

S.C. Venkataramani, Buckling sheets open a door to understanding self-organization in soft matter. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(5): 1477–1479. January 2019.

M. Morzfeld and B.A. Buffett, A comprehensive model for the kyr and Myr time scales of Earth’s axial magnetic dipole field, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics (Discussion),, (2019).

M. Morzfeld, X.T. Tong and Y.M. Marzouk, Localization for MCMC: sampling high-dimensional posterior distributions with local structure, Journal of Computational Physics, 380, 1–28 (2019).


J. Ramírez. S. Moghimi, J.M. Restrepo, and S.C. Venkataramani, Modelling the mass exchange dynamics of oceanic surface and subsurface oil, Ocean Modelling, 129: 1 - 12 (2018).

G. Jaramillo and S.C. Venkataramani, Target patterns in a 2D array of oscillators with nonlocal coupling.  Nonlinearity, 31(9): 4162-4201, (2018).


S. Lunderman , Fioroni, G., McCormick, R., Nimlos, M., Rahimi, M., Grout, R.: Screening Fuels for Autoign- ition with Small-Volume Experiments and Gaussian Process Classification. Energy & Fuels Article ASAP DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.8b02112, 2018.


A. Leach, K.K. Lin, M. Morzfeld, Symmetrized importance samplers for stochastic differential equations, Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science 13 (2), 215–241 (2018).

M. Morzfeld, M.S. Day, R.W. Grout, G.S.H. Pau, S.A. Finsterle, and J.B. Bell, Iterative Importance Sampling Algorithms for Parameter Estimation, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 40:2, B329-B352 (2018).

M. Morzfeld, J. Adams, S. Lunderman, and R. Orozco, Feature-based data assimilation in geophysics, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 25, 355-374 (2018).

M. Morzfeld, D. Hodyss and J. Poterjoy, Variational particle smoothers and their localization, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 144, 806-825 (2018).


F. Lu, K.K. Lin, and A.J. Chorin, "Data-based stochastic model reduction for the Kuramoto--Sivashinsky equation", Physica D 340 (2017) pp. 46--57

F. Lu, K.K. Lin, and A.J. Chorin, "Comparison of continuous and discrete-time data-based modeling for hypoelliptic systems", CAMCoS 11 (2016) pp. 187--216

M. Morzfeld, D. Hodyss, and C. Snyder What the collapse of the ensemble Kalman filter tells us about particle filters, Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, 69:1, 1283809 (2017).

M. Morzfeld, A. Fournier, G. Hulot, Coarse predictions of dipole reversals by low-dimensional modeling and data assimilation, Physics of Earth and Physics of Earth and Planetary Interiors 262, 8-27 (2017).

M. Morzfeld and D. Hodyss, What the collapse of the ensemble Kalman filter tells us about particle filters, Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, 69:1, 1283809 (2017).

A.T. Lorenzo, M. Morzfeld, W.F. Holmgren, A. Cronin, Optimal interpolation of satellite and ground data for irradiance nowcasting at city scales, Solar Energy 144, 466–474 (2017).

S.C. Venkataramani, R.C. Venkataramani and J.M. Restrepo, Dimension Reduction for Systems with Slow Relaxation, Journal of Statistical Physics, 167(3): 892--933. 2017.

A.C. Newell and S.C. Venkataramani, Elastic sheets, phase surfaces and pattern universes, Studies in Applied Mathematics, 139(2): 322–368. 2017.

W.S. Rosenthal, S.C. Venkataramani, A.J. Mariano, and J.M. Restrepo, Displacement data assimilation, Journal of Computational Physics 330: 594 - 614. 2017.


J. M. Restrepo and S.C. Venkataramani, Stochastic longshore current dynamics. Advances in Water Resources, 98: 186--197, 12 2016.

J. Gemmer, E. Sharon, T. Shearman, and S.C. Venkataramani, Isometric immersions, energy minimization and self-similar buckling in non-Euclidean elastic sheets, Europhys. Lett., 114(2): 24003. 2016.

J. Choi, S. Sethuraman,  and S.C. Venkataramani, A scaling limit for the degree distribution in sublinear preferential attachment schemes, Random Structures and Algorithms, 48(4): 703-731.

D. Hodyss, C.H. Bishop, and M. Morzfeld, To what extent is your data assimilation scheme designed to find the posterior mean, the posterior mode or something else?, Tellus A 68, ISSN 1600–0870 (2016).

J Goodman, K K Lin, and M Morzfeld, "Small-noise analysis and symmetrization of implicit Monte Carlo samplers", Commun. Pure Appl. Math. 69 (2016) pp. 1924--1951

A.T. Lorenzo, M. Morzfeld, W.F. Holmgren, A.D. Cornin, Optimal Interpolation of Satellite Derived Irradiance and Ground Data, Photovoltaics Specialist Conference (PVSC), 2016 IEEE 43rd, Portland, OR, 2016.

A.J. Chorin, F. Lu, R.N. Miller, M. Morzfeld, and X. Tu, Sampling, feasibility, and priors in data assimilation, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 36(8), special issue dedicated to Peter D. Lax on the occasion of his ninetieth birthday, (2016).

D. Hodyss, C.H. Bishop, and M. Morzfeld, To what extent is your data assimilation scheme designed to find the posterior mean, the posterior mode or something else?, Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, 68:1, 30625 (2016).

A.J. Chorin, F. Lu, R.N. Miller, M. Morzfeld, and X. Tu, Sampling, feasibility, and priors in data assimilation, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 36(8), special issue dedicated to Peter D. Lax on the occasion of his ninetieth birthday, (2016).