs. Kuehne



What We’re Learning Next Week

Reading: This week will be filled with fun end-of the year activities. We will celebrate all that we have learned and how much we have grown.  


Star of the Week

Upcoming Events

20th - Track and Field Day. Please see the sheet that came home today.

22nd - Ice Cream Truck- Please send $2.50 by May 20th

22nd - Kindergarten visits Lincoln

23th - Last Day of School- Dismissal at 3:05