Preparatory work

Elisabeth, Empress of Austria, Queen of Hungary 1901

Standing full-length to the right, wearing a white dress with a black and white bodice, a veil, a tiara and a necklace

Oil on canvas, 54.6 x 43.2 cm (21 ½ x 17 in.)


Studio Inventory, p. 17 (97): Lady standing beside chair. Study for a portrait of the Empress Elizabeth of Austria, posed for by Miss Eva Guinness.


The present portrait was one of several preparatory studies for a posthumous full-length portrait of the sitter in traditional Hungarian dress [110806], for which the artist’s sister-in-law, Eva Guinness, sat to him.


Together with a rejected version of the full-length portrait [112109], the present study and a sketch of the Queen’s jewellery [112110], were destroyed in 1947 in accordance with the artist’s will. (for more details about the incineration of the paintings, see [112109]).


For biographical notes on the sitter, see [7857].


AG 2011